Chapter 4 - Watch your step!! (Small step, Big change)

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Author's note: Drum roll please!! This chapter is going to be one of the most meaningful ones (I guess) because its gonna be about how the two boyz met.. Back to the first chapter!! :D

Gumball's P.O.V.

It was getting really late.. the streetlights were lit and I was on my way to the bakery to get my phone. There weren't any people in the street tonight. They were all probably busy since it's a Sunday tonight. It seems like it wasn’t the smartest idea, in my opinion, to be walking around here at night because of all the gangs and hoodlums that come out especially at this time and sadly i can't even defend myself, if by any chance, i get into a fight. Putting that sad truth aside, the night was bright, beautiful and filled with stars. It was a warm night but there was this cool breeze that trickled on your skin every now and then. It was wonderful, I was looking straight into the sky. It felt so tranquil and peaceful and I wasn't paying even the slightest bit of attention to where I was going and then.. I slammed right into a light post. “Oww!” well, that woke me up! I hit my nose real hard and my glasses fell off. I hope nobody saw that, nope.. nobody was here only a small stray cat. I guessed I looked really stupid as I bent down to pick up my glasses and put it back on.. I put my hand over my nose and I started to rub it to ease a bit of the pain. I chose to walk again and I was almost at the bakery, I started to hum a little, I then hit another lamp post and this time I fell to the ground "Oh god! Why are there so many lamp posts around here!!!???" I opened my eyes and I realized that it wasn't a lamp post...

Marshall's P.O.V.

I rode a cab to get to this small town, but it’s really not as small as I thought and I have to admit... I was LOST. This place is a ghost town. I've been going in circles for far too long and I have No Idea where I am. I heard some rumours about all the jerks in this town that come out and play at night but this place is fucking empty, but either way I’m not worried, I can take care of myself and besides I’m "Marshall Lee". The only people I could see are just a couple of drunkards and I am not going to take any chances and walk over to some drunk man who’s probably armed with a broken bottle or even a gun or a knife and ask for some directions, I would, but I'm not in the mood to be chased down, I just came back from a one week camping trip. Surprisingly there are loads of bars here in this not so little town; I guess a little drink won’t hurt after I finally find this pansy bakery. I was getting nowhere here so I tried to text Megan and ask her if she knew where the bakery was, I still had my earphones on and the music shut me off from the rest of the world, it’s like my little getaway from the troubles of life, rephrase Music is my life. I was looking through my phone and I bumped into someone and I dropped my phone and my earphones fell along with it. The person that I bumped fell to the ground, butt first. Serves him right.. "Auhg! Watch where you're going you little..." I trailed off and looked down at who I bumped into and it was a dude, he had very obvious red hair and was on the ground. He gave a small squeal as he fell on his ass, "Oh god! Why are there so many lamp posts around here!!!???" he said aloud and that earned him a little chuckle. He looked Soo cute and vulnerable on the ground. Wait, what the fuck am I saying?? ..He looked up at me and he was very embarrassed "I'm so sorry to disappoint you but I'm afraid that I'm not a lamp post" I reached out my hand to him and he hesitantly accepted and I pulled him up "Erm, My bad.." he said rubbing the back of his neck.. "No, its fine, I've been mistaken for a lamp pole billions of times" that was an extremely lame joke, but at least it made him smile a bit "Uhh, by any chance.. do you know where the "Apple blossom" bakery is??" His bluish eyes shot up to look at me. He had a pair of glasses on but I was surprised at how charming, sweet and elegant his eyes were. they looked like—“Um, are you okay??” I snapped out of my trance.. I didn’t notice that I was staring at his eyes “Yea, I’m fine. I was just-- What were you saying again??” I said, trying to keep my cool "I said: That's exactly where I was on my way to actually.." "Well, that’s awesome then, do you mind if I tag along??" I said biting my lip "N-not at all" he gave a plastic smile and with that he asked no more, I picked up my phone from the ground, I put my earphones back on and we started to walk together and I stole a couple of glances from the stranger and I thought. Im over Ashley and i think its about time i found a new one.. i promise this time wont end like the last. Should i try out my new luck on this guy?  It does'nt hurt to try.. right? But then again.. It usually does..

Gumball's P.O.V.

I was on my way to the bakery with some stranger.. I know, with me being such a wimp, a guy like him could just pounce on me at any time and steal my wallet and stuff but my gut told me to trust him, i dont usually trust my gut but i have a problem with saying "No" i find it to be rude. He honestly doesn't look trustable at all.. he looks more intimidating that you think.. with his shaggy black hair, deep blue-green or probably even dark teal eyes and his loose hoodie jacket and his ripped jeans with his earphones on him.. “Don’t judge a book by its cover” my mom's favorite saying.. but just standing next to this stranger made me feel like a nerd, well at least that's what people thought of me in my last school, I got used to being teased that way but this guy was "the picture of cool" maybe I could learn a lot from this guy. We got to the bakery and it was locked, I guess France already left. Auhg, that sucks.. I tried to peek inside but it was too dark to see anything. I looked at the guy next to me and he was on his phone, I guess he wasn't paying attention to anything that was happening, being with this guy was really awkward for me. Shoot, I didn't even get his name.. "Um hi, I'm Barnaby Gumball and I work at this, here, Apple Blossom bakery. What brings you here? And may I have the honour of knowing your name? If it's not much trouble" I said as politely as I can, I didn't want to make a bad impression on this guy but he didn't even look up at me and that made me feel a bit nervous and even more awkward "Um, hello?" He took off his earphones and put his phone in his pocket "Sorry dude, did you say something??" "Uh, yah, I'm Bubba, Bubba Gumball. You are?" "Well, that's a lame name.." he said with a dry laugh. Okay, that was rude and so not funny on my part "Um Right.. and your name is??" "Marshall Lee" he answered lazily “What’s a boy like you doing out here at this time of night??" I’m taking that as an insult "Um, I-i work here and I l-left my p-phone on the counter this morning a-and--" I was stuttering and I have no idea why, he looked at me with a raised brow "You okay man?"  my mind was all over the place, until i remembered that I had an extra key to the shop, I mentally face palmed myself and got the key out of my bag and opened the bakery door and got in, and the so called "Marshall Lee" followed after me.. I turned on the lights and I found my phone safe and sound on top of the counter and I stuffed it into my pocket "What about you? What brings you here??" I hopped on top of the bakery counter and sat down, criss-crossed applesauce and all comfortable in front of this not so stranger "Well, I'm your new work mate.. I think I’ll be the cashier, it depends on what that Texan chick wants" "Wait, you're the guy France hired??" I raised an eyebrow at him and he came over to stand next to me, near the counter.. "Oh, yeah, her name was Frances right? I'm gonna be the amazing Apple Blossom cashier from now on" he said throwing his arms in the air with all the sarcasm in the world "Yah, you do that.. while I'm stuck in the back making cupcakes" "Awe, it’s not that bad Baba.. You're going to get to work with me so cheer up." he said with a smirk.. I gave a snort at how cocky he was.. "It's Bubba.. and what makes you think you'll make my job more enjoyable??" he turned around to face me and he came close, our noses barely touching "I have my ways" is he flirting with me?? Ohmygosh, I started to sweat. "Wow, look at the time, Its 10:30.. I-i gotta get back" I hopped of the counter to get some space to brethe "Damn, is it past your bedtime already??" He said teasingly "Shut up.." I said with a slight blush "Fine. It was really fun meeting you, Gum. I'll see you tomorrow.." he said seductively with a smile, it made me swallow something in my throat and it made me feel all warm inside.. he gave a raspy, little laugh "Oh, and Bubs.. watch out for those lamp posts". I locked up the bakery and I also left for home.. There was something about that Marshall Lee.. It was his aura, his body language.. it felt so different when he's in the room. I started to walk home again and this time I've been thinking about Marshall.. what did all of that mean?? Was it just a joke? Why so sudden? Does he do that to everybody? Is he a player? Is it normal for him to flirt, even with guys? Is he even single? Why am I even asking these things.. I’m straight!! Or am I? I bet girls go crazy over a guy like Marshall. Anyway, I'm going to see him again tomorrow.. I think I actually want to see him again.

Author's Note: Heyo!! Heheh, I just wrote this last Saturday and posted just now.. I'm gonna get a bit cocky here so: I'd want to get at least 7 votes and 5 comments at least before I actually continue this.. is that too much to ask?? And I want your opinion real bad and I wanna hear if its good or not.. and besides, I'm gonna be having my 1st Quarter examination next week so I'm banned from using any gadgets.. and I really have to study for this. Till next time and I hope this time you guys will Vote, Comment, Rate and Suggest :3 I know, I know, the pole/post thing was crappy.. I had to rewrite this thing cuz it was deleted T-T This chapter was rushed..

Midnight Pink - An Adventure Time Gumlee / Marshball / Marshall X Gumball FanficWhere stories live. Discover now