Chapter 8 - Confirmation (Getting ready)

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Author's Note: I lied.. This is much later than expected ;P What? It's my sembreak.. and I had a lot to do (not really) we just finished a lot and I've been so distracted by someone <3. The way how I write is kinda shitty cuz I don't do spacing.. everything is one huge paragraph. I honestly, tried it back when I first started writing. I'm just not used to it.. :-/ hopefuly this one's good though!! :)) Enjoy!! (the Editing ain't that good either)~

Everything around me felt fuzzy. I tried my best to remember anything but I only felt myself being carried by a pair of strong arms and all I could make out from above me were a pair of gorgeous teal eyes.

Hmmm, those look familiar. What exactly happened to me? Where am I? Who or what's my carrier?

Eh, I honestly couldn't bring myself to care that much because I felt... safe.

I noticed my carrier was moving only when he stopped and gazed down at me and I saw a very familiar face, bluish-green eyes, jet black hair, pale skin and bow shaped lips. Beautiful.

All I wanted to do is reach out and caress his face but my arms felt limp and useless at the moment. I couldn't think straight at all.

He stood still then held me tighter, his lips slightly parted and he looked at me with something I couldn't tell in his eyes. He leans in closer, ever so slowly, our faces only inches apart and-- I WOKE UP. What!?

It was only a dream. I was dreaming about Marshall?! I couldn't remember anything from last night apart from saying goodbye to Marshall's friends and he walked me home... right? RIGHT??

My head is pounding badly and I have no idea why. I sat up in my bed and I looked under my sheets and my eyes went wide.

I almost couldn't believe it, my cheeks flushed red with embarrassment... I-I have a-- Let's just say that my little friend is happy.

Me, having that is RARE. Images of Marshall flooded through my thoughts once again and it was all too tempting to just and make it go away but before I could do anything, Pepper walked into my room.

I scrambled to cover up my 'little problem' (not that it's little or anything!). Pepper walked in, holding a tray filled with assorted breakfast dishes on it.

Pepper has been gone to visit a relative over the week and I honestly missed her company and assistance in my home. "Sir, you are awake. Why so early?"

She gave me a weary smile that showed how much she missed me dearly. "I got used to waking early on my own while you were gone" I smiled back at her, momentarily forgetting about my discomfort under the sheets.

She laid down my tray on my nearby study table and walked over to the edge my king sized bed and sat down properly like the lady she was. Her smile dropped as she sucked in a deep breath before she spoke.

"Who was he?" She spoke softly but her tone was dripping with concern.

Who was she talking about? "Pardon?" I knitted my brows together in confusion.

"The young man that brought you to our doorstep, drunk." she raised her voice which meant she was about to give me a scolding.

Drunk? Me? If it was true, I guess that's why my head was hurting so badly. I could make a wild guess who she was talking about.

I was about to speak but she cut me off. "You're better than that, Bubba. Do you have any idea what this would do to your family name? Or if your parents were to find out about this incident? I'm worried about you and I'm telling you this because I care about you. I would also like you to be a bit more careful when you pick your piers or if he's more than just a friend which I will not allow! I believe the boy I've seen was not the best choice of a friend, I have a terrible feeling about him and--"

Midnight Pink - An Adventure Time Gumlee / Marshball / Marshall X Gumball FanficWhere stories live. Discover now