Part 10

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"Hi how is she?" Emma asked as she walked into Hermione's room.

"She's still in a coma, but the Doctors are pretty sure that she will come around." Dan mentioned.

Harry and Draco looked up to see Hermione's alternate self.

"Sorry. Introductions are in order. Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy this is Emma Watson. Emma these are the real live characters Harry and Draco." Tom introduced Emma to them.

Draco and Harry both got up and headed down to the canteen on the fifth floor.

"I'd better go with them." Dan got up and headed after the characters.

Emma took up the chair that Dan was sat in next to Tom.

Tom looked at Emma.

"Sorry that you have had to find out like this." Tom apologized to Emma.

"It's ok Tom. I was in America settling in for University. But it was a shock to find out that there were two of you though. But to see Alan as the REAL Snape."

Tom nodded in reply.

"But whatever that Severus Snape has done to Hermione, he's really sorry. I left him fast asleep, but he was crying his eyes out after you had left and I stayed. He poured his heart out to me. He sang a strange song about being with him always. I don't recognize the song, but the lyrics were intense."

"Hmm being with him always? Never heard of a song called that." Tom tried to remember.

"It must be an old song." Emma mentioned.


Hermione was trapped in her own mind. It was like that she was in a constant nightmare.

Hermione: I have a burden of pure vengeance

That I was damned with from my birth

And it will the force that drives me

Until the day I quit this earth

Hermione was at Hogwarts sat at the Gryffindor table when she then heard Draco at the Slytherin table stand.

Draco: You live by treachery and violence

And they will crush you in return

Your destruction is my pleasure

Your spite the fire in which you burn

Hermione shied away from Draco who had moved away from his table to come over to the Gryffindor one.

Hermione: You're the true son of your father

And you are lord of Wuthering Heights

Hermione told Draco as he reached her.

Draco: Burn in hell, you filthy gypsy

Share the fate of parasites

Hermione turned to see Alan Rickman stood behind her.

Alan: I did not love you Hermione

You were the means to other ends

I always knew our ailing offspring

Would never pay me dividends

Hermione tried to move away from Alan's advances. She then sang back to him

Hermione: I used to long for you to kill me

But now I wish you dead instead

I gave you all this woman could do

I was raped, abandoned, all feelings dead

Severus then entered the Great Hall with his robes billowing behind him and walked straight up to his counterpart.

Snape: Spineless Alan, feeble Alan

Hermione wanted only me

Alan laughed at Snape.

Alan: I was constant, I was tender

All that you could never be

Draco, Alan and Snape all sang in unison.

ALL: There's a time for absolution

There's a time for true regret

Hermione turned back to Severus as he started to sing back to her.

Snape: I knew the envy of a family

Which was so easy to destroy

But not so easy oh my Mione

To be the one you could enjoy

Hermione couldn't bare it much longer.

Hermione: I cannot rest in peace without you

And you could never comprehend

My cold and angry isolation

I wait for you brother, lover, friend

Alan pushed Severus away from Hermione.


Death it beckons, sister, lover

All I see is your sweet face

Hermione couldn't choose between them both. She had fallen hard for them both.

Hermione: Whether man or whether devil

Still the love I can't replace

They all moved towards Hermione.

ALL: There is a time for absolution

There is a time for true regret

There is a time to beg forgiveness

Hermione stopped everyone advancing towards her like a pack of dogs.

Hermione: But the time is here not yet

I curse the God or man that made me

I curse the life I had to lead

I curse the years ahead without him

I curse my hunger, I curse my need

Hermione tried to escape the nightmare but couldn't. The song was replayed over and over again in her mind.

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