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Y/n's pov

I called Mr. Hwang yesterday after coming back home to ask if I can also meet those people and he agreed. So here I'm again at Mr. Hwang's office , waiting for her ex husband's family. I don't how should I greet them or what should I say , I just felt I should be here . After all , this is all for my omma and Chanyeol's sake.

Mr. Hwang's secretary informed that they have arrived and are waiting at the reception, so he asked her to bring them in. A few minutes later , I saw an old couple and a woman most probably in her early 30's coming in. I didn't knew what to say so I just bowed at them simply. They all looked towards me in confusion, probably they didn't knew me that's why I guess. Mr. Hwang understood the situation and introduced me " She's Kim y/n , I told you about her." The old couple hummed in response while looking towards me.

" You're still so young , my child . I can't believe you went through all that at such an young age because of that psycho woman " the old lady said.

" That's why we're asking for your help , please help me . I want that woman to pay for her sins" I said holding her wrinkled hands. She caressed my hand with her other hand and nodded.

"We also lost our son , we know what it feels like to lose someone so close to your heart. Don't worry , we'll help as much as we can." The older man said and I thanked him.

" I'm Jo Yuri , their daughter " the younger woman introduced herself and I greeted her back.

" We're thankful to you miss y/n . We searched for her everywhere but we couldn't find her. We found it a few days ago that she had managed to escape the country by using fake identity " she said.

" That's why you couldn't find her whereabouts. I think she used the same alias for transferring my mother's property under herself " I said and they nodded.

" I can't believe how can someone be so rotten. She's hungry for money , she married our son for money and even killed him. She could have just asked if money is all she wanted " the older woman said while preventing her tears to fall.

" Don't worry Mrs. Jo , she'll be punished for what she did " Mr. Hwang assured her." We have the evidence against her now , she can't escape again."

" We'll handover all the evidences to the cops today. Each and every truth will come out eventually once the investigation will begin" Mr. Jo told us and we nodded.


Eunwoo's Pov

I just returned home after the practice, but the environment felt so stiff and strange. Dad was talking to someone on call and worry was clearly laced in his tone. I looked towards mom and she was worried as well.

"Mom what happened? Why are you so worried?"I asked her and she looked towards me with a confused expression.

" you don't know yet?" She asked me and I shooked my head. Just what was I supposed to know? What's going on?

" Mr. Kim collapsed, he is being transferred to the hospital right now. But he's in a critical condition" she said and I froze at my spot. The first thought that came to my mind was y/n. Before mom could say any other word , I grabbed the keys of my motorcycle and ran outside the house. I called y/n but she didn't picked up , she's probably at the hospital. They must gave taken Mr. Kim to the nearest hospital to their house. Without wasting even a second anymore, I ignited the engine and drove as fast as I could.

I asked for Mr. Kim at the reception of the hospital and they said he was taken to the operation theatre for surgery right away. The only thing I had in mind was that y/n was there alone. She have already lost her omma and best friend, she'll break down completely if something happens to her father. I was following the directions the receptionists told me , but I stopped in my tracks when I spotted her figure just a few metres away. The sight that unfolded in front of my eyes broke my heart , I felt a sudden gush of pain rushing through my chest. She was a mess.
She had buried her face in her palms , her shoulders were shaking and I could clearly hear her sobs even from metres away.

I took long strides towards her and stopped right in front of her before crouching down at her level . She didn't realised my presence until I called her name softly. She slowly removed her palms from her face and looked at me with red puffy eyes that were still glistening with tears. Seeing her like this was never something I wanted to experience, It breaks my heart.

" Eunwoo.....wh-what should I d-do?" She sobbed.

" He'll be fine y/n , I'm here now . Please don't cry" I said holding her hands.

" It's m-my fault. He's like t-this.... because of me" she said looking down as the tears fell down from her eyes even more.

" It's not your fault y/n. Why do you always blame yourself for everything? It's not your fault at all y/n . Stop blaming yourself, you need to be strong right now!" I said lifting her face with my hands and wiped the tears staining her cheeks with my hand.

" No , it is my f-fault. I shouldn't have done that " she cried.

" What are you talking about?"I asked not understanding what is she talking about.

" The cops came with a w-warrant today after her ex husband's family submitted the evidences to the police. S-she got arrested.... a few hours ago. Mr. Hwang called me to inform m-me about it. So I ran to m-my house. Dad was pacing to and fro , he w-was worried -" she choked on the words suddenly so I patted and rubbed her back to calm her down.

" he wasn't believing that whatever the cops said....was true . I told him not to w-worry about her . I t-told him e-everything . And.....he couldn't take the s-shock , he collapsed as soon as the truth slipped out from my m-mouth" she somehow managed to say while sobbing. I couldn't believe she was blaming herself for that. It was not her fault. Mr. Kim couldn't take the shock because he must have trusted his wife so much.

" Y/n how is this your fault? She got arrested because she did a crime . You just told him the whole truth. He would have propbably found it somehow even if you wouldn't have told him. " I tried to make her understand but she wouldn't stop crying.

" I don't k-know. I'm s-scared Eunwoo " she muttered slowly. I didn't knew what to say anymore because it was impossible to make her understand anything at that time , so I just pulled her into my embrace , it was the only thing I could do to comfort her then.

I sat right next to her holding her hand, outside the operation theatre for hours. The doors of the operation theatre finally opened and the doctor came out. We rushed towards him to ask about her father's condition.

" we need to keep him under observation for now. He was in a critical condition , if he wasn't brought here on time he may not have made it. But don't worry he's out of danger now. The surgery was successful " the doctor explained.

" Thank you doctor " I said and he nodded before excusing himself. I looked at y/n , she just stood there in silence without saying any word. I squeezed her hand gently and said " Look he's fine now . Don't worry now , okay?" But she just looked at me blankly.

" I could've lost him too " I heard her say in a pained voice.

" Everything is going to be okay now" I cupped her face to make her look at my eyes . She didn't say anything but hugged me instead . I wrapped my hands around her petite frame too and rubbed circles on her back so that she could calm down a bit.


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