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Y/n's pov

I was called home early in the morning today for god knows what reason. This is really annoying to be honest , I was supposed to hangout with Eunwoo today. Why am I even here in the first place!?

" Dad why was I called here? Is it something important?" I asked my father who was sitting on the couch across the coffee table.

" Can't I call my daughter just to see her?" He said still looking at whatever documents were in his hands.

" Dad we both know that's not the reason why I'm here. Now are you gonna tell me or not?" I retorted. He finally looked towards me and sighed. He opened his mouth to say something but decided not to.After a long silence which was me anxious, he finally spoke " It's about your mother."

Omma ? What about her? Dad never talks about her after she left us , then why suddenly he is talking about her out of the blue!?

" Wh-what about omma?" I asked hesitantly.

" Youngja wants to do preparations for memorial service for her death anniversary." He stated straightforwardly.

" Dad are you serious !? I won't let her to do that. I can do preparations for Omma's memorial service by myself !" I said with the anger building inside me. I can't let that woman do that at any cost.

" Y/n when will you stop with that childish behavior of yours!? She's your mother for God's sake ! When are you gonna accept that fact , huh? I even let you move out so that there won't be any conflicts between both of you anymore. I thought you'll accept her soon , but no you're still stubborn !" Dad yelled at me making me flinch at my spot. He never talked to me this way ever , but just because of that woman he's now shouting at his own daughter. I laughed internally at the fact.

" She's your wife , not my mother! Don't even think she can replace omma !" I yelled back with watery eyes and ran upstairs to my old room.
I locked the door and threw myself on the bed. I cried my heart out burying my head in the pillow. I feel so heartbroken and hurt right now. How can he think that I will accept that woman as my mother. She can't be my mother ever in my whole life!

When I calmed down I remembered about the old photo albums as I looked at the frame kept on the side table. I took out the box immediately from under the bed which was now covered with dust. It's been almost a year since I came here. I never stepped in here after I moved out , this room holds so many memories.

I cleaned the dust and opened the box. It was filled with albums which contains my childhood pics with Channie and Omma. I started flipping through the albums one by one while the tears made their way again and rolled down my cheeks. I smiled seeing the old pics while feeling nostalgic as I reminisced the our old good times.

" I miss you so much Omma " I muttered seeing a pic with her when I was just three months old. She was holding me in her arms as if I was yhe most precious thing. She liked to click my pictures so much and she always wrote the date of when the picture was clicked at the backside of every picture. I came across another picture in which Chanyeol and I are holding hands. It was the first day of our school. We are insperable since we were four. We were always sticking to each other like glue. Our parents used to say that we'll marry each other when we'll grew up so that we'll be always together. I still laugh about that . There was another picture of us in which we are exchanging the friendship bands. I still remember clearly what he said while he was making me wear that band on my wrist-" We're best friends forever y/niee ! I'll never leave you , I promise."

But you broke your promise Channie.

You left me.

" Who's gonna marry me now huh?" I chuckled as I wiped the tears that were staining my cheeks.

I suddenly remembered there was another box under the bed which belonged to omma. There are her old memories and secrets inside that box . I never opened that box till now , I just kept it there as it is. I couldn't bring myself to open that box to be honest. I didn't had the courage to look at those things after omma passed away.
I looked under the bed and it was still intact there like how I put it four years ago. It was a blue box with a golden bow on its lid. I cleaned the dust on the top of it . I decided to take both the boxes with me , there's no point of keeping them here anyways.

I fixed my clothes and went downstairs with both the boxes in my hands. But I stopped abruptly in my tracks when I heard my name as I was passing by dad's study .

" Don't worry, I'll talk to y/n. She'll understand." I heard him say. What's he talking about ? Is he talking about memorial service?

" I don't know why she doesn't like me , I never did her any wrong. I always tried my best but she always pushes me away" said the voice of the lady whom I despise to my death. How fake she can be!? Why can't dad never see that she's just putting an act. She never treated me well even once , and what does she expect from me in return huh!? How can she expect me to accept her when I know how she's using my dad for wealth.

" It's okay Youngja, she's still young" my dad said.

" Yeobo , I tried my best till now, you know that right? Her mother was once my best friend although we separated due to circumstances. We never talked to each other but when I heard the news, I cried so much. I couldn't believe that my high-school best friend was no more! I felt so guilty for leaving her like that back then. I'm still suffering due to that guilt , it was my fault due to which our friendship ended . I'm so sorry Minyoung-ah " I heard her say due to which I froze at my place. How can this woman be best friends with omma. I never heard of her from omma even once. What the hell is she talking about!? She was her best friend once and despite that she treated me like trash !?

I was still processing the information when the door of the study opened suddenly making me flinch. I balanced myself somehow to prevent the boxes in my hand from falling.

" Are you eavesdropping y/n? It's not good manners to hear someone's conversations . " she said with the evil smirk closing the door behind her. She stood in front of me while folding her arms.

" Is it true ?" I asked ignoring whatever she said before.

" yes it is " she said nonchalantly.

" And you still treated me like that? " I said with a expressionless tone trying to suppress the anger building inside me.

" So? She was my ex best friend from high school. After what she did to me , was I supposed to treat you like some princess huh? "

" How can you be so double faced!? Stop with this shit , why are you putting an act about it now huh!? At least let her rest in peace now! " I spat back.

" I just thought I should at least do that much for my late ex best friend " she smirked.

" Stop it alreay ! You are so disgusting!" I growled at her face clenching my teeth. She just snorted and went the other way leaving me to stand there alone. I just can't tell how much I hate her, I seriously can't stand this woman anymore. She don't deserve to be a part of our family !


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