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I received a smack on my head as soon as I sat down on my seat. I turned back to face Moonbin who had an annoyed expression plastered on his face. My brows arched up, asking for the explanation for the smack I just received.

“Where did you go, we all were texting you, but you didn't even cared to check, huh?” He questioned with a poker face.

“I just went to the rooftop for some fresh air,” I shrugged my shoulders, “I thought you all were cracking some jokes, and I wasn't in the mood, that's why I didn't check the messages, sorry.”

“Went to rooftop to get some fresh air with whom? Kim Y/n, huh?” he scoffed, and my eyes widened at his statement.

“What? I saw you following her to the rooftop, care to explain now?” he rolled his eyes.

“Huh, why would I follow her?” I chuckled nervously. “It's nothing more than a coincidence.”

“If you say so.” He rolled his eyes, not convinced by my not-so-stupid answer.

It's hard to convince this kid. I can't tell him anything, even though he's my best friend. I feel guilty for lying, but it's not my story to tell.

“Anyway, what were you all texting about?” I asked, immediately changing the topic.

“Jinjin hyung told us that the school festival schedule was confirmed. It's probably at the end of this month. We've got only two weeks left, so we need to start practicing,” he answered.

“Oh yeah, the school festival. It totally slipped off my mind.” I rubbed my temple as I leaned back on my seat.

“Come to the studio after school, Rocky and I came up with some choreography”

“Oh, that's great,” I remarked, giving him a thumbs up. “I will see you all after the school then?”


I was walking back home after the practice when I saw Y/n sitting by the glass window of the café as usual. I smiled widely, walking inside the cafe. After ordering my drink, I simply plopped myself down on the chair in front of her. Her head immediately inclined in my direction, her brows snapping together.

“Why are you here?” She frowned.

“What do you think people come to a café for?
Of course, I'm here to grab a drink.” I answered with a lopsided grin.

“Why are you sitting here? Go sit somewhere else, there are plenty of vacant seats,” she said with an annoyed expression.

“I'm not gonna steal your food Y/n, and I don't like sitting alone in a café,” I said before sipping my drink.

“But I do like to sit alone, can you please leave now?” She gritted her teeth.

“Oh c'mon y/n, I'm just going to head home after finishing the drink. You can sit here all by yourself then.” I rolled my eyes at her.

“Argh, fine, do whatever you want!” She finally gave up. Her face was telling me that she was annoyed, but I was enjoying the scene. And to be honest, she looked adorable when her small button nose flared up in anger.

“I think it's going to rain soon, do you have an umbrella?” I asked her as I noticed the clouds covering the evening sky outside.

“I doubt I have one, but I'll manage if it rains later, don't concern yourself,” she said flatly, glancing outside the window.

I chuckled at her nonchalant statement and immediately grabbed a pen from my bag to write something on a sticky note and stuck it on the umbrella I was carrying.I checked the time and quickly slurped down the remaining drink.

“I'm pretty late today, I'll be off now. See you tomorrow!” I said, walking towards the door, but not before dropping the umbrella on her lap.


I felt something being dropped on my lap, and I immediately looked down to find an umbrella with a sticky note on it.

Thanks for the company, Y/n. Take this umbrella with you, it'll probably rain on your way back home. You're welcome!”— it read.

I looked back to see him exiting the café, and a smile crept on to my lips unknowingly. I shook my head before sipping my drink as I saw his figure completely disappear from my sight.

“You really are something, huh?" I chuckled slightly, reading the silly note he had left with his umbrella.

I don't exactly remember the last time someone cared about whether I was carrying an umbrella on a rainy day or not. It was always my mom who used to nag me about not to forget the umbrella, unless I want to catch the cold. I've forgotten how it feels like when someone cares for you, but for some strange reason, that small gesture of his unexpectedly warmed my heart.

You can't let him get close to you”— my inner voice immediately reminded me.

The people who cared for me suffered in the end, and a few people stabbed me in my back, who I thought maybe cared for me. I'd always been pushing people away from myself, and it's going to be the same for him. I'm not going to let him get close to myself, and I don't want to trust him either. What if he is the one to hurt me in the end, nor do I want him to suffer in the end because of me.

It's better this way for both of us, and it's for his own good.

Shrugging all the thoughts away, I walked out of the café with the umbrella he had lent me. It was already raining, so I didn't have any other option but to use it.

“Well, thanks Cha Eunwoo. Honestly, I don't like to be drenched in rain,” I mumbled to myself, looking heavenwards.


A/N :)

Sorry for being a lazy ass and not updating the chapter for almost a week , I'll try to update more regularly from now onwards.
Please drop your reviews in comment box and don't forget to vote! Happy Reading❤

(edited: 17.09.2021)

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