Part 6

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NB: Time Jump to Christmas.

"Well, I think after all of them months practicing the spell you should be an expert." Lucius mentioned as he stood with Severus in the Great Hall back at Hogwarts.

"Yeah, well I hopefully end up where they landed." Severus looked up at his brother.

"So, Severus you are going to try the spell?" Albus walked up to both of them with Minerva at the side of him.

"Yes, I am. Hopefully I shouldn't be gone too long. I am just hopefully going to get them and come straight back, but I don't know if they will be around where I land though. Fingers crossed they will."

"Well good luck my boy." Albus held his hand out.

"Thank you Albus."

"Jump ut a novus universitiass." Severus shouted and, in a flash, he was gone.

In The Real World...

"And cut. Good work guys. It's a wrap for today. See you all bright and early for the Press Release for the Half Blood Prince." David Yates called out for the end of the day.

Draco, Hermione and Harry had already got changed and were waiting for the others to come off set. That was until another bright white light appeared in the Gryffindor Common Room set.

From nowhere appeared Severus Tobias Snape.

Alan was stood with Hermione with his arm wrapped around her waist. She had just kissed him on the cheek and was about to walk away from the set holding hands. Until she noticed the familiar white light that had brought herself, Harry and Draco to this universe. She pushed Alan away from the scene so that they could go to dinner.

Severus got up and held out his wand to the gathering of people that were walking off the set.


Harry and Draco appeared alongside Tom and Dan.

"Hey Uncle Sev, nice to see you after three months." Draco went and hugged the black clothed man.

"Draco it's so good to see you again. You too Harry. Hogwarts has been too quiet without you three around the school. Where is Hermione?" Severus started looking around the place.

Draco and Harry turned to look at Tom and Dan trying to think of an answer to give the man.

"Come on Draco spit it out boy. Where is my Mione?" Severus was getting impatient.

Harry mumbled something under his breath and Severus couldn't hear it.

"What was that Harry?"

"She's with a friend at the moment, they have gone to dinner. He will bring her back to the apartment that she's been sharing with me and the others." Dan stepped forward to tell the man that looked so like Alan Rickman.

"Ok, well let's go to the place that you have been staying in then and wait for Hermione's arrival back there." Severus told them.

"Ok, are we going back today?" Draco asked his Godfather.

"No not today, in a couple of days when I have built up enough energy to take us all back. Plus, I have things to tell you two as well."

Tom drove Harry, Dan, Draco and Severus back to Dan's apartment where they were to wait for Hermione.

"I'll go and make dinner." Harry mentioned as he got out of the car.

"Yeah, I'll go and help you." Dan shouted out after Harry.

Draco, Tom and Severus made themselves comfortable in the living room. Draco went over to the sideboard and poured out a single shot of Jack Daniels that he had stocked up on over the three months that he had stayed there for.

"Here you go Uncle, it's not fire whiskey but it's as close as you can get." Draco handed Severus the tumbler with a short of the Tennessee malt.

"Hmm, we may have to take some of this back." Severus loved it.

"Or just go to the muggle shop and get some along with a few bottles of Coke." Draco smiled.

"So, Draco, who is this friend who looks exactly like you?" Severus asked.

"Oh sorry. Severus Snape meet Tom Felton who plays me in the movies that are made about our lives. Tom this is Severus Snape from our world, the guy that..."

"Yes ok, nice to meet you Severus." Tom held out his hand.

"Pleasure." Severus accepted the hand and shook it.

Over in the kitchen, Harry and Dan were making a Chicken and Cashew nut stir fry with noodles and soy sauce dressing.

"How are you going to explain that Mione has been seeing his counterpart?" Dan asked the character.

"I'm not sure; I just don't want to break his heart. He is totally besotted with my best friend. I just don't want to see him hurt when she comes home." Harry kept and eye of the chicken in the wok.

"Well, she's getting that City view tonight on the London Eye. He's rented out a pod all to themselves, also he's taking a little picnic basket along with a bottle of bubbly." Dan pulled out a bottle of white wine from the fridge.

"Damn it's gonna be hell of a late one, plus you have the press release tomorrow as well. So, it's an early night for you all." Harry looked into the same-colored eyes as his own.

"Yeah, I think that I will take my things and crash over at Tom's house tonight after dinner so that you can all have some time to talk." Dan mentioned pouring a glass.

"I'm sorry about this mess, I feel like I am pushing you out of your own bachelor pad. I owe you one Dan. Thanks for being a great friend to us all. It's been really cool to meet another version of myself not a hero." Harry smiled and continued cooking.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow at the Hotel. I'm sorry again about this." Harry apologized to Dan again.

"Hey it's cool. Enjoy your night. Nice to meet you Severus." Dan replied and headed out of the front door with his suit bag and an overnight bag. Tom followed him and shut the door.

Three AM...

"You know I should have been at the hotel tonight?" Alan mentioned as he stumbled out of the taxi with Hermione.

"I know." Hermione giggled as she fell on her bum on the pavement.

Alan paid the taxi driver and then went over to help Hermione up off the pavement.

"Come on let's get you to bed." Alan said as he carried Hermione to the front door.

"Thank you for tonight, it's been a great night." Hermione looked up into Alan's eyes.

"It's been a pleasure Hermione." Alan then leaned in and kissed Hermione on the lips full on.

Hermione couldn't resist the kiss.

They stumbled in through the front door still kissing. Alan slammed shut the door and pulled Hermione's jacket off and continued to kiss her.

They ended up in the kitchen still kissing and they slammed into the table hard, Hermione was underneath Alan.


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