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Jungkook stood at the side stage, fans chanting his name. The lights went out and the first notes of one of his songs hit his ears. He walked out onto the stage, adjusting the mic that sat on his ear.

The younger started the choreography, singing the words and falling into another world as he performed.

Nothing felt better than this, Jungkook was in his element, hearing people chant his name and the words to his songs. This was pure bliss.

This was where he was happiest.

Jungkook performed a few more songs before he started talking to the crowd.

"How's everyone doing?" Jungkook asked, taking a drink of his water. The crowd shouted back at him, he smiled and tried to scan the crowd to see if he could spot his friends "I have some very important people here tonight, so I promise to keep performing well for everyone!"

The crowd went wild once more, Jungkook extended his hands out and waved them to usher everyone to quiet down a bit.

Jungkook smiled "This next song is very dear to me, it's the B-Side on the album but I've been so excited to perform it for all of you" he walked over to a piano on the stage and sat down on the chair in front of it. The lights dimmed a bit, a spotlight falling on the only star in the venue.

He started to press keys on the piano, his sweet voice matching the notes perfectly. The crowd held up their phones with flashlights on or waved their cheap little blowup light sticks.

Jungkook got to the middle of the song, taking a breath when his mic went out. He looked towards the side stage as everyone started rushing around to fix the issue. He continued to play the piano before the mic on that went out as well. Jungkook stood up and started to walk to the center of the stage. The crowd looked around and at each other confused, no one had any idea what was going on. The screens and lights finally went out, the entire venue went silent.

Jungkook was afraid to move around the stage, he didn't want to trip or fall.

The giant screens came back on but it wasn't the normal set sequence. Jungkooks eye's widened when he saw pictures of Namjoon and him plastered all over the giant screens. The entire venue went dead silent, you could hear a pin drop.

Jungkook stood there frozen, his heart felt like it was about to rip out of his chest.

A couple of the stage staff ran onto the stage and grabbed Jungkook, guiding him off of the stage. The crowd started to erupt in chatter, making Jungkook feel like he was being yelled out.

"What the hell is going on?" Jungkooks manager yelled, he ran around trying to get the screens to shut off.

The stage manager yelled over at the manager "We can't shut it off, it's not coming from our servers!"

The staff sat Jungkook down, trying to talk to him. His manager cupped his face and forced him to look at him.

"We need you to stay with us here, Jungkook" His manager pulled him into a tight hug "We're gonna get this situated and go grab Namjoon, he needs to get out of the crowd." Jungkook nodded slowly as his manager walked away.

Jungkooks mind was blank, he couldn't process anything going on around him. He could hear people talking to him but he couldn't respond. He knew exactly who was behind this, he felt so sick to his stomach just knowing Hyunwoo would go this far to try to ruin his life all because he was dating Namjoon.

The younger felt a body crash into him, pulling him into a hug that brought him back into reality.

"I'm so sorry" Namjoon apologized, holding Jungkook tight.

Jungkook clung onto the older, breaking down and sobbing. The two sat there for a moment, embracing each other.

"I need to face this head-on..." Jungkook spoke. Namjoon pulled away and shook his head.

"What do you plan on saying? Y-You can't- just wait for the company-"

Jungkook furrowed his brows "I'm not letting Hyunwoo ruin my life. I'm not letting him get away with this" the younger stood up and walked, grabbing a mic. He looked over and gave a small, weak, smile "I want them to love me for me, the real Jungkook."

Namjoon stood there and watched as Jungkook walked out onto the stage. Everyone held their breath as the stage workers started getting lights ready so Jungkook could speak.

Jungkook stood side stage and closed his eyes, he was ready to have people know exactly who he was.

He was ready to take his power back.

Jungkook walked out on stage.

His knees felt like they were about to give out at any moment.

The crowd went silent once more as Jungkook walked to the center stage. He glanced up at the giant screens to see the pictures were still up.

Jungkook pointed at the screen and held the mic up to his mouth "This is me" he spoke. The crowd continued to stay silent, everyone anticipating what he would say next.

Namjoon stood at side stage watching Jungkook try to hold himself together. Jungkook knew he had a good support behind him. He was ready to give it all up to live openly.

"I've wanted to be an idol since the first song I ever heard" Jungkook let out a shaky breath "The person in these pictures is me, this is me with the person I love. None of this changes who I am as a person, I'm still the same Jungkook, I don't want to hide this from any of you anymore, I wasn't planning on tonight going this way" he clenched the mic tightly, trying to stop himself from shaking "But, even with being outed, like this, I hope and wish you all love me for who I am, even if I no longer make music after this. I love every one of you so much, I hold you all dear to my heart..."

A girl shouted from the crowd, it was so quick Jungkook couldn't hear it. The crowd started chanting Jungkook's name. His knees finally gave out and he fell to the ground as he heard everyone chant words of support for him. Jungkook started to sob, he covered his face as his tears stained his cheeks.

Namjoon stood there feeling a weight lift off his shoulders, the same as Jungkook. The younger looked up towards Namjoon, giving him the biggest smile he had ever seen in his life.

Jungkook managed to pick himself up, he stood there for a moment taking everything in. He felt so much love he completely forgot about all his worries.

The venue continued to shout words of support towards Jungkook, it was so overwhelming to the younger but he wouldn't want it any other way. Jungkook looked back towards his manager who mouthed that they had control of the sound and screens again. The younger nodded and looked back at the crowd.

"Would you guys mind if I tried to sing my song again?" Jungkook asked. The crowd cheered, encouraging Jungkook to continue his set.

He sat down at the piano again and started to play, the crowd completely entranced by his voice.

Jungkook felt so free, he sang his heart out. He felt the greatest weight lift off his shoulders, he was loved and supported, he couldn't help but smile the entire song knowing that he could openly talk about and sing about the love of his life.

Nothing could ever ruin his life, Hyunwoo tried and failed.

Jungkook could live free now, he could be happy.

This was all he ever wanted.


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