Part 14

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Are the two chosen ones for both the Dark and Light sides together? Well both Tom Felton and Daniel Radcliffe were seen together down at London's famous nightclub 'The Rose bowl' in rather 'strange' positions.

Both left the Rose Bowl and headed into a cab and then headed home to an apartment in Camden Town.

Contacts at Warner Bros have given no comment on both the actors' personal lives outside of the filming production of the biggest selling JK Rowling's Harry Potter series. Even both their agents are giving no comments.

"WHAT IN HELL DID THOSE TWO DO LAST NIGHT?" Tom shouted out loud after reading the headline on the front of The Sun newspaper.

Dan walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, keep it down Tom; you will wake the whole neighborhood. What's wrong?" Dan sat down at the breakfast table and started to pour a cup of coffee.

"This is what is wrong. Draco and Harry went out last night down the Rose Bowl and ended up getting paparazzi taking pics of them in indecent poses."

"Oh, guys what did you go and do now?" Dan banged his head on the breakfast table.


Hermione woke up to see that she was a strange hotel room with a man at the side of her. She turned to see the face of her lover's counterpart.

She managed to slide out of the bed and head over to the bathroom so that she could clean herself up so that she could make a quick escape.

Alan woke up moments later to hear the shower running. He looked to see that Hermione's clothes and her person wasn't in bed.

He grabbed the hotel bathrobe and headed towards the steamy bathroom.

Hermione wrapped the large fluffy towel around her and then headed over to the sink to start cleaning her teeth.

"Good morning Mione." Alan wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.

Hermione jumped a little and looked into the mirror. She turned and kissed Alan on the cheek. Hermione smiled at him.

"So, what do you want to do?" Alan asked the teen.

Hermione shrugged her shoulders in reply still not being able to talk.

"How about I take you to dinner and then to see a show on the West End." Alan mentioned to her.

Hermione looked at him and then pointed at her clothes that were on the toilet lid. Alan turned and looked at the clothes that she wore last night.

"Hmm so you need some new clothes. Well, that can't be helped. So where do you wanna go instead then?" Alan hugged Hermione again.

Hermione smiled at him and pushed him out of the bathroom so that she could change into her clothes.

Alan just went back to the bed and went to sleep again.

Hermione peeked out to see that Alan was asleep again and she tiptoed across to his trousers and took some money out of his wallet and wrote a little note on some spare paper.

She grabbed her cell phone and the keys to the apartment and left the hotel room.

Hermione showed her cell phone to the doorman asking for a cab to Leavesden Studios. She had something on her mind.

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