Chapter 3 - My Crazy "Family" Trip (Me, my Cousin, my Uncle and my Dog)

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Author's Note: Hiya!! Thanks for all the votes, reads and comments and stuff ;P I hope you'll like this chapter, It's gonna be about what Marsh did during the 1 week trip and I'm gonna give a Megan P.O.V. and I'm gonna throw in a random Finn P.O.V. in there too!! :O I'll explain my lame excuse for not updating later. ENJOY FOR NOW!!

Marshall's P.O.V.

We finally got to the eatery that my uncle was going on about "Xeno's Pizzeria", I got out of the van and the first thing I did was Get Schwabs Out Of The Trunk! The cruel witch put him back there with my other bags.. I got him out of his carrier and we all went over to the restaurant. We entered the old eatery, it was huge inside, and the walls were painted dark marble brown, red and black. They also had a lot of paintings posted almost everywhere. "Remember this place Little Lee?" I gave him an awkward look when I heard the nickname "Little Lee" he only used to call me that when I was like.. 7 *sigh. That brings back so many memories. "I guess it's kind of familiar, somehow.." I said unsure, but it did look pretty familiar.. So familiar that it hurt, like some kind of pain built up in my chest for some reason "Dude, It's the place where we celebrated your 9th B-day" oh yeah.. The day when my parents left me! "Oh.." was all I could say, or all I really wanted to say. Uncle Ryan gave us some money and went off to go and find a good table.. Me and Megan went over to a counter to order us some food. The girl at the counter was short, plump, curvy and was about our age, she had brown hair with purple dip-dye at the bottom of her curly locks and she also had dark brown eyes, she winked at me and smiled but then she gave an angry "tsk" at Megan and Megs was puzzled, the girl spoke "Are you two, like, dating or somethin'??" Megan fake-gagged at the statement. "Great, I lost my appetite. No, cheeky.. We're COUSINS" that was the Megan I knew for sure, she has always been like this.. bitter and harsh usually, but she always had that crazy, sweet and childish side to her that everybody loved. "Oh, so your single then??" The girl said pointing at me "Yea, I'm free.. What's it to you cutie??" I said with a little flirt in my tone, "Can we just get 3 fuckin mozzarella pizzas, some drinks and go??" Megan said lazily "Right away.." she gave us two trays filled with all the things Megan wanted and the girl also slipped a little folded paper. I opened it and she had her phone number on it and in the end she wrote: "Call me, hott stuff ;) - Lucy S. Page" [[AN: if you guys didn't get it, it's either you have a problem or I have a problem]] I paid for the food and Megz playfully punched me, "That was disgusting.." I was carrying the pizzas and Megan was carrying our drinks, me and Megan left the counter to go look for uncle Ryan who is somewhere in this huge restaurant.

When we found him we put down all our food on the table and started to eat.. "What took you guys so long, Again?" My uncle says as he starts to cut one of the 3 pizzas we ordered "Oh nothing, Marshall was just flirting with some weird chick at the counter.." Megan said with her mouth full of pizza "What? It's not my fault I'm hot.." I said with a smirk "What's up with kids these days??" "Gotta be one to understand one, old man.." "So.. Marshall, what have you been doing for the first half of your summer??" Megan said as she put Schwabl on her lap "Not much.. I made a couple of songs, work, hanged with some friends and I kinda did some stuff to some of my neighbours.." i took a piece of pizza from my uncle "Oh, god, Marshall. What did you do??" "Remember the freaky guy we nicknamed "Lemongrab" when we were little??" "Yeah.. why??" Megan started to hand-feed Schwabs a pizza "He lives next-door now and I guess I kinda pulled a couple of pranks, here and there.." "As long as you don't end up in jail, its fine with me" my uncle said "So, Marsh.. How's your love life??" I can see that Megan was teasing me, and it was NOT funny "Like what I said to the girl at the counter.. I'm free." "Wait, what?? What about Ashley?!? Don't tell me you broke up.. you've been dating for more than 2 years" "two years too long.." "Seriously Marsh? This isn't a joke" she started to sound so serious "I broke-up with her right before summer started alright? I wasted so much time on her already!! Ugh! I don't want to talk about it, I don't want to talk about her, and besides you know Ashley, she's a psychopathic weirdo.." "Looks like you had something in common after all" The hell with her?! I don't know why she was so upset about it, it's not much of a big deal and this is only between me and Ashley anyway.. "Guys, that's enough.. We're here to bond, not to fight" my uncle said trying to stop us from quarrelling "Fine.." Megan said taking a sip out of her drink. "How's work?" "Well, let's just say that it pays the rent..."

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