Chapter 1

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February 19th

Kono and Grace self-called themselfes the wedding planners,and they didn't hear a word.Steve and Danny were more than happy to let them organise the wedding but they were also a bit afraid on what they would do,because let's admit it,it's Kono and Grace.They weren't afraid that they would miss or forget something,they knew better,they were afraid that they would overdo it with everything while Steve and Danny would prefer something smaller,not a huge wedding,just their family and friends.They decided to have a word with them,just to make sure,or actually let them know on their thoughts.

Steve-Gracie,Kono,we wanted to talk to you about the wedding planning...

Danny-Please don't overdo it,pleaseeee

Grace-What do you mean overdo it Danno?

Danny-Not many people,a small wedding

Steve-Preferaby at our beach,back here

Kono and Grace look at each other

Kono and Grace-Okay

They both have a grin on their faces


Kono-We'll make the wedding at your beach and we won't call many people

Grace-Although you know Danno,grams won't be happy about it

Kono-But you won't engage with anything else about the wedding

Steve and Danny look at eachother

Steve and Danny-Okay

And their talk ended there,Steve and Danny were a bit afraid about it but they finally decided to sit back,relax and wait for the surprise wedding

February 25th

Today Grace was dragging them to the cake shop to decide on the cake,Steve and Danny weren't allowed to choose anything else other than the flavour,they had zero jurisdiction on how the cake would look.They get inside the shop and a lady approaches them

Lady-How can I help you gentlemen?

Grace-We are here to taste wedding cake flavours

Lady-Okay young lady,follow me

They follow her into a room at the back.The room was simple,a table in the middle,a fridge on the one side,a abig wedding cake on the other side,probably made from clay and a small 1x1 window on the middle wall,The room was big enough so five or six people can fit and have some space between them.She started getting flavours out

Lady-I am gonna take the basic ones out,the ones people prefer and then if you don't like them,we are gonna look something not that usual

Steve,Danny and Grace look at each other

Steve and Danny-Okay

The lady was getting samples out and she was naming them at the same time

Lady-Vanilla...cocoa...caramel and pinea...

Danny stops her,Steve and Grace look at eachother and smile while he talks,or maybe rants to be precise...

Danny-No,put that back,there is no chance in hell I will have pineapple in my wedding,zero,none

The lady looks at him weird and then she looks at Steve and Grace who tried to hold back a laugh,and they weren't so succesful

Danny-(to Steve)Shut up,you know how much I hate pineapple (to Grace)tell your aunt Kono to not make any stupid joke and put anything that is connected to pineapple on the wedding

Steve ans Grace nod in agreement,holding back the laughs,as best as they can

The lady has putted the sample back

Steve-Okay babe,which one do you prefer?

Danny-Cocoa,I think it's pretty good,you?

Steve-I tend to prefer the vanilla

Danny-Of course you do

Grace looks at them and they look at her back

Grace-We are here to taste them,not to argue over them,if you want to argue,go back at the car

Steve and Danny keep looking at her,Grace takes a spoon of cocoa and a spoon of vanilla


She shoves the spoon of cocoa to Steve's mouth and to Danny's the vanilla one


Steve-It's good

Danny-I agree

Grace-You didn't answer my questin

Steve and Danny look at each other and then talk at the same time



The lady laughs,Grace cups her face with her left hand and then she turns and looks at the lady

Grace-You see with what I have to deal with?

Steve,Danny and the lady laugh

Lady-We could use both you know

Steve and Danny-Okay

Grace-Yeah,do that

Lady-Settled,should we talk on how the cake will look like now?

Kono comes inside

Kono-No,not infront of them

Grace-Auntie Kono you are here just in time

She turns to Steve and Danny,she grabs their arms and drags them outside and close the door.Steve and Danny look at each other,they laugh and they head for the car.

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