Picture Day - all

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Backstory is the smp is having a big picture day and skephalo, dnf and karlnapity are all a thing here, enjoy!!

"Tommy, where is your tie?" Asked Tubbo after fixing his own and bending down to fix Michael's.

"You said you had it?"


"Ugh, be right back"

"Dream, please let me get my shirt on" said George, face red as a tomato as Dream's hands snaked up and down George's chest and back.

"George, why do you always have a shirt on? You so f- very (quick not swearing after a glare from Bad) georgus with no shirt on.

George blushed, picking up his shirt, peeking Dream's nose and swiftly putting the shirt on.

Dream went to grab George's waist when he was rudely pushed by Sapnap and Quackity chasing each other.

"Sap! Q!" Karl panted, trying to catch up to them.

"There long gone Karl" said Dream putting a hand on Karl's shoulder.

Karl sighed, turning back around to get his shoes on almost tripping over Michael.

"Michael! Sorry, sorry, Karl you good?" Asked Tubbo picking Michael up.

"Yeah but where is Ranboo?"

"I don't know! If you see him tell him I need him!"

Karl nodded, walking over to his shoes, as he sat down to tie them he got tackled by Sapnap.


"Karl, I love you" Sapnap smiled pulling Karl to sit on his lap.

Karl blushed kissing Sapnap gently, smiling into the kiss.


"Yes Q?" Karl smiled breaking the kiss but keep his arms around Sap's neck.

"Kiss me" Quackity answerd, smiling and sitting next to his fiances.

Karl rolled his eye playfully, smiling, and lenned over to kiss Quackity.

Quackity pulled Karl to him sitting on his lap.

Karl broke apart, Quackity frowned.

"Karlllll, I want more kissesssss" He winned.

Karl smiled, "Bubs, I need to get my shoes on, go kiss Sap, he is all ready"

Quackity quickly kiss Karl and stood up to go by Sapnap, ematily embracing him in a kiss.

Skeppy look at the lovers and turned to Bad, who was fixing his tie.


"Yes Skep?" Bad replied turning to his boyfriend finishing his tie.

Skeppy hug Bad, and said "I love you"

Bad blushed, hugging back and whispered "I know, and I love you too."

All of a sudden they heard a loud wisol, "EVERYONE TO THE BACKDROPS," said Philza's loud voice ringing through the room.

"Will! Hurry up!"

"Ranboo you got Micheal?"

"Quackity! Grab that tie"

"Dream, come onnn"

-20 minutes later-

Everyone is in a pose, rn and they take the picture :)


I have no happiness rn so sorry its bad.

Have a good day/night

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