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Namjoon, and Jungkook walked down the street hand-in-hand as they made their way toward the olders apartment. The air was freezing and it was only getting colder as nighttime was approaching.

"Have you been going to practices?" Namjoon asked, taking a drink of his hot chocolate.

Jungkook nodded "Yep! My manager says I may be able to debut soon, I don't know what I'm going to do about school though..."

Namjoon stayed silent as he held the youngers hand a little tighter, he was super excited for the younger but, the selfish side of him only wanted Jungkook for himself. As much as Namjoon wanted to be selfish he knew he couldn't, he couldn't bring himself to be someone like Hyunwoo. Namjoon knew when the day came for Jungkook to debut he would either be left behind or stay by the youngers side as long as he possibly could.

Jungkook hummed to himself as they continued walking, finally making it to the apartment building. They made their way to the elevator and hit the floor number.

"Namjoon What if I don't debut?" Jungkook asked out of the blue.

The older looked at Jungkook shocked "What do you mean?"

"It's just been really overwhelming..." Jungkook shifted a bit "What if I'm not ready? What if I lose all the people close to me?"

Namjoon stood in front of the younger and cupped his face "You're going to be amazing- I've only known you for a while, but I know this is what you're meant to do. If people close to you leave then they were never close, to begin with, " He smiled "I already know Jimin and Taehyung will be there for you every step of the way and I'll be there for you too"

Jungkook felt like he could cry. Namjoon was the most perfect man in the world in his eyes. In all honesty, he was surprised they hadn't met sooner in life. They had so many mutual friends and Jungkook was always going to the library Namjoon worked at. Jungkook shut his eyes tightly and grabbed Namjoon's shirt, yanking him towards him for a kiss.

"Is it too early for me to say I love you" Jungkook mumbled against the olders lips.

Namjoon chuckled and shook his head "Does love have a wait period?"

The two knew they were moving too quickly, but when two people are in love is there really too fast? When you know, you know. They pulled away from the kiss and started to laugh.

"Let's make it through our first date and see how you feel at the end" Namjoon smiled.

Jungkook grinned "You'll be tripping all over me" he teased.

The elevator doors opened, the two quickly their way out. Jungkook stood behind the older, wrapping his arms around Namjoon's waist as they stood in front of the apartment door, Namjoon rummaging through his pockets for his key.

"What should we order for dinner?" Jungkook asked, as Namjoon finally unlocked the door, dragging Jungkook in right behind him.

Namjoon thought for a moment "Let's order some chicken? We could get whatever you like."

"Oh, Oh, Oh! Let's also order some of those cheese balls!" Jungkook added "Have you ever had those? They're so good! Oh, and beer! I haven't been able to have any since I've been dieting" He pouted.

Namjoon chuckled as he helped Jungkook take off his coat, swiftly hanging it up "That sounds good, we could eat ourselves into a coma tonight."

The two settled on the couch as they ordered their food. Jungkook cuddled into Namjoon, the older swiftly pulling a blanket over themselves. They turned on the TV, searching for a movie to watch.

The doorbell rang, Namjoon quickly getting up, grabbing his wallet. He opened the door and got their food.

"Dinner as arrived!" He smiled, setting the food down on the coffee table. Jungkooks eyes lit up and Namjoon laid the food out in front of him.

"God I'm so excited to eat this" Jungkook drooled, grabbing a piece of spicy chicken, then a cheese ball, and then finally cracking open a beer.

Namjoon started laughing "Are they depriving you that much at the company" Jungkook quickly nodded with a mouth full of food.

Before they knew it, they were drunk. They both forget to disclose their horribly low drinking tolerances. A match made in heaven, truly.

Jungkook had gotten more touchy the more he drank. They weren't sloppy drunk yet but they were on the brink of it.

"You're so pretty" Jungkook slurred as he cupped Namjoons face. The younger was straddling Namjoon.

Namjoon smiled "You're so drunk right now" surprisingly Namjoon was keeping it together pretty well, even though he knew he was just as drunk as the younger.

"Is it bad to drink on the first date? Is getting drunk bad luck?" Jungkook rambled. He continued to feel Namjoon up. Namjoon would be lying if he said he didn't like it, he knew the two were moving super fast, but sex on the first date was way too fast for him.

"I think we should go to bed, we have to wake up early~ I have work, don't you have school?" Namjoon asked, snagging Jungkooks hands to keep them from roaming more.

Jungkook shook his head like a child "Nope, winter break" he smiled "I do have to meet with my manager tomorrow though."

Namjoon's eyes widened. He shouldn't be letting Jungkook drink like this, especially since he needs to keep a good image and focus.

"We should go to sleep, seriously-"

Jungkook pouted "Why~ Let's drink a little more!"

Namjoon felt so terrible right now, he felt like Jungkook would get in trouble with his manager if he showed up tomorrow hungover and exhausted. He swiftly picked the younger up and carried him towards his bedroom, plopping him on the bed. Jungkook already looked like he was ready to pass out. the younger refused to let go of Namjoon thought, he yanked Namjoon onto the bed with him, immediately clinging onto him like a koala.

"Sleep with me~" Jungkook pouted, his hands started to roam Namjoons body again. Namjoon's anxiety was spiking to an all-time high. He was about to say something when he felt the youngers hands just stop. Namjoon looked over at Jungkook to see he had passed out. He let out a sigh of relief and slowly pulled away from Jungkook, placing the blanket over him. Namjoon caressed the youngers cheek before leaving the room and setting up a tiny bed on the couch where he finally fell asleep. Already regretting the massive hangover he would have in the morning.

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