an update?? WOW

918 23 42

*DonutLover is online*

DonutLover: Hey guys! It's been a while :)

*TellEmNaegi is online*

TellEmNaegi: Damn i forgot this thing existed

*BFG, CardiB, and SadnessMotherFu- are online*

SadnessMotherFu-: No wonder my life has been so boring lately!!

CardiB: We aren't part of a game Junko!!

SadnessMotherFu-: ...

TellEmNaegi: wait what's that supposed to mean

SadnessMotherFu-: Nevermind that I missed you guys!!

SadnessMotherFu-: We should all TOTALLY have a sleepover!!!

TellEmNaegi: i would rather die

SadnessMotherFu-: Careful what you wish for!! Upupupupupupu~

BFG: You Junko are truly frightening.

SadnessMotherFu-: Awe thank you!!

CardiB: anyway what have you guys been doing?

DonutLover: Spending tons of time swimming!!

BFG: I have been doing stuff at the dojo.

SadnessMotherFu-: Slowly enveloping the world in despair. You know the usual.

TellEmNaegi: Flaunting my money.

CardiB: Wow Byakuya

TellEmNaegi: What?

CardiB: You mean your PARENTS money??

TellEmNaegi: Oh really?

TellEmNaegi: How much do you make popstar??

CardiB: u r so dead Togmai.

TellEmNaegi: Try me bitch.

SadnessMotherFu-: SO DESPAIRING!!!!

BFG: That is enough you two. There is no reason to fight.

DonutLover: yeah guys!! Let's stay positive!!

TellEmNaegi: She is just mad that she can't have Naegi.

SadnessMotherFu-: dude.

SadnessMotherFu-: shes fucking my sister

*CardiB is offline*

SadnessMotherFu-: pfft

SadnessMotherFu-: pussy

BFG: Well that was.. Strange.

DonutLover: yes very

DonutLover: But Byakuya you said that you and Makoto were going out??

TellEmNaegi: You are putting words in my mouth.

SadnessMotherFu-: But you aren't saying she is wrong!!!

TellEmNaegi: My love life is none of your business.

DonutLover: Please Byakuya!!!

SadnessMotherFu-: Yeah loser spill the tea!!

TellEmNaegi: please never use that word again.

SadnessMotherFu-: Tell us about you and Makoto and I will think about it.

TellEmNaegi: I guess there is no harm.

TellEmNaegi: Yes we have been seeing each other for a while.


BFG: Congratulations Togami.

SadnessMotherFu-: The tea is so hot!!

TellEmNaegi: You said you would quit using that word.

SadnessMotherFu-: I said I would think about it never said i would stop

DonutLover: So how many dates have you and Makoto gone on

TellEmNaegi: And why should I tell you?

DonutLover: Because we helped you get the first date.

TellEmNaegi: Fair enough.

TellEmNaegi: 3 or 4.

BFG: Where have you all been?

TellEmNaegi: The park, a restaurant, and a small carnival.

DonutLover: Awe that sounds so cute!!

SadnessMotherFu-: did u fuck

BFG: Ok Junko that is enough.

SadnessMotherFu-: I was just curious!

Sadness MotherFu-: You guys are such wet blankets

*SadnessMotherFu- is offline*

BFG: might as well go also.

DonutLover: Bye Sakura!!

*BFG and DonutLover are offline*

TellEmNaegi: junko is a bitch.

*TellEmNaegi is offline*

HAhhAHAHAHHA whAT iS THis FuCKErY AN UpdAtE!!?!??!? im sorry. ANywAy yeah sorry guys ik it has been like a month or some shit but I am having a lot of mental health issues but i am seeing a counselor in November sometime so hopefully i will be better at updates :) Anyway give ideas for 5K special which will hoepfully be coming up soon!! So thank you guys for all the reads!! But anyway you sexy sons if bitches stay cool and eat cheese :)

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