Fucking Togami dude

637 14 26

*HackerSkillz is online*

HackerSkillz: does anyone want to play Among Us?? :3

*BFG, TellEmNaegi, DonutLover, and 1 other are online*

TellEmNaegi: Tf is that

CardiB: Togami u seriously have never heard of Among Us? Its a super popular online game!

TellEmNaegi: I don't spend my passing time playing useless games.

DonutLover: We should all play together!

BFG: Good idea Hina

HackerSkillz: How about u Togami?

TellEmNaegi: i dont know...

HackerSkillz: Please Togami!!

DonUtLover: Pretty Please!!

TellEmNaegi: i guess it wouldn't hurt...

HackerSkillz: Yayyy thank you!!

TellEmNaegi: Let me download it

CardiB: do you think Byakuya will be any good?

BFG: Well this is his first time playing

DonutLover: I feel like he will do fine!

TellEmNaegi: Ok its downloaded

HackerSkillz: Ok so the code is 11037

CardiB: thx Chihiro!

TellEmNaegi: Ok so how do I play this game?

CardiB: So since there is only four of us there will be one imposter

CardiB: So if you are imposter your goal is to kill all of the crewmates before they finish their tasks

CardiB: But! If the crewmates see you then you are voted off the ship!

TellEmNaegi: So will they find the body if you kill them?

CardiB: Yes they will report their body and the surviving crewmates have to try and guess which is the imposter!

TellEmNaegi: OK I got it

HackerSkillz: yay lets start!

HackerSkillz: Also Byakuya there is a small map u can press on to see where your tasks are!

TellEmNaegi: i figured

DonutLover: Can someone come and watch me do weapons?

BFG: I will

DonutLover: Awe thx Sakura!

TellEmNaegi: What happened to the lights?

DonutLover: Sometimes the imposter can sabotage the ship so it makes it easier to kill the crew mates!

TellEmNaegi: i died

CardiB: Oh no!

CardiB: That sucks Togami!

TellEmNaegi: Don't give me ur fake sorry shit

TellEmNaegi: It was u who killed me!

BFG: Byakuya you aren't supposed to say

CardiB: He is a liar!

TellEmNaegi: U just killed me bc u have a grudge against me!!

CardiB: I did not!

HackerSKillz: Idk y but this is giving me dejavu...

DonutLover: Yeah same!

Hackerkillz: huh weird

HackerSkillz: anyway idk who to believe...

DonutLover: Idk I think Togmai is telling the truth...

BFG: Honestly same. Neither of them get along tho so they could be either of them could be lying.

HackerSkillz: Sakura has a point

CardiB: You guys have to believe me he is lying!!

HackerSkillz: Sorry Sayaka Im going with Togami

DonutLover: Yeah same sorry love!

BFG: My apologise Sayaka.

TellemNaegi: HA! Suck it bitch!

CardiB: FINE! I DID kill Togami!

CardiB: Ur such an ass Byakuya!!

*CardiB is offline*

DonutLover: Well it was fun while it lasted!

HackerSkillz: Yeah we should try playing again!

BFG: Just maybe not with those two. They can never get along.

DonutLover: Agreed Sakura

BFG: Well anyway its getting late goodnight everyone.

DonutLover I should be getting off too! Goodnight!

HackerSkillz: Night!!

*BFG and DonutLover are offline*

HackerSkillz: Well togami did u have fun?

TellEmNaegi: Hate to say it but it wasn't half bad.

HackerSkillz: Glad you liked it!

HackerSkillz: Well gn Togami!!

TellEmNaegi: Goodnight Chihiro.

*TellEmNaegi and HackerSkillz are offline*

Surprise shawty. Did u babes miss me?? Of course u did Im amazing. Lol anyway sorry for not updating for like a monthhhhhh. Shit had just been real busy lately. And thx to yall for being so patient with my lazy ass. But yeah im try to like set up a schedule for updates sooooooooooo. Lemme know what yall want for a 15k special. Im thinking about doing a QnA. God that is crazy. I started this thing as a joke and now I have almost 15k reads. Weird. Also thx for 40 followers yall amazing. AnYwAY Hope yall enjoyed and will continue reading and imma go watch Jojo :))) Stay cool and eat cheese! 

P.S ask me questions in the comments :)))

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