its almost been a month.

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hey. Its almost been a month last since i have posted. my personal life has been real fucking exhausting recently. im at my fucking limit here. my mental health has been at its worst. im just not motivated right now its at the point where updating this is a burden and im not enjoying writing. im just so fucking tired. the school year is ending soon so we are taking our semester tests so im trying to study for that, someone legit threatened to shoot up our school or people at our school, and there is just so much more with my family.  im going to try and write a chapter tonight and tomorrow and upload it and then just disappear again. ik yall are probably tired of my bullshit but i just cant right now. i want yall to know that i am NOT giving up on this book or anything i just need to step away a bit longer. hope yall understand. im sorry

also all of my fellow ladies stay safe tomorrow, i love yall

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