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Namjoon typed away at his computer, taking count of books and inventory. He smiled when he got a text from Jungkook, he was sending pictures of the venue for tonight.

The older texted back, excited to finally go see Jungkook perform tonight. Jungkooks manager had personally provided him with a couple of tickets and a good view. Namjoon decided to take Taehyung and Jimin with him since they hadn't been able to see Jungkook either.

Namjoon originally planned to take Hoseok, Jin, and Yoongi, but the three of them already had an in since all of them were pretty well known anyways.

The olders boss walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder "You've got a visitor" he informed. Namjoon looked around confused before standing up from the front desk.

"Is Jungkook here?" Namjoon asked. His boss shook his head and guided him to the break room.

"This guy came in a few minutes ago when you went to the bathroom and said he had to talk to you" his boss turned on his heel and walked away. Namjoon opened the door and walked in.

He walked in and crossed his arms "What are you doing here?" Namjoon scowled.

"What? Are you not happy to see me?" Hyunwoo stood up and walked towards Namjoon.

Namjoon rolled his eyes "Are you seriously that desperate?"

Hyunwoo frowned. Namjoon had finally learned how to stand up for himself, when he was with Hyunwoo he was so weak and broken. Hyunwoo controlled everything, down to what he wore. Namjoon wasn't the shy, broken, shut-in guy he was two years ago.

"Come on, I just miss you..." Hyunwoo gave a sad smile "We can be happy, I've changed-"

"Nothing about you has changed" Namjoon spat "You're crazy, you're trying to ruin everything again!"

Hyunwoos eyes widened "I'm not crazy!" he shouted.

Namjoon went to walk away when Hyunwoo grabbed his arm "You fucked up, I did nothing wrong! If you would've just left that little shithead none of this would be happening! This is because of you!" he threatened.

"No, this is all because of you" Namjoon yanked his arm away and left the room. Hyunwoo stood there shaking, he felt rage from not being in control of this situation.

Namjoon walked back to the front desk and sat down. Hyunwoo walked by and out of the front doors, slamming them behind him.

"Was that Hyunwoo?" A voice asked, taking Namjoon out of his thoughts. He turned in his chair to see Taehyung standing there along with two drinks in his hands.

Namjoon nodded "Yeah... Where's Jimin?"

"He's at home, he's been getting ready all day just for tonight, he's excited" Taehyung smiled, placing a drink on the counter "Kookie wanted me to bring you this"

Namjoon grabbed the drink and took a sip, the warm hot chocolate putting him at ease "Hopefully nothing happens tonight, did Koo update you all on the situation?"

Taehyung nodded "Yeah, Jimin wouldn't shut up about being right" the younger sighed "I wish you guys didn't have to go through this. If you ever need a place to stay, you're always welcome at our place" he smiled.

Namjoon grinned "Thank you guys"

The two said their goodbyes, leaving Namjoon to go back to his work. He knew he would eventually have to tell Jungkook about today's confrontation with Hyunwoo but not today, he didn't want to ruin such a happy day for the younger.

The lights flashed around the venue as Jungkook practiced. The music stopped, and he stood there for a moment practicing his goodbye. He looked around and smiled, never in his wildest dreams did he think he would be standing on stage. Jungkook walked backstage and grabbed some water, checking his phone and seeing a few texts from Jimin and Namjoon. The two of them texted about how excited they were for tonight.

Jungkook took a swig his water, letting out a tired breathe.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Jungkook's manager asked with a big smile.

The younger nodded "This is gonna be a big show, it's crazy how much support I've gotten... It feels too good to be true" Jungkook stretched a bit trying to loosen up his body.

His manager chuckled "This is only the beginning for you, I believe you're gonna be accomplishing much bigger things" he patted Jungkook on the back and walked away.

Jungkook went to his makeup room and laid down on the couch, he closed his eyes and before he knew it he was asleep. He fell into a deep sleep, starting to dream.

He tossed and turned in his sleep, having a nightmare. Jungkook shot up in a cold sweat, he looked around the room and saw some of the makeup artists setting up the makeup and getting his outfits ready.

"Are you okay?" One of the girls asked. She grabbed water and handed it to him and immediately. Jungkook chugged down the water and tried to catch his breath.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine... I can't even remember what I was worried about" Jungkook stood up from the couch and stretched. He rummaged around for his phone and checked the time, his eyes widened seeing it was almost time for the concert to start.

The makeup artists sat him down and started working their magic, not that there was much to be done.

Jungkook sat there feeling nothing but worry and anxiety. He tried to calm his nerves, he needed to get as stable as possible before he went out on stage. Jungkook wasn't able to text Namjoon and let him know how he was feeling but he knew the older would be there for him the second he got off stage.

The room door opened causing everyone to turn towards it "Jungkook, you're on in a few minutes" One of the staff called out before closing the door again.

Jungkook took a deep breath and stood up, throwing on his outfit. The younger shook out his pre-concert jitters and got into focus mode.

Tonight will be fine.

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