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Y/n's pov

Mr. Hwang finally texted me after we visited him two days ago. He said that he wanted to see me as soon as possible. I dialled Eunwoo's number but he didn't picked up , I dialled four more times but still no response. Just what the hell was he doing that he couldn't even answer my call. I groaned in frustration and threw the phone on my bed. I stomped my foot and groaned once more and was about to leave my room but suddenly my phone blared. I reached out for it and his name showed on the screen.

" Cha Eunwoo!" I yelled as soon as the line connected.

" Oh my god , easy there! " He sushed me from the other side.

" Cut that crap, just where the hell were you !? I called you so many times and you're answering now!" I complained.

" I was showering for God's sake y/n. Do you miss me that much that your going all crazy right now?" He chuckled.

" you wish . Arghh whatever, just come over. I need you to come with me." I sighed.

" Where are we going ? On a date?" He chuckled again. Just why was he doing that , jeez. He had been behaving like that since Mr. Hwang almost misunderstood that we're dating or something.

" yes , date at Mr. Hwang's office "I stated sarcastically.

" Oh my god y/n , I didn't knew you were a fan of PDA " he cracked up. Just what the hell !?

" Eunwoo , I'm gonna kill you seriously!" I warned him gritting my teeth.

" Aright sorry , okay. I'm coming " he said.

"You better get your ass here as soon as possible " I said before ending the call.

I heard a series of knocks on my door just after twenty minutes. I already knew who it was just by the pattern of knocks." That was fast " I commented as soon as I opened the door. He chuckled ruffling my hairs and stepped in.

" what was I supposed to do when you miss me this much " he chirped plopping down on the couch and I rolled my eyes.

" Mr. Hwang texted , he wants to talk about something in person" I said and he nodded." I'll go and change quickly." I said before making my way to my room and shutting the door beside me.

I knocked at the door of Mr. Hwang's cabin and he told us to come in. We both greeted him before settling down on the couch in front of him. I glanced at the files that were scattered in front of us , one of them specifically caught my eyes which was named ' Kwon Youngja'. As if Mr. Hwang could see through me , he picked up that particular file and said " This is enough to confirm that what we were thinking is actually true."

" You found the evidence?" I gasped.

" Not exactly the evidence but this is enough to prove that she was behind all this." he said.

" She wasn't from a well off family to begin with but somehow she managed to marry a rich businessman overseas. Her ex husband was murdered brutally six years ago. All of his property and funds were transferred to her after that. But the thing is ,they weren't on the good terms and she was benefitted the most by his death. So , it was natural for the police to suspect her. Even her ex husband's family members claimed that her behaviour was suspicious. She started behaving like she's mentally unstable all of a sudden , so she was sent to the psychiatric hospital . But the record says that she somehow escaped from there with her daughter a year later " he explained showing all the documents and records.

" she escaped from there and came back to Korea. And everything was just an act to avoid further investigation?" I added.

" Yes , moreover that case was closed after she was sent away for treatment. But it was recently reopened when they found some crucial evidence" he said.

" She's a psycho " Eunwoo muttered with disgust written all over his face.

" Y/n you said that they forced your mother to sign some kind of documents, right? Actually they were the documents for property transfer. All of your mother's property was transferred to her under a fake identity." Mr. Hwang said showing me the details.

" If we can track down the previous records under this alias , then we might be able to proof that the property is actually under her. That's the evidence itself that she was behind everything."Eunwoo said.

" Yes but it's actually a lil bit difficult to find the records of an alias. " Mr. Hwang replied.

" Then what if we can contact her ex husband's family somehow? They are already ready to hunt her down. If she'll be convicted for the murder then all her previous records will be investigated thoroughly" I suggested and he nodded

" Yes I was also thinking the same. I had already contacted them , they'll be here tomorrow , I'll be meeting them in person. " he said.

" Thank you so much Mr. Hwang , you don't even know how much grateful I'm ." I said with gratitude.

"I had to do this y/n . Your omma was such a good soul. She helped me so much when I was in crisis, this is the least I can do to pay her back "He replied with a smile.


We both sat in a comfortable silence at the park , it was already dark by now. I wasn't feeling like going home after coming from Mr. Hwang's office , so I asked him to accompany me here.
I was happy that she'll be paying for what she did very soon but I was angry as well. I don't know if I was angry at her or at myself. The thought that a murderer was living with us for than three years just made my blood boil , I was feeling disgusted.I was suffocating from inside due to all this.

I felt a light squeeze on my hand , I looked down at his hand which held mine so delicately and looked up again to see his face. He gave me a small smile , I know what exactly it meant - everything is alright , I'm here.

" Thank you Eunwoo for everything. Thank you for being with me ." I said smiling back at him.

" Y/n I'll be always here for you" he assured me with another smile.

" I know what you're thinking right now. But it's not your fault, trust me. You didn't even knew anything ." He said squeezing my hand gently. How come he can always read my mind.

" Cheer up Kim Y/n , you should be happy that everything is falling to it's right place finally . Aishh come here" he said engulfing my small frame into his large one completely. The warmth I felt suddenly was so relaxing that I didn't wanted to let go. I felt so safe in his arms , completely safe from this cruel world. At that moment, I felt like his embrace was the actual place I belonged to. So I wrapped my arms around his body tightly not wanting to let go ever .

" Eunwoo promise me you won't leave me " slipped my mouth even before I could think .

" I promise I won't " he said caressing my hair and I tightened my grip around him more.



Let's celebrate, Youngja will be behind the bars very soon ! I don't why do I think this book is slowly turning into a crime and mystery book lmao :)

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