enough for you- dnf

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Yes, this is based of the Olivia Rodrigo song, well kinda hope yall enjoy!

Tw-self abuse (kinda) , language,

George's pov

Your a bitch, you dont deserve life, your a stupid gay bitch, leave just leave.

The thoughts of George's dad where rolling through his head as he brought the raser to his wrist.


George's voice cracked as he answered the conserd boy.

"Yeah Clay?"

"Are you okay you have been in there awhile" Clay answered, worry covering his words.

"I'm f-fine" George said as tires rolled down his face.

"Georgie, please let me in."

George hid the raser under the pail of towels and unlocked the door, wiping his face before Clay could notice.

"Love, why are you crying" Clay asked engulfing the brit in a hug.

"I-I'm fine" George answered.

Clay sighed pulling George to sit on the bed, then sitting next to him.

"Love, please tell me what's wrong" Clay asked, his eyes look at the brit with worry.

"I -um"George stuttered.

"Its okay take your time Love"

George took a deep breath, "When I told my mum and dad I was gay, my dad s-slaped me and called me a gay b-bitch. Ever since I have um, c-c-cut myself-f."

Clay gasped, hugging his boyfriend. "George, first off, you are not a gay bitch, your a wonderful, kind, beautiful, funny, did I say beautiful, person. Second fuck your dad, he is the bitch, being gay is not a sin or what ever. It's a gift, think, if you were not gay, we would not be here, and 3rd, I love you, and I am here for you. I love you."

When Clay finished George looked up at him, "But, Clay, how, how can I be enough for you" (see what I did there 😌)

"Because, you are more then what I could ask for George"

George sighed smiling a little.

"George, I love you" Clay said cupping the Brits face.

George looked into the youngers eyes, smiling, "I love you too Clay"


Sorry i kinda forgot bout this book

Hope yall are having a good day/night

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