Chapter 7 - Toxic Air (A night with a bad influence)

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Author's Note: Hey~ Look who's back! First of all.. If you’re reading this right now, you are blessed with a wonderful gift, and that gift is called: Patience (it’s pretty rare if I do say so myself). Let’s make this quick... I Lost this chapter and found it again, Finished it and right when I was about to post it, it got deleted (yippie!). It took a day to get over it and I rewrote the entire thing (twice) on my Language notebook (for some reason) and It took time to type it in my phone and edit it in my computer. Tuesday was supposed to be a holiday but our school was like: 'Hey! Why don’t we have classes while everybody else is home, enjoying themselves?' Same thing goes for Saturday -_- Hope you enjoy this chapter anyway ;P

Bubba's P.O.V.

I'm on my way home like any other day but this time I've got someone walking along with me. The walk Marshall peaceful and the silence was not at all awkward up until Marshall Lee hatched up one of his not so 'great ideas' and pretty much almost ruined my night... Almost.

The time I spent with Marshall and his friends from Adventure Time High was really fun, I made a lot of new friends and they were just great people. It was some day! But now, I'm just on my way to my home with Marshall, it’s pretty late and I’m sure Pepper Mind would be hitting me with tons of questions.

"So, Gum..." Marshall's voice peirced into the peaceful silence. He stuffed his hands into his rip jean pockets and looked at me. "You got anything else planned for the night?" his features were calm but his eyes gleamed with mischief. He had something planned and I just know it "I dunno, Marshall. My maid is waiting for me at home and i bet she's really worried." "C’mon, it’s gonna be fun!" I fiddled with my fingers to keep myself from looking into his perfect eyes. "Er, I really need to g--" He harshly grabbed my arm and started pulling me down the town streets. "Gah!! W-where are we going?!" I breathed out heavily as we dashed past some street lights. He tore his eyes of the street walk to look at me, he gave me his signature smirk, which I'm already very familiar with "You'll see~" was all he said so I sighed. I should've walked alone.

After running down some streets for god knows how long, we came across a dark street side area I've never really seen in this town before and the bad feeling I’m my gut got even worse and my breath hitched. Around the corner was, obviously a bar OH. GOD. "No." I said as sternly as I could to Marshall. "Don't be such a sick in the mud, Bubbz!" he said urging me to go in "It’s not that... it’s just that i shouldn't be here. It’s not right. Are we even allowed at this age?" I frowned, but Marshall smiled like he did this a thousand times before (it’s a safe bet) "It’s gonna be alright. I just want to show you a fun time, you big KJ" he said teasingly and I rolled my eyes at him and turned my attention to the front of the bar wrote a sign and it wrote 'Pattie's' and it was made of hundreds of colored lights that stood out in the night sky. I was about to say something else but I was already pulled through the bar doors.

As I stumbled in, the strong smell the alcohol and burnt cigarettes hit my lungs and throat almost causing me to gag at the foreign sent but i held it in. I and Marshall were earning looks and glares from majority of the people in the bar and that caused me to cling a bit closer to my black haired companion. Unlike me, Marshall just smirked and brushed off all the looks we were getting. We both walked up to the counter and sat ourselves down. "Hey, Patt?" Marshall yelled out and a woman in her early 20s with tanned skin, hazel eyes and short brown hair popped out from under the counter, holding a cocktail glass. "Marshy! You're finally here." She said with a seductive smirk in her tone "Yeah. Hit me with a raspberry martini will ya, Pattie." He said lazily waving his hands off to the female bartender and she just raised her brow at him. "You sure? You're on in a couple of minutes" it was his turn to raise a brow at her "Oh, Pattie... Don’t you know me anymore?" He said with a playful grin. "What does she mean 'you're on'? Do you have a show or something?" I know its rude to dip yourself into others conversations but I was really being left out and that was somewhat rude too. "Aw, hello there! Who are you?" Patt said to me as if I were a lost 5-year-old. I frowned and Marshall let out a little laugh "Oh, he's just a new friend of mine" He winked at me and I blushed a little and Pattie handed him his red, alcoholic drink and he downed it fast. "Psst! Marshall, he's a real cutie. Tell me where I can get one." She whispered to him but I could still hear her and that caused me to blush even more. "Is there anything I can you-- uh, what’s your name?" "It's Bubba" she smiled at me "I'm Pattie. Anything I can get you, Bubba?" I gave her a half-hearted smile. "Just water please." Marshall snorted at me "No fun" I rolled my eyes at him and Pattie handed me my glass.

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