Chapter 1 - Love comes at it's own time (Gummie at work)

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Author's Note: Hey guys!! Thanks a lot for reading this, it means WAY more to me than you think. This is my first story on Wattpad so please review/comment, vote, like or hate :) I'm a crazy AT fan and for some reason I fell for Marshall and Gumball/ MLxPG/Marshball/Gumlee!! We all have our own opinions so please, i'm telling you now.. if you don't like the pairing or are against it, LEAVE NOW!! Yea, you heard me!! Fuck off.. Shoo! (Just kidding.. not really..) I'm not really gonna put much dirt into this story (for those lil' innocent hearts out there :3).. but if you want me to... *makes stupid face*... just comment :D Soooo.. please enjoy the story!! :D

Gumball's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my alam going mad.. I shot out of bed groaning, trying to put it on snooze. It was 6:00 in the morning, Im used to waking up so early but my alarm was so loud that it gave me a heart attact! I had to be at work before 7:30 so I atleast had an hour and a half to shower, change, eat, and drive down to the bakery. Yah, I work at a bakery a couple of blocks away, the bakery was just built a couple of weeks ago, it isn't tecnicaly open yet. After a few minuites of staring into space I finally got out of bed, yawned and went over to my bathroom, I splashed some water on to wake me up a bit and i looked in the mirror, I had bed hair and I was in a red tank top and gray boxers, i had a good long look in the mirror, not to be cocky or anything but I am pretty good looking, more or less.. I had a good body too.. im not very built, but it still aint that bad. I am a natural redhead, i have deep blue eyes and I also have a pinkish tint to my skin.. I've been checking myself out for too long so I finaly chose to get in the shower, it was NOT a warm shower but it woke me up atleast. After I got out of the shower I dried off and put on my boxers went over to my closet to pick an outfit.. I got out a red and white shirt, an orange sweatshirt, a pair of jeans and I also had a pair of glasses that I quicky grabbed on (I usually wear contacts but I didn't feel like it today). I ran over to my refrigirator, I grabed a pizza pack and threw it in the microwave and heated it for 5 minuites and then I got it out and stuffed it in my bag, i checked the time and i had about 40 minuites before work so.. i chose to go early, I grabed my phone, my uniform and nametag, my loptop and many other random things I could problbly use later.. i grabed my black backpack, turned off everything in the house, i locked up and headed for my car, i was about to get in but i changed my mind and chose to walk instead, it wasnt that far from my house, it saves gas and i needed the excersize anyway, it didn't take long for me to get there.

I was 20 minuites early. My boss was'nt even there yet, she gave me her extra key to the bakery last week and came it handy quite a lot.. I unlocked the bakery's door and got in, I scooted over to the empty counter and put my backpack down, grabed a chair. I sat there for a few minuites, board. I opened my bag and grabbed my phone and checked for a new message or anything i could do, thank god the shop had WiFi. I heard the door's bell cling as it opened, a lady with green apple bleached hair entered the shop, "Hey Barnaby!! You're a bit early sweetie" she wore a very sweet smile, her name was Frances, she was about 38 years old and she had a Texan accent, she was already wearing her uniform on her as she entered "Oh, hey France.. I just thought id come here early for once" I smiled back. "Well that's great then!" She put a stack of papers on the counter.. "Cuz we've got a lot of orders today sweetie".. Woah, that IS a lot. I went over the pile.. there was a killer silence, I looked back up at Frances, she was already starting on an order so I put on my uniform, the shop's dark green topless cap and a matching aipron and handkercheif with the bakery's logo on it. "Im planning to hire someone new, what do you think Bubs?" she blurted out of nowhere. I looked at what she was making, she was starting on some kind of cupcake batter. "Shure, Why not?" I went over to help her in the kitchen, "...we needed another pair of hands here anyway", I started to help her out with the cupcakes by making some little fondant flowers, hearts and lil' cute animals to put on top. We went from random topic to random topic till'... "so bubs, any girlfriends lately??" She said with a both mocking and excited tone in her voice.. "not really" i answerd bluntly, I never did like that topic. I didn't tell France but it was killing me inside, Im single.. "WHY NOT!!??" she answered ask if she were expecting a different answer, I chuckled at the messed look on her face, "I probobly just have'nt found anybody yet", I said with a sad look on my face, staring down at the red fondant heart that i cut out. "Awe, that's okay sweetie, love comes at its own time.. we shouldn't go rushing at it now should we?? And besides, your a very handsome, smart, sweet, charming, adorable young man, you'll find someone soon" She said patting my back, giving me a warm smile, I smiled back at her thankingly. "Hows you and your husband?" France asked me so many questions, i wanted to ask her something too.. "He's fine Bubba dear, sweetest man on the plannet! Im a real lucky gal to have him with me", I chuckled "I bet you are" I never realy understood women, they're too complicated sometimes.. probobly the reason why im still single.. *sigh ill find someone eventually.

Before we knew it, we were done with 7 different orders and it was already 5:30 I haven't eaten lunch or breakfast yet and I was starving, I totally forgot about the pizza pack i thew into my bag before I left this morng, i ran over to the counter to the place where i left my bag, I dug in and found it at the bottom, flattened by the random things I put in my bag, I took it out "Awwwwhh!" I frowned, it looked inedible, Frances saw my flattened breakfast and started laughing "I'm gonna go get something for dinner in the restaurant across the street, want me to order something for ya dear?" I nodded my head "if its not much trouble.. ill pay ya later i guess.." I said politely and awkwardly starring at the flattened mess, "Nah, it's no problem sweetie, its on the house and you can take a break while waiting for me" she picked up her coat and headed for the door "I'll be right back, sweetie" i waved my hand at her and with that she left..

Frances came back from the restaurant and went into the bakery with two burgurs, two drinks and some fries. I was on my loptop looking for something to read/ videos to watch/ someone to talk to. "Im sorry if i took too long, dear. The sevice there was horrible. I had to wait 40 minuites for our order" I closed my loptop and got up from where i was sitting and headed for where Frances put down all the food.. "It was long, but it's totally fine.. im just glad youre here now. I'm starving France, LET'S EAT!!" We talked about a lot of things but they were mostly about me, i guess Frances did'nt like talking about herself or she was just that type of person who's all ears.. When we were done eating, we continued on a couple more orders till it was late. It was 8:30 when I got out of work, I bid farewell to Frances, and left early for her to close up later on. I actually like work, its the only time when im not all lonely cuz Frances was there, she has always been like.. "the mother I never had" or something like that and i only met her when i signed up for the bakery job just about a month ago.

I started to walk away from the bakery, I was planning on going back home but noboby's there anyway.. so I thought about paying Chrome a visit, I have'nt seen him in ages but then again, he was always with his girlfriend, Cake, anyway. I thought back at our conversation with Frances this morning, Times like this, I wish I wasn't such a loner, in other words.. I wish I had a girlfriend or something, again.. i didnt like that topic. I tried thinking of other things, i was half-way home and i remembered that i left my phone on the bakery's counter, i checked my pockets and my backpack for it and Dang! it was true, i had to walk back to the bakery to get it, hopefuly Frances was still there. Today was almost like any other day this summer, it was borring. I need more excitement in my life..

Author's Note: I hope you like it so far!! Marsh will be coming in pretty soon.. Frances is Tree Trunks BTW (LoooL >_<) If u find anything you dont realy like about the chapter or if you have any suggestions, please do tell (I dont really care about my spelling honestly, I fix them with MS). I will respect everybodys opinion (well, it depends). Laterz Darlingz! till' next time :3 I wish i did this during my summer =_=

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