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Namjoon sat at the front desk bored out of his mind. After Jungkooks and his first date, the younger got super busy. Jungkook started having more photoshoots, he was practicing more, and he was getting ready to debut. Taehyung and Jimin still came around the library often to study now that school was back from break. Jimin had informed the older that Jungkook had gotten so busy that he had to start taking his classes online.

He sighed and started typing away at his laptop, placing an order for new books they needed to get. Namjoon heard his phone start ringing, he answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Are you free for lunch?" The voice that came through sounded tired. Namjoon pulled the phone away and checked who he was talking to.

"You sound exhausted, Koo" Namjoon commented, leaning back in his chair.

Jungkook groaned "You didn't answer my question!"

Namjoon chuckled "Yes, I'm free for lunch-" the line went dead and the library doors opened.

"Let's go, I don't have a lot of time" Jungkook smiled. Namjoon gathered his things and rushed over to the younger, kissing him on the forehead. Jungkook quickly dragged him out of the library.

The two decided to take it slow, Namjoon still needed time to adjust to a new relationship and Jungkook didn't want to rush him. So far the two were doing well, they weren't quite official yet but they didn't mind.

They rushed to a small restaurant, walking inside and finding a table. The second they sat down, Jungkooks phone started to ring. He answered it, mouthing 'sorry' to the older.

"Y-Yeah, I'll be there in a few minutes" Jungkook sighed, hanging up the phone. "Joonie, I'm so sorry- they want me back to practice more and to discuss some details..."

Namjoon gave a weak smile "It's okay, let me walk you back."

Jungkook pulled Namjoon into a tight hug "I promise once I make it big I'll have more time for you" he whispered, planting a soft kiss on the olders cheek.

"You don't have to promise me anything, I trust you" Namjoon grinned, his dimples appearing and blinding Jungkook.

"Let's go before my manager has a heart attack" Jungkook giggled. He grabbed the olders hand, dragging him along.

The walk was silent and as much as the two hated to admit it, there was a bit of tension. Neither had a single idea of how to approach Jungkook becoming an idol. Jungkook felt the worst ache in his heart for Namjoon, he hated that he didn't have enough time to be around him to smother him with love.

"I have a question..." Namjoon spoke, "I-I know we haven't been seeing each other for very long- and I know you're super busy and- I- Well, I like you and I want to..." he took a breath to gather his confidence "I was wondering if you wanted to date me? I guess be my boyfriend-" Namjoon was cut off by the younger tackling him to the ground.

"Yes!" Jungkook answered enthusiastically. He planted kisses all over Namjoons face.

Namjoon giggled "I was not expecting you to react like this"

"I'm just so happy" Jungkook blushed. The two went silent, processing that they were now an official couple. They both knew though they were going to have to discuss how they were going to work around Jungkooks schedule. The younger knew of a few other trainees who had gone through some pretty bad breakups since they started getting busier. He just hoped that Namjoon and he were the lucky ones.

Jungkooks phone started to go off again, he immediately answered, his angry manager yelling at him to hurry up before hanging up.

"I really gotta go..." Jungkook frowned, standing up. He extended a hand to help up the older "Maybe I could go over to your place after practice?"

Namjoon nodded "Yeah, of course, you don't even have to ask. I'll make us dinner" he smiled.

Jungkook grinned and planted a kiss on the olders lips "I'll see you later tonight, Joonie" he quickly ran off to not get scolded again.

Namjoon was in a daze, he had finally asked Jungkook to be his boyfriend and he felt like he was floating. He got a strange feeling though that he didn't want to bring up to Jungkook earlier. Namjoon felt like they were being watched. Not the glances from people walking by, but it was something more focused. Namjoon quickly glanced around to check out his surroundings, not seeing anything unusual. He brushed it off and started to head back to the library to finish his day.

Jungkook finished up all he had to do for the day, heading towards Namjoons place. He softly hummed to himself as he walked in the cold weather. Winter was a few months from coming to an end, spring was just around the corner.

Perfect time for Joonie and I to take a trip.

Jungkook smiled to himself as he pulled out his phone, he scrolled through looking at his Twitter. He heard loud footsteps behind him forcing him to quickly turn around to see who was behind him. Jungkook felt his heart racing, he looked around but there was no one. He slowly started to walk again, this time clicking on Jimins contact, letting the older know what was going on so he could keep him company on his way to Namjoons.

The younger felt nervous and kept checking his surroundings the whole walk. People would pass by him every once in a while but he just had a gut feeling someone was watching him. Jungkook was paranoid. He quickened his pace and finally made it to Namjoons apartment complex. The second he made it into the building the feeling of being watched disappeared and he ended the call with Jimin.

Jungkook walked to the elevator and clicked the fifth floor button. The elevator stopped and he quickly rushed to Namjoons door, knocking on it.

Namjoon opened the door and greeted the younger.

"I just had the weirdest walk over here" Jungkook started, taking off his coat and hanging it up.

Namjoon got a questioning look on his face "What do you mean, what happened?"

Jungkook rubbed his face "Maybe I'm just crazy or tired, maybe both, but I felt like I was being watched the entire walk here from the agency..."

The older felt his heart sink, he remembered how he had felt earlier.

"You know the same thing happened to me earlier when I was with you. Do you think someone is stalking you?" Namjoon asked, concern coating his words. Jungkook played with the hem of his sleeves nervously.

"I don't know who would do that, I-I mean I haven't even debuted yet" Jungkooks voice was quiet.

The two stood their confused, their brains wracking for answers. Neither of them had a good feeling about this.

Hi lovebugs! this story will officially be updated every other Friday, thank you all for being so so patient with me 🤍

- love, vann🌱

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