Part 19: Epilogue

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"We are gathered here today to witness the Soul Bonding of Draco Lucien Malfoy and Harry James Potter. Who does give these two men away?" The Minister asked of the witnesses.

"I, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy give my son, Draco Lucien Malfoy away to Harry James Potter." Lucius spoke up.

"I, Severus Tobias Snape give my best friend's son, Harry James Potter away to Draco Lucien Malfoy." Severus looked over to see the two happy men.

"Well then, let us begin. Harry you're first." The Minister gave the floor to Harry.

"Draco you have been with me through the thick and thin of my life since we first met back in our first year at Hogwarts. I know that you treated me and my friends cruelly, but I could see that you longed to be my friend right from the start. I loved you since I first laid eyes on you in Madam Malkins. If you had asked back in my third year if me and Draco would have ever gotten together. I would have asked for a padded cell and a strait jacket."

The witnesses giggled after hearing what Harry had just said.

"Do you Harry James Potter take Draco Lucien Malfoy to be your bonded soul mate forever?"

"I do."

The Minister turned to Draco.

"Wow, what can I come up with after that vow. Hmm well all I can say is that I love you so much and that I want to be happy for the rest of my life. I love you and your friends and our little boy that grows inside of you."

Harry shied away and held his bloating tummy that held the gift from his parents. A son to keep the family name going strong.

"Do you Draco Lucien Malfoy take thee Harry James Potter to be your Soul Bonded forever?"

"I do."

"Draco, take this ring to give to my friend Harry to show that you are entering your bonding." Neville gave Draco the ring for Harry.

"With this ring, I Soul Bond to you."

"Harry, take this ring and give to my friend Draco to show that you are entering your bonding." Pansy passed the ring to him.

"With this ring. I Soul Bond to you."

"Now that the vows and the rings have been exchanged in front of witnesses. Harry, Draco I now pronounce you both Soul Bonded. You may now kiss to seal the bond." The Minister finished the service.

Draco and Harry looked into each other's eyes and then kissed deeply. A golden glow surrounding them completing the bond.

"So, mote it be." Draco and Harry said together.

The reception was held at Malfoy Manor's grand ballroom. Lucius and his new girlfriend Luna 'Loony' Lovegood were the hosts.

Severus had sat down at the Head Table whilst people were dancing.

"Were we ever like that?" Severus asked his wife.

"I'm not too sure, were we?" His wife smirked at him.

"Hmm I think we were. I see Tom, Dan and Jade are happy to see them together." Severus smiled at the scene.

"Yeah, I know. I've missed them a lot. I'm glad that they are here."

Silence between husband and wife.

"Hey guys come on let's get on the dance floor." Dan came over to pull them both up.

"Hey don't rush us." Severus's wife shouted to them.

Severus got up and held his hand out.

"May I have this dance Mrs. Snape?"

"Of course, Mr. Snape."

They got up and danced on the floor. 'Tell him' was playing softly.

"Severus they are playing our song."

"I know they are. I just want to keep you forever and ever Mrs. Snape." Severus held his wife close.

"Severus, don't pull me tight, you will hurt your twin sons." His wife told him sharply.

"What did you just say?"

"Severus, I'm pregnant with twin boys."

He picked his wife up and spun around, he legs and dress flowing around her.

"I love you Mrs. Hermione Snape."

"I love you Mr. Severus Snape."

The End

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