Hot pockets and Simps

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*Hagakure in online*

Hagakure: guys i just did something

*Togami, Ludenberg, Owada, and 2 others are online*

Togami: its 2 in the morning

Owada: bruh

Hagakure: i just tried to put my hot pocket in the toaster

Ludenberg: you did wut

Hagakure: i put my hot pocket in a toaster

Fujisaki: y tho

Hagakure: idk i just wasnt thinking

Owada: when are you dude?

Hagakure: RUDE

*Ishimaru, Ogami, Yamada, and 6 others are online*

Ikusaba: what have i missed

Asahina: apparently a lot

Ishimaru: You all should be asleep at these hours!

Fujisaki: but i want to change our usernames!

Togami: finally

Fukawa: M-Master!

Togami: stfu

Ishimaru: Please Togami watch your language!

Fukawa: s-sorry

Kuwata: she is still is stuttering

Ishimaru: Fine. We can change our usernames then go to sleep.

*Fujisaki has changed 15 names*

TellEmNaegi: wth is my name

BallsToTheFace: wow Chihiro i trusted you

HackerSkillz: Sorry Leon

BFG: I like mine

DonutLover: Awwww sakura urs is so cute!!

UrLocalDrugDealer: ur not wrong

MyChemicalRomance: Im not emo im goth

Sherlock: I like it celeste

Mom: Why am I Mom?

HackerSkillz: bc ur the mom friend

Mom: Oh okay. :)

CantBelieveItsNotButter: ...

CardiB: why is my name CardiB?

BallsInTheFace: bc no one likes ur music

LegLover: Thats not true Leon

CardiB: Thank you makoto

TumblrGod: No Leon is right no one likes your music

HamsterMan: I dont even like your music

BallsToTheFace: and hes a simp for everyone

PewPew: I like sayaka's music

CardiB: Thanks Mukuro!!

TellEmNaegi: I forgot u existed

UrLocalDrugDealer: smae

UrLocalDrugDealer: same*

CantBelieveItsNotButter: smae

MyChemicalRomance: smae

BallsInTheFace: smae

HackerSkillz: smae

LegLover: smae

UrLocalDrugDealer: StOP

DountLover: smae

Mom: Alright now that everyone has gotten their username it is time to go to sleep.

Hackerskillz: yeah guess ur right

CantBelieveItsNotButter: night

Mom: Good night Owada.

*CantBelieveItsNotButter, HackerSkillz, and Mom are offline*

BallsToTheFace: SIMP

PewPew: shut up Leon

CardiB: mondo is a tsundere

*CantBelieveItsNotButter is online*

CantBelieveItsNotButter: stfu

*CantBelieveItsNotButter is offline*

MyChemicalRomace: yup

Sherlock: gn

Leg lover: Night everyone!

*LegLover, TumblrGod, BFG and 9 others are offline*

I know its terrible just leave me alone. I was laying on my bed and was wondering if i could put a hot pocket in a toaster and thats how this began. Also i kinda forgot about Mukuro so i just threw her in :) And thats really it i was just kinda bored and decided to do this. Also if you didnt notice i rlly like the smiley face. Anyway stay cool and eat cheese :)

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