i have run out of names and memes

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*CardiB is online*

CardiB: you guys want to hear my new song??

*WeedMansBitch, MyChemicalRomance, Sherlock, and 1 other are online*

WeedMansBitch: pfft no

CardiB: first off, rude

CardiB: Second off, i wasnt asking you Leon

MyChemicalRomance: you did technically asked everyone

Sherlock: You did

CardiB: well i dont want leons opinion

PewPew: I want to hear it

CardiB: nvm it doesnt matter anymore

CardiB: So anyway what have you guys been up to?

MyChemicalRomance: I have been trying to teach Kirigiri-san to get better at chess

Sherlock: and I am failing miserably

MyChemicalRomance: U are trying

WeedMansBitch: I have been learning guitar

CardiB: I have been meaning to ask

CardiB: wth happened to your name

MyChemicalRomance: yes that is a good question

WeedMansBitch: Taka

Sherlock: what?

WeedMansBitch: yeah he got super pissed at me and hiro

Sherlock: Hiro and I*

WeedMansBitch: ItS A fucKING GROUpCHAT LEavE ME alONE

*Mom is online*

Mom: Language Leon.

*Mom is offline*

MyChemicalRomance: nice

WeedMansBitch: wow

WeedMansBitch: r00d

Sherlock: not rlly

Sherlock: he was just telling u to watch ur language

WeedMansBitch: HE iS The ONE WHo CHAnGEd MY NAme TO HAve The wORD BiTCh

PewPew: he does have a point

Sherlock: that is bc u, hiro, and mondo have corrupted him

MyChemicalRomance: Kirigiri-san and Taka are right u need to stop cursing

WeedMansBitch: I rArLey CUrSe

CardiB: everytime you type u are cursing so maybe u should just stop??

PewPew: I feel like you have been waiting to say that for a long time

CardiB: yup :)

Sherlock: nice


*WeedMansBitch is offline*

MyChemmicalRomacne: guess that is our que to go

Sherlock: I guess

*MyChemicalRomacne and Sherlock are offline*

CardiB: welp

PewPew: wanna go get some coffee??

CardiB: Sure!!

PewPew: Come to my room and  i will drive

*CardiB and PewPew are offline*

YOU ALL ARE SOME SEXY SONS OF BITCHES HOW HAS THIS GOTTEN 420+ READS??? I LOVE YOU GUYS ;-; Also i got my stuff back. It is great being one of ur parents favorites. One a sad note i had at least 3 oneshots done and THEY ARENT SHOWING UP I THINK I DELETED THEM. SO I GOTS TO REDO THEM. YAY :) So going to start redoing those. But anyway someone new will be showing up in the next chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).  It is 11. I did not know that it was already that late. Anyway stay cool and eat cheese :)

(Also thank u to @ZackAttckLol for informing me about the description :)

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