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Y/n's Pov

The last time I went to the school festival was in my middle school when omma was still here. I never was interested in attending the school festivals after that , there was no point to be honest. My one and only childhood best friend wasn't with me anymore, then with whom was I supposed to come to the festival, with those fake people around me ? Well , let's just say I didn't wanted to come to the school festivals anymore, it reminded me of those happy memories which have begun to hurt now. My life wasn't easy, when I needed someone the most, there wasn't a single person . And to continue living in this cruel world I became what I'm today.

But if you're asking me why I'm here at the school festival today, then even I can't answer that. It's just that I came here just for those people who made me genuinely happy for the first time after so long. I really forgot what it feels like to be happy. It's been only a week since I got to know them but it feels like I knew them forever. But I'm always cautious, I can't get hurt anymore , I can't be weak in front of anyone.

Memories of my childhood best friend started flashing in front of myc eyes as soon as I came here. I was standing in front of a photo booth and it reminded me of him , how he dragged me inside excitedly when he saw the photo booth , we both took so many photos together wearing different props , his smile was so bright and he even sung a song at the stage for me that day. I was missing him so badly. It really hurts , I lost him in front of my eyes. I couldn't protect my omma nor my only best friend.

" Y/n are you okay? Why are you crying?" a familiar voice echoed in my ears which brought me out of the daze. I looked up to see Eunwoo with a concerned look. I didn't even realised I was crying while remembering my best friend, Chanyeol. I immediately wiped up my tears .

" I'm fine, it's nothing . Something got in my eyes that's why...." I said looking away.

" I don't believe you but I won't ask you about it right now. Let's go , everyone is waiting for you" he said before dragging me with him.

" Noona why are you so late , our performance is going to start in 15 minutes ", Sanha complained as soon as he saw me.

" Sorry, I couldn't find you guys that's why" I said slowly.

" You should've just called anyone of us . Anyways you're here now so it doesn't matter." Moonbin said and I smiled at him.

" All the best guys. You all better win today cuz I just came here for you guys , got it ?" I said and they chuckled.

" yes mom", Jinjin shaked his head like a child , making me roll my eyes at him.

It would truly be an understatement to say that I didn't watched their performance completely dumbfounded  with my mouth dropped , even when it wasn't my first time seeing their performance. But at that moment,  they seemed to be shining like stars on that stage with the spotlights focused on them as their bodies moved magically on the beats. Only cheerings and clappings were heard through out their performance and I couldn't help but smile widely at them.

" I think everyone knows who's the winner without any doubt. These boys stole everyone's heart today with their performance. Congratulations Astro!!" , the MC announced after all the performances had ended. I was feeling so happy and proud . They truly deserved to win and even much more than that.

They recieved the trophy from the judges and I clicked a pic of them from where I was standing. As soon as they got off the stage , I saw Eunwoo running towards me , I waved at him , " Congratulations, you were- " my words stopped right there as my body felt a sudden collision and it took me a few seconds to realise that I was being crushed in his arms. Suddenly it felt like the world stopped around me and my heart was going to to explode.

" y/n I'm so happy right now , I can't tell you. We accomplished our first step towards our dream" he said still hugging me.

" I'm happy for you all as well , I know how much hard you all practiced for this . Congratulations Eunwoo." I said and wrapped my hands around him as well and there went my heart again and that giddy feeling erupted like crackers in my stomach.

" Oh I see you both!" , someone cooed from behind and I separated myself from him immediately and I felt all the heat came rushing to my cheeks. I coughed and looked away awkwardly.

" stop imaging things hyung!" ,he said to Mj who just saw us like that together.

"Did I say something? Whatever , you both enjoy. We all are gonna have some fun. Maybe I'll find someone too today if I'm lucky" , he winked, then galloped towards the others and soon they disappeared in the crowd.

" Let's go , you are still missing a lot at the school fest y/n. Forget all your worries and just enjoy the moment, yeah?" Eunwoo said as he glanced at me before beaming that signature smile towards me and I nodded like a small innocent girl .

He dragged me to a photo booth with him which reminded me of Chanyeol again. I looked at Eunwoo beside me , who was so excited as he looked at the photo booth with his shining eyes shining brightly. And before I could say a word ,I was already inside the booth. We both stood in front of camera , and I didn't even counted for how many times he made me wear different headbands and other props

Till now the photo booth only reminded me of my best friend but now I made new memories with Eunwoo and I'm sure it will remind me of him as well in future.

" oh they came out well , I like this one the most" he said as he showed me a photo of us in which we both wore bunny headbands , his hand was around my shoulder doing the peace sign. I smiled looking at that picture.

" Give me a copy of it as well " I said.

" I already have two copies of each one of them" he chuckled.


Hey readers ! I'm so sorry for my long absence. I finally uploaded today after ages. I was busy with school and everything that I couldn't write anything. I was going to stop writing this book , but I really didn't wanted to drop this book in between , so I decided to complete it .

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