Part 15

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Severus turned up at breakfast after Tom and Dan were shouting at each other about the shenanigans that Draco and Harry did the previous night.

"Hello Severus, you've gone out early." Dan mentioned as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I've been out all night looking for Hermione. She took off last night, I don't know where to though. I searched at the places that she would know and been, but she wasn't there." Severus told the two boys.

"Don't worry she will come back." Tom said as his phone started ringing. He had received a text.

'Tom, Dan. I am so sorry. Hermione.'

Tom was puzzled and replied back to her.

'Mione. What R U soz 4?'

Two minutes later, another reply came through.

'I have done something bad.'

'But what?'

'I slept with Alan last night. I feel really bad.'

'Mione where R U?'


'Mione please txt bk.'



'The place where we first met. I'm so sorry.'

"Shite." Tom got up and put his jacket on, picked his car keys up and ran out of the door.

He started the car up and drove off.

Dan looked out of the door to see Tom speeding off down the road.

"Who was texting him?" Dan asked no one.

Tom put his iPhone in the hands-free dock so that he could phone people whilst driving. He called the studios to see if anyone was in today.

"Emma Watson signed in this morning. She wasn't saying much, just smiled and signed the book and walked in." The receptionist told Tom.

"Cheers that's all I need to know." Tom rung off and then dialed Dan's phone.

"Tom what was with you running out of the door like that?" Dan asked when he answered the phone.

"It was Hermione. She's the one who has been texting me this morning." Tom said.

"But Severus has been looking for her all night. Where has she been?" Dan had to ask.

"I don't know where she's been. But I think that we would need to have serious words with a certain person when we next see them." Tom told him straight.

"OH. You have got to be kidding? He wouldn't do that, surely not. No wonder he was asking about her last night. He wanted her for the last time." Dan put two and two together.

"Yeah, she's at Leavesden at the moment. I need to sit and talk to her, without any interruptions from anyone. So don't tell any of the others and please try and get hold of HIM. I will be wanting words with him when I have finished."

Hermione walked around the studios to see that parts of Hogwarts were scattered around the big area. She was currently sat on the sofa in the Gryffindor Common Room.

'What have I done to the people that I love?' Hermione thought to herself.

'I'm in love with both Severus and Alan. I just can't decide who to love the most.'

Hermione curled up on the sofa and fell asleep.

Jade was just walking through the corridor when she noticed that the Gryffindor Common Room set door was open. She walked in cautiously to see that Hermione was laid on one of the sofas. Jade started calling her Emma.

"Emma, what are you doing here? No members of cast are in today. Are you feeling alright?" Jade went over and shook Hermione awake.

Hermione jumped out of her skin and started panicking.

"Hey, calm down Emma, it's only me. Come on, let's get you home." Jade held out her hand so that Hermione could pull herself up.

Hermione started backing away from Jade. She didn't know who she was. Her whole body was shaking with fear.

"Emma?" Jade was now puzzled as to what she was doing.

Hermione had backed herself into a corner. She was trapped and she couldn't get away from Jade.

The cell phone that Hermione had started going off. Hermione started to struggle to find her phone as her hands were trembling violently as Jade tried to help her get her phone out.

Hermione's wild magic lashed out at Jade and knocked her unconscious. Hermione looked at the girl wide eyed to see that she wasn't moving.

'Where R U in the studios?' It was Tom again.

Still trembling, Hermione struggled to reply to the text that she had received. She dropped the phone and ran out.

Tom had found someone who had just come out from one of the offices.

"Hey, you haven't seen Emma, have you?" Tom asked the man.

"Oh yeah she was heading towards the Gryffindor Common Room set. Oh, if you see your other half, tell her that I need that paperwork done ASAP. She was just going to get the signatures from her boss." The guy mentioned to Tom.

"Sure." Tom started running in the direction of the Gryffindor Common Room.

Hermione got up and managed to run out of the set and started to run further down the corridor. And around the corner.

Tom got to the set to hear Hermione's cell still ringing. He entered to see Jade unconscious in the middle of the floor.

"JADE!" Tom headed over to her.

Jade started to come around from being knocked out by Hermione's wild magic. Tom helped her to sit up.

"What in hell did Emma do me?" Jade held her head as she felt a little dizzy.

"I don't know Jade, are you ok?" Tom asked her.

"Yeah, just a little woozy that's all. Why are you here? I thought that you would be at home resting up from last night."

"It wasn't Emma that was here, it was Hermione who is Emma' cousin. Her friend was out all last night looking for her. She texted me this morning saying that she was at the studios. I think she may have left something in her trailer as she is supposedly leaving at the end of the week." Tom explained to his girlfriend and picked up Hermione's cell phone.

They then heard an almighty crash from down the corridor. Jade leaned on Tom and they both headed in the direction of the sound of the crash.

Hermione had managed to find the diving tank that the crew and cast used on Goblet of Fire. She found some rope and stage weights and then tied them to her arms tightly so that no one could untie the Knots that she had made.

She had tears in her eyes as she crashed into some scaffolding poles as she made her way over to the deep tank.

'Well, this is it. I am going to jump in.' Hermione thought to herself.

She had already written a note and left it back with Alan at the hotel telling everyone about her decision and that she couldn't live with loving two guys at one time.

Hermione jumped into the tank and she let the weights carry her down.

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