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Jungkook laid on the bed, falling into complete bliss. Namjoon kissed down the youngers neck, making sure not to leave a single mark.

The younger was slightly embarrassed that he was already hard. He couldn't help it with the way Namjoons hands were roaming his body, all the tender kisses, the way Namjoons hands ran up his thighs.

Namjoon stripped his own shirt off, Jungkooks eyes widening in awe. The older towered over Jungkook, causing him to become even more flustered if that was even possible. Jungkook absent-mindedly felt the olders body. His hand gently ran up and down his torso, before he realized it his hands had traveled down to Namjoons pants. Jungkook quickly pulled away.

"Ah- I-I'm sorry" Jungkook muttered out.

Namjoon smiled "It's okay, we'll do whatever you're comfortable with" he kissed jungkooks cheek "Would it be easier if I guide you?" Jungkook bit his bottom lip, nodding.

Namjoon grabbed the youngers hand, guiding it down to his length. He kissed Jungkook to try and ease his worries and make his more comfortable. Jungkook started to move his hand on his own, rubbing the older through his pants. Namjoon moved his hand from Jungkooks, placing his hand onto the youngers length. Jungkook let own a tiny moan, Namjoon smiling a bit.

The two continued to make out a bit more before Namjoon pulled away, tucking some fingers under the waistband of Jungkooks sweats, slipping them off.

Namjoon situated himself between Jungkooks thighs, kissing them softly. He glanced up at Jungkooks, who was staring at him intently. Namjoon gave a soft smile as he kissed down the youngers thighs and to his length.

Jungkook looked away, biting his lip. He felt Namjoon capture his length with his mouth.

"Wait~" Jungkook moaned. His hands found their way into Namjoons hair, gripping it gently. Namjoon bobbed his head slowly, Jungkook arched his back "J-Joonie~ I think I'm about to~" he let out a moan as his body twitched, his grip on Namjoons hair becoming tighter as he climaxed.

Jungkook loosened his grip on the older hair as he quickly sat up, lifting Namjoons head "Oh my god- Don't swallow!" Jungkook warned. Namjoon quickly swallowed and smiled, Jungkook stared at him horrified "I can't believe you- you did that!" Jungkook lightly smacked the olders arm, scolding him.

"You tasted sweet~" Namjoon teased, running a hand through his hair.

Jungkook grabbed a pillow, throwing it at the older "Don't say stuff like that!"

"Fine- I won't say that again" Namjoon grabbed Jungkooks face and kissed him quickly "Let's go wash up and go to bed" Namjoon suggested.

Jungkook looked down at Namjoons crotch "But you didn't finish..." he pointed out shyly. Namjoon looked down at his lap.

"Don't worry about it" Namjoon smiled. He was trying to be considerate of the younger, not wanting him to do more than he was comfortable with.

Jungkook slowly placed his hand over Namjoons length. He leaned down, kissing it through his pants. Namjoon was taken off guard seeing the younger so bold. Jungkook unbuttoned Namjoons pants, pulling his length out.

"Woah~" Jungkook let out. He leaned down, kissing up Namjoons length. The older bit his bottom lip as he watched Jungkook.

Jungkook looked up, after licking up the olders length "Am I doing this right?" Jungkook asked shyly.

Namjoon held his breath and nodded quickly, Jungkook went back to attending to Namjoons bit issue, trying to take the entire length into his mouth. Jungkook bobbed his head slowly up and down. Not wanting to do anything wrong. Jungkook hoped he was making the older feel good. Jungkook glanced up at Namjoon, his head thrown back as he let out low moans. Namjoon thrust his hips up, Jungkook pulling away for a moment.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked quickly.

"Mhm" Jungkook hummed, wrapping his lips around Namjoons length again. Namjoon could feel himself getting closer as Jungkook continued to bob his head. The older pulled Jungkooks head off his length as he came. Jungkook stared at Namjoon was coming down from cloud nine.

Jungkook looked away "Was that alright?" he asked shyly.

Namjoon giggled and pulled Jungkook into a kiss "You did good, don't overthink too much about it okay?" he smiled.

Jungkook held back a shy grin "I'm gonna go shower, let's get breakfast tomorrow" Namjoon nodded as he watched Jungkook get off the bed, grabbing some clothes, and heading to the bathroom.

Namjoon was definitely head over heels for him.

Namjoon woke up the next morning to smell of pancakes. He forced himself up off of the bed, tossing a shirt on. Namjoon rubbed his face and headed out of the bedroom.

Jungkook stood in their tiny kitchen, flipping a pancake, humming a song to himself. Namjoon walked up behind him, wrapping his arms around the youngers waist, and planting a soft kiss on his neck.

"I didn't know you knew how to make pancakes" Namjoon groggily mumbled.

Jungkook smiled "I didn't until I looked it up this morning" he let out a soft giggle, turning the stove off and taking the last pancake off of the pan.

The two plopped down onto the couch, eating the pancakes Jungkook had made. The room was silent but anyone could tell some things needed to be said.

"What's on your mind?" Namjoon asked, taking another bite of his food.

Jungkook set his plate onto his lap, taking a deep breathe "I called the agency today and let them know what happened yesterday..." he looked down "They let me have today off and they're reporting it to the police again but they said there isn't much I could do and that I need to focus on my debut."

"That's all they said?" Namjoon felt a bit furious that the company was doing so little "Can't they give you like a bodyguard or something?"

"They offered..." Jungkook hesitated a bit "I-I refused. Joon, I don't want to be under surveillance every single second"

Namjoon frowned. They were doing everything they could to protect and make sure Jungkook was okay but they had no idea who was even doing this to him.

Jungkooks phone started to go off, he put his plate on the coffee table and rushed into their room to answer it. Namjoon finished his pancakes and took his plate to the sink. He could hear Jungkook talking to someone.

The younger walked back into the living room, changed out of his pajamas.

"What's going on?" Namjoon asked confused as the younger rushed to put his shoes on.

Jungkook rubbed his tired face "The agency wants me to go in, they want to move up my debut date"

"Do you want me to walk you?" Namjoon asked as he went to grab his shoes.

The younger shook his head "They're sending me a driver, they don't want me walking anywhere anymore" Jungkook stood up and grabbed his coat, quickly putting it on. Jungkook grabbed Namjoons face and planted a kiss onto his lips "I love you."

"I love you too" Namjoon gave a weak smile.

Jungkook grabbed the door handle "I'll see you later tonight, let me know if you go anywhere" Namjoon nodded as he watched Jungkook open the door, quickly closing it behind him.

Namjoon felt his stomach sink.

i'm breaking the upload schedule 🧍🏻🧍🏻

~xoxo, vann

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