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Namjoon sat on the couch, Jungkooks legs intertwined with his own as they lazed around for the youngers day off. Jungkook scrolled through his phone as Namjoon read his book.

"Did you see that scandal from LP" Jungkook asked, showing his phone to the older.

Namjoon shook his head "What happened?"

Jungkook sat up, adjusting himself on the couch "I guess one of the idols got caught with their girlfriend, the fans aren't taking it very well... The company issued a statement saying it's not true, but no one believes it..." Namjoon stared at the younger, analyzing his face. He could tell he was worried.

"What's got that pretty little head of yours worried?" Namjoon asked, brushing Jungkooks hair out of his face. The younger groaned and plopped back onto the couch.

"Being an idol seems so stressful... Why can't fans understand we all date and have lives outside of concerts and fan meetings? We're people too!" Jungkook stated, he rubbed his face in frustration.

Namjoon gave a small smile, pulling Jungkook up and onto his lap. He cupped the youngers face "You don't have to worry about that, you just need to go out there and show them the real Jungkook. Show them that you don't care about what anyone thinks. You have your friends and your loving boyfriend by your side" Namjoon grinned, showing off his famous dimples that eased Jungkooks worries in a matter of seconds.

Jungkook smiled and planted kisses all over the olders face "You're right, I have nothing to worry about. I have you!"

Their day went by slowly, Jungkook was getting a few days off as his debut date was getting closer. They had released his concept photos which started to gain the younger some recognition. Jungkook was starting to have to wear a mask whenever he went out which was starting to make it harder for Namjoon and him to go on dates. Jungkook couldn't even go to a grocery store without getting bombarded.

Tonight thought the two decided they should attempt to go out. After Jungkook worried about his debut and the fans, Namjoon and him had a long discussion about what they should do if fans ask about Jungkook and that guy he's always seen with. They decided to simply leave their public relationship as really good friends.

The two started to get ready for their date. Jungkook rummaged through his clothes, then through Namjoons trying to find something to wear. Jungkook had been staying over at the older place most nights since it was a lot closer than Taehyungs and Jimins apartment, he was practically living with Namjoon at this point.

"Koo! We gotta go" Namjoon called out from the living room. Jungkook threw on whatever he grabbed in those last seconds and rushed out of the room.

"I'm ready, I'm ready!" Jungkook smiled as he rushed towards the front door. Namjoon chuckled and leaned down, grabbing the youngers shoes. Jungkook grabbed them and tossed them on.

"I heard the restaurant is really popular for their soup dishes" Namjoon smiled as he put on his own shoes. Jungkook seemed a bit zoned out as Namjoon spoked. Namjoon frowned and grabbed one of the bucket hats hanging by the door, placing it on Jungkooks head "Let's have fun tonight, just focus on us" he smiled. Jungkook nodded slowly.

They tossed on their coats and made their way out of the apartment, Jungkook immediately putting on his mask out of habit. Namjoon did the same, he didn't have to, but he knew Jungkook felt a bit better when he wasn't the only one wearing it.

Jungkook grabbed Namjoons hand, tucking it into his coat pocket, he squeezed the olders hand gently as they walked down the street. Jungkook started to glance around nervously, he felt eyes on him again. Something wasn't right.

"Hey, are you okay?" Namjoon asked, he stopped walking. Jungkook came back to reality and stared at the older.

"Yeah..." Jungkook lied.

Namjoon knew he was lying and he could tell he was uncomfortable "Seriously, what's going on?"

Jungkook let out a shaky breathe "I-I feel like someone's watching us again..." Namjoon glanced around trying to see if he would catch anyone. Namjoon knew exactly how Jungkook was feeling, second they left his apartment building he felt eyes on them.

"I know, I've had the same feeling since we left the apartment..." Namjoon bit his bottom lip and started to pull Jungkook along with him "Let's just hurry over to the restaurant. If it gets too much to handle we can call Hobi or Jimin to come get us to drive us home."

Jungkook agreed, the two let go of each other's hands and quickly walked towards their destination, eyes following them the entire time. At one point Jungkook could've sworn he saw a flash come from across the street. For all, he knew it was a saesaeng taking pictures.

They finally made it to the restaurant, and the feeling of being watched continued even though they sat down at their table. Their entire meal was silent, they tried to enjoy it but how could they when they knew someone was watching? Jungkook and Namjoon knew this was going to be difficult, but it was getting to a point where Namjoon was losing his mind seeing Jungkook so paranoid.

Namjoon knew he was going to have to get to the bottom of this no matter how long it took.

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