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Namjoon leaned back in his chair, staring at his phone. The damn thing had been going off all day with calls from unknown numbers. He wanted to turn it off but he was scared to miss a call from Jungkook.

He groaned and took off his glasses, rubbing his face.

"What's got ya down in the dumps?" Jimin asked as he placed some books on the counter.

Namjoon shook his head "I keep getting calls from these numbers I don't know" he grabbed the books and scanned them. Jimin and Taehyung had been informed of the stalker situation even though didn't exactly know if it was a stalker.

"Try answering?" Taehyung suggest, he took a sip of his drink before handing it over to Jimin who did the same.

The phone went off again, the three staring at. It felt like they were in a thriller movie. Namjoon grabbed the phone and declined immediately.

"No way am I answering, what if it's some crazy person?" Namjoon laid his head on his desk, defeated.

Jimin tapped his chin thinking "Do you know anyone who would wanna stalk you or Jungkook?"

Namjoon thought for a moment "I don't think so... I don't really... Oh my god-" he stood up dramatically from his chair "Hyunwoo?"

"Your ex?" Taehyung questioned, "Is he crazy enough to do that?"

Namjoon sat back down "I don't know, he's a wild card but I don't think he's crazy enough to do that."

Jimin slammed his drink down and leaned over the counter "But what if he is!?"

"Seriously, I don't think he is" Namjoon stated. He handed over Jimins books.

"Keep us updated on the situation and don't think your ex isn't that crazy. We'll keep a look out" Jimin smiled "We'll see you later- Oh, and tell Koo hi for us, we never see him anymore! You've whisked him away" he chuckled, Namjoon nodded and waved the couple off.

He sat there still thinking, his glasses slipping to the tip of his nose. Hyunwoo could be the stalker, but Namjoon had faith it wasn't him. He sighed once more and grabbed his phone, typing in Hoseok's number. The phone rang for a few moments before he answered.

"Hello?" Hoseok answered.

"Are you free later tonight?" Namjoon asked. He needed a night with his friend, he was too stressed to do anything else and he needed to let out some steam.

"You know I'm always free for you! Oh, Jin and Yoongs are back in town, we should all go out to a bar tonight!" Hoseok suggested. Namjoon agreed and hung up, this was exactly what he needed. He hadn't seen his friends in so long, especially Jin and Yoongi.

Namjoon went about the rest of his day excited for his shift to end. He texted Jungkook that he would be going out, letting him know to just go home and rest.

Finally, Namjoon's shift had come to an end and he was officially ready to go have a good night. Oddly enough he hadn't heard from Jungkook the whole day. The older had texted him a few times but he figured that Jungkook had just gone home and crashed out after a stressful day.

Namjoon walked down the street, only with his destination in mind and for once he didn't feel like someone was watching him.

His phone started going off again, he declined the unknown number for the hundredth time today and kept walking. Namjoon thought for a moment about calling it back but he decided it was better left alone. Instead, he clicked on Jungkooks contact, the call immediately going to voicemail.

"Strange..." He mumbled to himself. Namjoon tried to call once more before he shoved his phone back into his pocket.

Namjoon finally made his way to the restaurant and glanced around to see his friends waving him down. He hurried over, plopping himself next to Hoseok.

"Long time no see!" Yoongi smiled. Namjoon hadn't seen Yoongi and Jin since they had gotten married, they had that after-honeymoon glow.

Seokjin leaned forward, resting his head on his hand "So, heard you got a boyfriend" he teased, wiggling his eyebrow. Namjoon blushed.

"Speaking of which, how has that been going?" Hoseok asked, taking a sip of his beer.

Namjoon sighed "It's been rough, he's been really busy getting ready to debut. It's been hectic" a waiter walked up to the table and asked for his drink order before he continued "Him and I have been getting kind of stalked?" Namjoon informed Jin and Yoongi.

Their eyes widened, and Yoongi's face immediately grew concerned "What do you mean exactly?" he asked.

"Well, it started a few weeks ago, we started feeling like we were being watched, then it turned into both of us getting that feeling when we weren't even together" Namjoon rubbed his face "I'm more worried about Jungkook, I haven't been able to get ahold of him all day... I've also been getting call after call from different numbers..."

Seokjin leaned back in his chair "Then what're you doing here? We could've rescheduled!" he scolded.

"He's right, you should go see him and check in on him. Make sure he's home safe and sound" Yoongi agreed.

Hoseok smiled "They're practically moved in together at this point"

"Even better! Go home right now and make sure he's okay" Seokjin suggested, well, more like demanded.

Namjoons three friends encouraged him to go home, make sure Jungkooks there. Namjoon took a big chug of his beer and got up.

"Fine you guys have convinced me, I'll go home" Namjoon chuckled, "We need to meet up soon though!"

They all said their goodbye as Namjoon left on his own making his way home.

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