missing you- tubboinnit

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Remember, this is only plantionic!

Also this is short bc my brain does not work very well :]

Also my first time doing a bit of angst.

Tw- swearing

Tommy sighed, looking down at the texts between him and Tubbo.

Sorry tommy, cant hangout 2day, ranboo needs help with something. Maybe tomrow bigman.

                                       Okay, that's fine..

That's the second time this week Tubbo canceled on him, and he was getting sick of it.

"Phil! I'm going to the treehouse" Tommy called out.

"Alright, be home by sundown"

"Will do!"

Tommy's pov

I walked down the path behind our house to me and toby's treehouse. Phil made it for us for 5 years ago. We named it the tubboinnit treehouse. God I miss him.

I got to the treehouse hearing voices inside, shacking, I grabbed the curtain pulling it open, reviling who was inside.


Tubbo looked up regret filling his eyes. "Tommy, h-hi, ranboo needed help with-"

"No, no just no, I dont give a fuck about what ranboo needs. I dont give a fuck about anything. All i cared about was you toby, but then this motherfucker came around and now i never get to see you anymore"

"Tommy! Wait don't leave!" Tubbo said grabbing my wrist as I tried to leave.

"What do you fucking want Toby" I glared.

"I-I your my b-best friend" He said crying. "P-please dont leave, I cant fucking lose you, Tommy please"

I sighed looking at the brunette. "If your my best friend, you would not be abandoning me every second."

Tubbo hugged me, tighter then ever, I hugged back resting my head in his fluffy hair, letting the tires fall.

"I love you Tom, I am so so sorry"

"I love you too Tubbs it's okay"

Ooo longer then I thought I could do, hope you like it!! Have a good day/night!

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