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Y/n's pov

I squinted my eyes a little to get adjusted to the bright light in the room. I groaned due to the sudden pain I felt at my back when I tried to lift myself up. I huffed and fell back again on the couch closing my eyes but my phone started buzzing again. I reached for it and answered the call without even looking the name on the screen.

" Thank god, you finally answered " the person on the other line sighed.

" What is it Eunwoo? I was sleeping " I complained. I had barely slept for past three days. I just wanted to take a short nap but I guess I can't. Moreover , this couch is so uncomfortable , even my back is paining but I don't have any other option here at the hospital.

" I'm coming to hospital with Mr. Hwang, I'll tell you the details later" he informed.

"Umm.. okay " I said before ending the call. I looked in front of me , dad was lying on the hospital bed with lots of equipments and machines connected to him. It hurts so much to see him like this , but I'm glad he's fine now. I didn't wanted to leave him alone at the hospital, so I've been staying here to take care of him.

Mr. Hwang and Eunwoo sat in front of me. I guess it's something related to the investigation.

" How's Mr. Kim's condition now?" Mr. Hwang asked glancing at dad.

" His condition is more stable now. His recovery rate is also good" I replied looking at dad's direction and he nodded.

" Y/n I think you should now go to home, you don't look good. You're not getting enough sleep , are you?" Mr. Hwang asked with concern.

" She's stubborn, she won't listen to me" Eunwoo pointed out .

" I just didn't wanted to leave him alone, I'm the only one he have now " I said fiddling with my fingers.

" he's fine now , you should take care of yourself as well . You should go home today, got it ? The hospital staff will take good care of him " Mr. Hwang said firmly. I didn't wanted to but I just nodded hesitantly.

" Y/n , they found the evidence that your mother's property was under Youngja . They even found the original papers that your mother was forced to sign by those men." Mr. Hwang informed me.

" She won't be able to escape. She's finally where she deserves to be " I said and Mr. Hwang nodded.

A few days later

" Mrs. Kim Youngja is found to be guilty for Mr. Jo Namsook' murder , forgery , blackmailing, hiring hitman for murdering Mrs. Kim Dohee and Mr. Park Chanyeol and seizing property and assets . Hereby , I sentence the defendant to life in prison without parole " the judge declared his final verdict.

I looked at her as she was being taken away by cops from the courtroom. I stood up from my place and headed towards her." You deserve this , you will be paying for your sins your whole life now" I stated standing in front her. She growled and looked at me as if she was going to kill me right there.

" I don't deserve this. This is unfair" she shouted her lungs out.

" how can you be so shameless huh?" I questioned disgusted by just looking at her.

" She had everything . I just wanted to have what she had , what's wrong with that huh!?" She yelled.

" You're disgusting. Please take her away " I said to the cops that held her and they nodded.

I closed my eyes for a moment and then opened them again. I finally felt at peace. The day finally has came , she is found guilty for all the crimes. I kept my promise to Omma and Channie. I hope they are happy now wherever they are , I could imagine them smiling at me .

" Y/n " I heard a voice calling me. I turned around smiling at him and he returned the same gesture.

" Let's go , your dad is waiting in the car " he said taking my hand in his and I nodded.


Eunwoo asked me to come to the cafe where we usually go after the school. He said it's a bit important. I wonder what it is . I shrugged the thoughts away and opened the doors of the cafe. I looked at the corner where we usually sit and my eyes locked with him. I smiled at him as I walked towards the table. But soon I realised he wasn't alone , I looked at the familiar figure sitting in front of him. I was confused and annoyed at the same time seeing her here. I looked at her and she had an unreadable expression on her face, I couldn't decipher what it actually meant. But what I was sure that it was not that cunning and mean look she always gave me. It was awkward to stand there by myself , so I sat down beside Eunwoo. I opened my mouth to say something but he beat me to it .

" You both should talk. I'll wait outside " he said and before I could say something, he stood up and left both of us alone. There was an awkward silence between us . None of us dared to say something for a few minutes. I was looking at her the whole time , waiting for her to say something but she kept fiddling with her fingers.

" What is it Eunbi ?" I finally decided to ask in a stern voice.

She looked up at me and finally spoke " I'm leaving with my grandparents "

I was caught off guard by her statement. Is she really going back with Jo's?

" I just wanted to apologise to you for everything I've done before leaving" she admitted and your eyes widened. I never imagined that my step sister, who have always been mean to me will ever be saying sorry .

" Eunbi " my voice came as a small muffle but I couldn't speak anything else , the words had suddenly stuck at my tongue and wouldn't come out.

" I can't live with you and dad , knowing what my mother has done. Hate me all you want, I've always been mean to you. I hated you for no reason. I'm sorry y/n .... I really am. " she said in a small voice and her eyes were glistening as her tears were verge of falling down.

" Aishhh this is awkward " she looked to the other side as she wiped them.

" Eunbi , will you be... fine?" I managed to ask somehow

" I'm definitely not fine right now. But I'll try to be a better person from now on. Maybe then , I will be fine. " she said with a bitter yet genuine smile and all I did was to nod looking at her.

" Eunbi don't resent on yourself. What your mother did wasn't your fault at all. Please be happy." I said smiling at her. She stared at me for a few moments and then smiled.

" They must be waiting for me at the airport, I should leave now " she said getting up from her spot.

" Goodbye y/n" she waved at me looking back.

" Goodbye Eunbi " I waved back at her with a sad smile.

I saw her walking outside the cafe and soon she disappeared in the crowd. I was happy and sad at the same time. It was ironic that I was sad at the fact that I won't be seeing her in future when I myself never wanted to see her again. I just realised that she must have suffered too , she also lost her dad. It's for better for her to live with her real family. She is after all the daughter of their one and only son. I remember Mrs. Jo telling me how much they missed her .

" Did you two talk well?" I Looked up at Eunwoo as he pulled out the chair to sit in front of me.

" yes we did " I smiled at him.


A/N :)

Yesss finally, Youngja is thrown behind bars:)
What do you feel about Eunbi? To be honest, she was not meant to be a bad person from the beginning I changed my mind while writing. Well , finally all this drama is over . I wonder what is coming ahead *smirks*

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