Chapter 10 - Strawberry jam (Hah, I hate school)

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Author's Note: Friends, is it wrong to have a crush on a guy but ship him with another guy and have a slight crush on his pair too? XD It's like... You want him ....but the want for him to like the other guy is greater.

Saw the random photo? Yass. Comment if you recognize the pairing xD

*sigh* life of a yoai fangirl.

Enjoy the chapter!!!!

Marshall's POV

Damn, only an idiot would be excited to get back to school on a day like this. I sighed raspily and ran a hand through my tangled bed hair.

The sun was shining through my ripped curtains and god, did I hate sunlight at times. I rolled to my side are reached my hand out for my phone.

It lit up dimly but not dim enough "Fuck. It's almost lunchtime" I said out loud to absolutely no one really.

I resisted the urge to cut class (again) and I went through my usual routine, fed Schwabs and got my ass to school.

I finally dragged my body to school half-heartedly. I was excited for nothing more than for band club this year, pretty much like last year.

I ran a hand through my hair which became a habit of mine as I walked through the hall carrying my electric guitar and it's thick case behind me.

I then hear a couple of whispers.

Whispers, both from girls and boys... Hah.

Most of them were mumbled and unclear. I rolled my eyes though when I heard one of them say 'Well, well. Looks like The King is back.'

It was hard to tell if it was a compliment or just plain sarcasm. I just smirked and kept on walking, it was too early to start some trouble.

I made my way to the lunchroom even though I was past late for my next class.

Nothing was on display at that moment so I had to go to the kitchen. All that was left were a couple of sandwiches. Strawberry jam, yum. I took 3.

I made my way through the main hallway to get to class, still chewing on my sandwich. I guess my next class is ... English? Yeah.

I entered the class not bothering to knock. Ah, my favorite teacher... The one who never fails to yell at me every single damn year. "Hello, miss... " I said, taking another bite. What's her name again?

"Just take a seat, Marshall. And could you please not eat in my class? " she said impatiently.

"Oh come on miss-- Uh, Dawson? Yeah, I was just playing around... " I trailed off as I scanned the room.

'Same ol'-same ol' I thought to myself seeing last year's faces. One though was different. His face was hidden behind a text book and I could barely see his strawberry blonde hair.

His pale porcelain neck seemed so red. I didn't think about it for too long though so I sat down in an empty seat at the far end of the class.

I cocked an eyebrow when he finally shakily put the book down. He seemed to be a very suspicious character. He shot me a nervous glance and I finally saw his face.

I started choking and coughing on the last bite of my second sandwich. The whole class turned heads to look at me. All except for him that is.

My eyes tearing up slightly as tried to keep my cool and stop coughing. His body was so stiff and he looked uncomfortable.

'Why is he here?' I thought to my self. 'He never told me that he'd be going to my school. What is this? A sappy romance? [[AN:Yes. Yes, it is. X) ]] I haven't seen this guy in about a week.'

Midnight Pink - An Adventure Time Gumlee / Marshball / Marshall X Gumball FanficWhere stories live. Discover now