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"Where did you get such inspiration?" Cadenza asked raising a brow.

"From someone!!" Lu Youjing was caught off guard my Cadenza's words as he hastily replied and was trying so hard to hide that he was busy staring at Cadenza.

"Aren't you the cutie that Lu Youjing brought in the concert?" one of Lu Youjing's teammates asked.

"Cutie?" Cadenza asked feeling so confused.

"So you both are officially together?"

"How lucky"

"The fans would get wild if they know this"

Lu Youjing's teammates was patting his back as they congratulate him.

"What is going on?" Cadenza asked one of the assistants and she only just smiled making Cadenza confused.

"Boys...It's not like we girls could understand their topics anyway hehehe" the assistant replied awkwardly.

"You could think of that way.....Cadenza let's go" Lu Youjing grabbed her hand a as he pulled her out of the room.

Cadenza stared at his flushed ears, his hair is drenched with sweats as it slowly falls on his shoulder although he had a towel wrapped around his neck it seemed like he only rushed wiping his sweat.

"I thought you are still practicing" Cadenza spoke towards him.

"Were are done for today and you are going with me" his tone was determined and he was acting like an anime male character being cool as he was taking away the female lead.

I have watched way too many animes

Cadenza thought as she let him pull her, he was one of this people that you can barely say no because they will bother you to the point of death.

Considering his annoying personality he was definitely belonged to that group of people.

She was waiting for him as he took a quick shower and changed to a more formal attire, he was wearing a brown tinted sunglasses and his hair was styled down, his clothes is very plain which contrasts to his usual flashy appearance.
Although he looked that way he still looked handsome and elegant.

The pain of being famous

Cadenza looked at him as he continuously checked his appearance on the mirror.

Both of them entered a car as the driver drove them to a fancy restaurant, they were eating on one of the most expensive restaurants in the 8 sectors what makes this restaurant famous is that the view covers the whole landscape of the city. The restaurant is located on the top of a building and it is the hardest reservation to get in the whole sector of Titus.

"What's with the fancy theme?" Cadenza stared at Lu Youjing as they were walking towards their table.

Inside the restaurant were filled with many famous celebrities Cadenza could see in the TV and media news, her mother was once a famous model that earned the adoration of many people but she never allowed her to follow her footsteps in the limelight. Unlike before the media has become toxic, many people are finding faults to taint names of famous people, there is almost no privacy to begin with not to mention many rich people are preying on the new faces that started new careers. It is a world where the lives of those people to find success is to cling on the support and money of the rich, many people with great talent are overshadowed by those with backing that paved their way to success and there is no freedom from the eyes of the people.

It is a harsh reality that Cadenza's mother taught her.

Is fame on the price of freedom worth it? Cadenza does not think so, she believed power is more superior than both fame and freedom and that is what she is aiming.

"If I want to eat with you at least it should be a place worthy of my lady" Lu Youjing spoke as he pulled a chair for Cadenza to sit on.

Lu Youjing stared at Cadenza expecting a reaction, a blush perhaps but there was only a friendly smile on her face.

As expected she really is hard to catch

He thought as he secretly stared at Cadenza while opening the menu. Everything was fine at first but then suddenly a bunch of men dressed in neat black suits came in.

There were so many of them that the people that were dinning in stare at them.

"Is the prince here?"

"If so then the security did increase but I don't see them wearing badges with the Royal family's crest"

"Who could be that person so important that the security is much stricter than the Royal family?"

Everything is fine until Cadenza stared at the direction of the topic and froze upon seeing the familiar gold dragon pattern embroidered on the suits and on the backs are familiar geometric patterns.

There were nine gold geometric circle patterns in their backs with different designs, Cadenza's soul almost left her body as she clearly knew their identity.

It is the Yin Yang Circle the most highest faction with the most strongest and dangerous people in the Mafia. They only receive commands from her family and the capos from the first division.

She could even recognize their familiar faces as most of them served as her bodyguards when she was still in the mansion in the island, the most painful of all is that they are also her brother's bodyguards which meant the he is here.

The notorious tyrant of the Underworld society, her brother Nikolay.

"Are you ok Cadenza?" Lu Youjing asked noticing her sudden pale complexion.

"Yes, I was just terrified of those people" Cadenza answered honestly as she covered her face with the menu. Who knows what would happen if her brother caught her with a guy at such place, Lu Youjing might not be able to see tomorrow and already been buried six feet under.

Her brother must be here to meet some important people. Lu Youjing misunderstood Cadenza as she was scared of those guards since they do look shady as if they work in an illegal organization filled with killings and vices which little did he know that they do and the person infront of him is the sister of the boss that they were working.

The whole time Cadenza was barely listening to Lu Youjing and would reply and would laugh occasionally but her attention is on the private room where her brother is inside.

"Lu Youjing what do you think of people working in the Underworld society?" Cadenza asked looking at him scrutinizingly.

Lu Youjing was caught off guard with Cadenza's question and thought that she was still worried about those shady people earlier, he smiled as he replied with a consoling tone.

"They are vile types of people that would trample anyone under their feet just to get what they want. Those kinds are scums as they associate themselves with illegal means and if one day you would get in trouble with them I will protect you"



Cadenza did not get angry but only smiled, there it goes she got his answer.

Cadenza: This Esteemed Young Lady is Poisonous Where stories live. Discover now