Operation get Byakuya laid (pt1 ;)

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*DonutLover is online*

DonutLover: Hey guys!!

*TellEmNaegi, TumblrGod, and LegLover are online*

LegLover: Hey Asahina where have you been!

DonutLover: I have been having alot of swimming competitions lately and Sakura has gone with me!


LegLover: Syo that isnt nice!

TumblrGod: Oh HUSh you UNTALENteD LOSEr

TellEmNaegi: That is enough!

TellEmNaegi: I have had it with you and your idioic tendencies!! You constantly run your mouth without thinking about what is coming out of it!!

TellEmNaegi: It is degrading that you think that we would let you get away with it.

*TellEmNaegi has deleted TumblrGod from the chat*

LegLover: Byakuya you really didnt have to do that...

TellEmNaegi: Well it was about time someone put her in her place.

LegLover: Thanks Byakuya!!

LegLover: Well guys I am tried so see ya later!

*LegLover is offline*

DonutLover: Aww Byakuya that was so nice!!

TellEmNaegi: It wasnt meant to be nice.

DonutLover: But did you see how happy it made Makoto!?

TellEmNaegi: yes...

DonutLover: omg

DonutLover: OMG!!


TellEmNaegi: whAT NO I DONT!!

DonutLover: Aww Byakuya the cold hearted rich prick in live with the sweet innocent protaginist!!

TellEmNaegi: What? No!!

TellEmNaegi: wait... cold hearted rich prick??

DonutLover: @BFG Sakura we need to help Byakuya!!

*BFG is online*

BFG: What is it Hina?

*DonutLover added TellEmNaegi and BFG*

*DonutLover named chat Operation get Byakuya laid*

DonutLover: We are here to help!!

TellEmNaegi: I didnt ask for it

DonutLover: Lets get started!!

DonutLover: Where is Makotos favorite place??

TellEmNaegi: the park...

TellemNaegi: he loves the fountain and to watch the leaves fall.

BFG: I dont know Hina should we really be doing this??

DonutLover: We have to help our friends Sakura!!

DonutLover: Anyway take him to the park and just walk him around a little bit and talk!!

DonutLover: Be as nice as possible!! Ask him how his day was, or about his family, or even about school!!

DonutLover: Then ask him out on a date once you feel comfortable! Trust me Byakuya I can already tell that Makoto likes you so there is no doubt he would ever think of saying no to you!!

BFG: Hina is right Byakuya

BFG: it is easy to tell that Makoto has feelings for you. If you spend the entire evening with him he would be absolutely delighted!

TellEmNaegi: I hate that I am about to listen to you and even thank you for this advice but...

TellEmNaegi: Thank you both.

DonutLover: Aww Byakuya!!!!

TellEmNaegi: and goodbye.

*TellEmNaegi is offline*

DonutLover: I hope it works...

BFG: It will work out just fine.

DonutLover: I hope you are right!

*DonutLover and BFG are offline*

Hello. I told you guys like 30 billion chapters ago that I would be putting more Naegami in here so there you are. I will be posting a second part to this today or tomorrow (hopefully) on my oneshot book :) So there we are I really hope you guys had a great day and it didnt totally fucking suck. Also I might be doing a QnA so if you have any questions ask away! (I will also be posting an announcement  if you want to ask questions there too) Anyway stay cool and eat cheese :)

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