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"Ma'am, that book was just checked out..." Namjoon tried to explain to an angry women.

She frowned "I put that book on hold! What do you mean it got checked out!"

Namjoon typed away at his computer and checked again "I mean that someone came and got the book. The person you put it on hold with must have put it back. We have a time limit for how long we hold books."

"I put it on hold a week ago!"

"Our limit is two days..." Namjoon informed.

The women went off about how a library should hold a book for as long as the person needs them to and how kids these days don't have proper manners and it spiraled from there.

After the long earful Namjoon got from the lady she finally left. Namjoon could've sworn he felt his soul leave his body within those minutes. He sat down and took off his glasses and rubbed his face.

Can I please get a break for once?

Then he did.

He put his glasses back on and saw that same boy with his red earmuffs walk in with two other guys. They all looked like they were in a deep conversation, their demeanors seemed light and welcoming. The boy's cheeks were a light pink from the cold and when he laughed he showed a bunny smile. Namjoon stared a bit too long. He quickly looked away and started fumbling with books that he needed to put away.

Namjoon didn't get a good look at the guy when they were in the elevator he was only focused on his earmuffs. The guy was attractive. Like hell, Namjoon would ever make a move though. All he wanted were his earmuffs back.

The group was gone. Namjoon was in his thoughts and missed his opportunity to get his earmuffs back. They were a gift from his friend.

He needed to get them back.

Namjoon grabbed his cart of books and started pushing them through the isles. Before getting his earmuffs back he needed to do his actual job. He went to turn down an aisle but pulled back and peeked in to see the same guy sitting on the ground completely engulfed in a book. Namjoon stared and took in the boy's features. His doe eyes moved with every word and how he had a pouty bottom lip that was whispering the words on the pages. Namjoon couldn't help but stare. The boy's hair fell in front of his face as he read, but he was quick to push it back. Namjoon's heart might've skipped a beat when the boy let out a small giggle at something the book had said.

At that moment Namjoon could've sworn he heard the faintest sound of a bell dance through his ears.

Namjoon felt his face warm up and heart beat a bit faster. He couldn't stop staring even though he knew he must've looked like a creep. The boy's head began to slowly look up and Namjoon had never moved so fast in his life. He grabbed his cart and quickly rolled it away almost tripping over himself. He had only moved one aisle over and started putting books away there as he tried to get his heart to calm down.

Some books were missing so you could see right through to the other side of the bookshelf. Namjoon went to put a book away when he saw the boy putting the book back.

He quickly ducked down and tried to hide. Now was not the time for this. Anywhere but here. Namjoon knew he had to talk to the guy eventually, but after the whole heart-racing and blushing cheeks, he'd rather let the guy keep the earmuffs than make a complete fool of himself trying to talk to him.

Once he regained his composure and got up, he looked around the other isle to see the boy gone. He was relieved. Finished putting all of the books away and just started to browse through to see if they had gotten any new ones in.

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