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Jungkook rushed out to the front of the apartments, he pulled a mask over his face as he waited for his ride. He checked his phone to see if there were any important messages from Jimin or Taehyung.

Just as he was about to put his phone away someone bumped into him, knocking the phone out of his hands.

"What the- HEY!" Jungkook shouted.

The man quickly snatched the phone and started running. Jungkook stood there confused, contemplating if he should chase the man or not. He crouched down, defeated. His car arrived a second later.

"Are you okay?" The driver asked as Jungkook got into the back of the car.

Jungkook groaned "Someone just stole my phone- I can't afford to buy a new one..."

The driver sighed "The company will buy you a knew one."

Jungkook sunk into his seat as they headed over to the agency. His brain was a jumbled mess, he didn't want a new phone, he had all his pictures with Namjoon on that phone, all their first texts, everything. He had a feeling this had to do with whoever was tormenting him. Jungkook started to bite his lip nervously, he couldn't remember if he locked his phone or not.

They pulled up to the front of the company, Jungkook rushing into the building asking one of the other trainees for a phone he could barrow.

"Jungkook!" His manager called. Jungkook handed the phone back to his friend and swung around walking over to his manager "Let's go to the conference room, we're running late." he grabbed the youngers arm and started walking them towards the elevator.

"Manager, my phone was stolen this morning-" Jungkook started.

"We'll get you a new one after you debut."

"I need that phone, it has a bunch of important things on there!" Jungkook pleaded. His manager sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"I can try and track it but for right now we need to focus on getting you debuted. You can always transfer your stuff from that phone to your new phone" His manager informed as they approached the fifth floor. The doors opened and they got out, walking towards the conference room.

Jungkook couldn't pay attention to a single thing. He was worrying more and more about the situation and no one was doing a single thing. He was worried about Namjoon.

The conference ended, his stress levels were even higher than they were an hour ago. The company decided to move up his debut but a whole two weeks which meant he wasn't going to have any time for anything.

Jungkook rummaged through his pockets forgetting that he didn't have his phone. He groaned and walked out of the building, pulling his mask up over his face. He started to walk towards the car he was going to take home when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Jungkook spun around quickly, getting into a defensive stance.

"Joon?" Jungkook questioned, letting his guard down.

Namjoon frowned "I tried calling you all day but it kept going straight to voicemail..."

"Oh... I'm sorry... My phone got stolen this morning and I tried-"

"Someone stole your phone?" Namjoon asked worriedly "Did you tell the company? Did you see the person's face? Are you okay?"

Jungkook smiled "I'm fine. The company said they'll buy me a new phone but not until after my debut, which they moved up a couple of weeks..."

"Let's go home" Namjoon suggested.

Jungkook nodded, walking over to the car, knocking on the window which rolled down quickly "I'm gonna walk home with my friend, is that okay?"

The driver shook his head "I'll give you both a lift home, same place?"

Jungkook nodded, gesturing Namjoon to get into the car with him.

The entire car ride was silent, it was a bit awkward. Namjoon and Jungkook couldn't talk freely about anything since the company driver was more than likely listening.

The driver dropped them off in front of the apartment complex. They waved goodbye to him before making their way into the building.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook apologized "Everything is so chaotic and messy..."

Namjoon frowned, pulling the younger into a tight hug "It's not your fault, this is just how life is right now. You don't need to apologize or feel guilty for anything"

Jungkook started to breakdown crying, he was so overwhelmed. He clung to the older.

Namjoons phone started to go off, he pulled away from Jungkook to get his phone out of his pocket. Namjoons eyes widened, he showed the caller ID to the younger who quickly grabbed the phone from Namjoons hands.

"Why would they be calling you back after they ignored your earlier calls?" Jungkook asked confused. He stared at the phone until the call stopped.

"Maybe we should've answered it" Namjoon suggested "Do you think they'll call back?"

Jungkook shrugged his shoulder, the phone started to ring again on queue. Jungkook answered the phone, he wanted all of this to end.

"Hello?" Jungkook answered.

The line was silent for a moment, Jungkook pulled the phone away from his ear and put it on speaker.

"Who is this?" Namjoon asked.

The person on the other line started chuckling "Wow I haven't heard your voice in ages, Joonie"

Namjoon knew who it was immediately "Hyunwoo?"

I know I know another cliffhanger ;[ don't hate me to much, this story is moving a tiny bit slow but it will be picking up pace soon so get ready!

-love, vann🌱

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