Chapter 2 - Little Lee (Deep down, I really missed you)

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Author's note: I don't give a damn if I only have like... 1 vote or comment, as long as I got some :3 thanks so much to those who're reading.. I reread my first chapter and I said to myself that I can do way better than that =_= i'm having fun doin this story but I'm not sure if you guys like it or not :-/ so Pleeeeeaaase comment.. I need it to keep my spirits up o.o (Even if it is judgemental, just friggin comment!!) Pls. Enjoy!! :D

P.S. I don't own the story's cover photo or Adventure Time (but hell, I wish I did ;-;) btw, whoever made this cover pic. is awesome.. I promise ill draw my own very soon (one that will not ruin my reputation =_=) :3

P.S.S. when I said Marshall will be coming in pretty soon.. I meant next chapter ;)

Marshall's P.O.V.

It's been a long day and I just came from my dad's old music shop, I left early and let Finn take over while i was gone for the week, guess it was a really bad idea to let him watch over the shop for an entire week, but Jake is probably there with him anyway. I left early coz I was packing for the little camping trip I was forced into by my cousin Megan. I ran all over my room and threw some underwear, shirts, some shorts, pants, my toothbrush, another pair of converse, coats, i put my laptop in there too, my earphones and etc. in the travelling bag I had. It was some last minute packing. Schwabl (my dog) was running all over my house jumping over my furniture.. like the little mongrel wasn't making things any easier, he was everywhere! He was a black miniature poodle, a crazy dog that won't stop barking and won't stop pissing me off.. I heard my phone ring, and it was ubber loud, I looked all over my room but I couldn't find it.. Gah!! it was probably in one of my huge clothe piles, I looked around and I eventually found it sitting under my bed, I let out a sigh of frustration, it probably fell there when I was playing some games in my phone this morning, I picked it up and it was Megan.. I answered her call: "What's up Megs?" I answered with a little rasp in my voice as I sat down on my bed. "Hey Marsh, how ya doin with all the packing? Me and my dad will pick you up later at 4:00, you ready?", I sighed and ran my hand through my onyx hair and I looked at my jacked-up room "Honestly Megs, I'm fucked up.. my room is a total mess, but ill probably finish-up before you get here" I checked the time and it was 2:05.. I have about 2 hours to finish up. "You mean, you only started packing now?? Dude, you won't make it! I could come over and help you or I could tell my dad to give you little more time or--" "I'm fine mother.." I cut off her off with my sarcastic tone "Shut up, I just wanna help dude..." she said irritated "I'm FINE. Dang Megs, what's up with you?? You Okay?" I said with a little bit of awkward concern in my voice "What do you mean?? I'm just fine.. Nothing's wrong with me!!" Yep, something was wrong with her.. "Right.. I gotta get back to packing.." "Whatever Marsh.. see you at 4:00" she hung-up and I put down my phone on table next to my bed. I got the rest of the things I need for the camping trip, my sleeping bag, my bass, my mp3, some snacks-- Wait, where the hell is my Mp3 player?!? ..Damn, I forgot.. I left it over at Fionna's last week, I have some hot songs in there that would be great for the trip.. I have to go over to her house and get it. I got up and grabbed my phone and took a cab going to her house, the cab driver was one hell of an annoying bastard, he kept going on about "politicts, traffic and junk" the creep even tried to ask me about my personal life.. i tried to tune him out but he was too fucking loud!! so I decided to call Fi and tell her I was coming, after 5 tries she still wasn't answering her phone.. Oh well, I guess, I'll just have to surprise her when I get there..

I was finally at her doorstep so I peeked through her window but I couldn't see anybody, I was about to knock but then the door suddenly swang open.. The person who opened the door was a big girl with hazel eyes, tan skin and light brown hair, I could see that she wasn't too happy to see me but I guess she was kinda used to it cuz I was always with Fiona in school anyway. "What do you want, boy?" she said a bit harshly "Hey, Cake, where's Fi?" "She's in the shower.." she narrowed her eyes at me "Oh, okay. I can wait, I guess.." we both stood there at the door step for a couple of long, awkward seconds with Cake glaring at me.. "Um, can I at least come in??" Cake sighed and hesitantly stepped aside gesturing me to enter.. I walked in and sat down on one of their couches, they had a big house, well, bigger than my rented apartment room at least.. Cake was keeping her distance from me and was still staring me down.. "What?" I cocked my head at her lazily "I don't trust you Lee.." she said frowning "Awh, why not kitty?" I said innocently "I just don't..." she folded her arms, she was one sassy girl "Fair enough" I chuckled "There's just something about you Marshall Lee--" i was about to react but Fiona finally came out of the shower. What do girls do in the shower? All they have to do is wash off; why the hell do they take so long?? She had two towels, one wrapped around her head and the other wrapped around her figure, she had a couple of blonde locks peaking from the towel around her head, She had strawberry skin and a pair of bright blue eyes and she was honestly really gorgeous, but she was only a friend to me and I know she felt the same way.. "Hey dude, I wasn't expecting you to be here, you could've at least told me you were coming so you don't have to see me like this" her face flushed a little.. "Cant I just see a friend Fi? And besides, I tried to call you like 5 times" I leaned into the couch, She went over to check her phone "Oops, 5 missed calls from Marshall Lee.. my bad. I was in the shower" "Ain't that obvious?" I guess sarcasm became a bad habit for me "So.. any other important reasons why you "dropped by" today Marshall. Hmmm?" she raised a brow at me "Um, yea I left my Mp3 here at yours last week and im gonna be going somewhere later with my uncle for a week.." I bit my lip and remembered that I had to go back to my apartment room and finish packing, I checked the time and it was 2:48 "Oh yah, it's up there in my room ill just go change and get it" she went up to her room and locked her door. "So what was that again?" I looked Cake in the eye "Auhg, never mind Lee. Just-- BE GOOD." Cake walked out of the living room, ''No promises.." I said to myself. She left me there in the living room and went off to do something else i picked up a photo Cake left on their coffee table, it was a picture of Fionna when she was a baby.. "Woah, she was SO fat back then!!" I said laughing "Who was??" I quickly put the picture in my pocket and stood up and turned around to look at whovit was.. Fi came out of her room not wearing her usual getup, today she wore a white short sleeved button up shirt and a pair of jeans, instead of wearing her favourite bunny hat she tied her hair into a messy ponytail with her bangs flowing on the side "Think fast!" She threw me my Mp3 player and I caught it "Thanks Fi, gotta go.. I need to finnish up with some packing and junk" I gave a quick wave and dashed out of the house and took another cab back home.. I hate cabs..

I was back at my rented apartment room and I put the rest of the things I needed in one of my two huge bags. Uncle Ryan and Megz wasn't here yet, I was so board, so I put all my bags on the couch and I sat down next to them and waited for Megan and my uncle to call again. I sat on the couch and Schwables hopped right on my lap, I started to pet him and sing the song I've been working on:

I was starring deeply into the dark night sky

I only saw a glimpse of light,

I tried to reach out for it

But I never caught it

It seemed so impossible and I felt so alone

As it went even farther away

And disappeared into the night

But one day it came back for me

To give me another chance

I guessed it really liked me

I guess you truely loved me-


Ohhh~~ 3x

You were the only one,

Who ever really loved me

You were the only one who cared

And now you're right next to me

Fast asleep in my arms

I would never want to lose you..

Your the only one I have

Your the only thing id ever want to have--

I was cut off by a rough knock on my door.. I stopped singing and I pushed Schwabs off my lap and I went over to my door and I peeked through the door hole, "Finally..." I opened my door to a girl a bit shorter than me with my same Onex hair down until mid-shoulder, she had a little hint of tan to her skin so she wasn't as pale as me, she had one red highlight stroke on the left side of her black hair and some side sweep bangs on the right side of her head, she had Dark brown eyes and she was wearing a red shirt with random black patterning on it, black sleeves and some skinny jeans "Hey, Marsh.. my dad's waiting outside. Im so excited, LETS GO!!" She said as enthusiastically as she could fake it "Oh god, Megs.. why the hell do I have to come again??" I said irritated and lazy.. "Cuz.. me and my dad haven't spent much time with you this summer and we want to know what you've been up to and Ummm.. my dad really wanted me to come with him on a father-daughter trip but I wanted to bring someone along cuz I'm not all comfortable with the "father-daughter thing" and I can't bring my boyfriend cuz my dad doesn't like him at all and he wanted it to be family time so..." "So.. you chose to bring your funny, awesome, talented, good-looking, hot, bad ass cousin with ya?" I smirked as I put Schwabs in his pet carrier "Uh, yeah, whatever and-- I kinda wanna spend some time with you too, dude." She shrugged, and I looked at her "Awwww, I'm both flattered and sickened at the same time.. Nope, mostly sickened" I said jokingly "Auhg, shut up you bastard!" she hit me hard and grabbed one of my bags and started to go down the apartment stairs "Oww! well, you got stronger over the summer, I'll give ya that.. have you been working out??", "This is what I get when I try to be sweet to an ass" she mumbled to herself angrily, I grabbed the rest of my things and Schwabs, and chased after her.. "Awe, don't get all mean on me couz, you know me, I'm just playin" she sighed with annoyance "Shut up Marsh, my dad's waiting for us in his van.." we both went down a bazillion stairs and started to run when we heard uncle Ryan beeping loudly, "Hurry up you two!!" We finally got to the bottom and realized we could've took the elevator, I saw how pissed Megz was when she realized it too.. it was funny yah, but no time for that now, if we didn't get in my uncle's van now, he'd probably Explode! We ran outside to my uncle's Gray van, Megan threw my bags and my red guitar and Schwabs in the trunk as I hopped in and she did the same.. "Do you have any idea how long I waited for you guys!?" Yes, that was the first thing my comical uncle said to me after not seeing me for so long "It's good to see you too uncle Ryan" I said trying to catch my breath.. "So dad, we're we goin' for dinner?" Megan said, obviously starving "Oh someplace special, we have a lot to recap on about our Little Lee" I rolled my eyes.. "I have a bed feeling about this trip"

Author's Note: Who knows "Childish Gambino"?? I only listen to him cuz he's Marshall's Voice Actor ;P but anyway.. I hope your liking it so far :D please Vote, COmeNt and suggest!! Laterz Darlingz :3

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