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My eyes fluttered open on feeling a throbbing pain in my head, and a pungent smell of phynyel hit my nostrils immediately. Rubbing the sleep off my eyes, once I scrutinized my surroundings, I was certain that it wasn't my room. That's when my gaze fell on the IV drip that was connected to the veins of my left hand.

“How the heck, I even ended up in a hospital room?” I mumbled under my breath.

I tried to lift my other hand up, but a weight upon it was preventing me to do so. I looked down at my hand and a gasp escaped my lips. My body jolted up on seeing a masculine figure sitting on the stool beside the bed. His head rested on my hand while he seemed to be in a deep slumber.

Who the fuck is this guy? Why is he here in the hospital room with me? Did he-

These mere thoughts send shivers throughout every single cell of my body. He squirmed a little in his position, and I immediately pulled back my hand from under his head. Due to my sudden action, his eyes shot up, and he lifted his body up, sitting straight on the stool.

“Oh, you are up?” He asked, stretching his body.

On hearing his voice, flashes from last night came rushing to my mind right away and my body froze right there, silencing every single thought that I was pondering on.

I tried to take my life yesterday! Yes, I fucking tried to commit suicide, and he was the one who had stopped me.

“Are you feeling okay now?” He tapped at my shoulder and I flinched at his touch. I looked up at him cluelessly, and suddenly a thought crossed my mind and this is where I went entirely nuts.

He's from my class, What was his name? My eyebrows puckered up as I tried hard to remember his name.

And then a series of numerous thoughts started whirling in my head like- what if he told somebody that I tried to commit suicide? What if he tried to take advantage of my situation?

“Y/n relax, I'm not going to tell anyone about what happened yesterday,” his voice broke the chain of my thoughts abruptly.

“Ho-how do you-”

“Y/n, I would be thinking the same thing if I were you. Just don't think about yesterday, hmm? I'm not going to tell anybody about this,” he said, interrupting my words midway.

“How can I trust you with this? You …you probably hate me as well, just like everyone. I know that,” I said, looking straight into his eyes, and his expressions suddenly went blank. I could feel uneasiness in his actions as he shifted slightly in his place.

He then took a deep breath and looked up at me again and said, “Listen y/n, I don't know what to do to gain your trust, but you don't have any other option other than trusting me either, do you? And about hating you…yes, I despised you, a lot. I wished to never get involved with you. But it's not the case anymore. I never knew what you were going through.  And, I still don't know exactly what made you do that, but one thing I know for sure is that you're broken inside, and you're in pain.”

His lips pressed in a thin line before he continued again, “After what I witnessed yesterday, I don't think I can hate you anymore. And y/n, just so you know, I'm truly sorry, I really am.”

Not knowing what to say, I just stared at him blankly. None has ever said anything like this to me, and here he was trying to comfort me, and apologizing for hating me. A part of me wanted to believe what he said was all genuine, and he's trustworthy, but a part of me was denying to do so. I've faced so many things in these past few years that people scare me now.

Everyone leaves me in the end, and I truly hate that.

“I know you're going through a lot, but please try to believe me a bit, yeah?” He spoke and I just nodded in reply.

“Why am I here, though? Did you bring me here?” I finally asked.

“Yeah, you fainted yesterday. I didn't know what to do, so I brought you to the hospital,” he answered, scratching the back of his head.

“Oh, I see,” I mumbled, lying back on the bed and closed my eyes shut.

“You'll be discharged in a while, so rest till then, okay? I'll just finish some formalities and then drop you at your place,” he informed me before making his way out of the room.

As soon as he was out, the tears I'd been holding till now, escaped my eyes. I opened my eyes again and stared at the white ceiling while the warm, hot tears continued to roll down my cheeks.

I felt so stupid and angry at myself. How could I take such a step in anger? What if he wasn't there yesterday? I can't give up, I've to live for my mom's sake. I need to live for her, I can't break my promise.

“Thank you for not letting me die, Cha Eunwoo,” I murmured to myself while wiping the tears that were smearing my cheeks.



A/N :)
Please vote and comment my loves!❤

(edited: 11.09.2021)

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