Cadenza: Daughter of the Villainess is Poisonous XLI

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"I'm going to be late!!!" A young man was running on the streets hastily carrying his books on his arms.

His dark brown hair very messy and was long enough that it was covering his eyes his thick wide rimmed glasses kept slipping. His uniform was loose and didn't really fit his body, his bag also kept slipping on his shoulders. Over all he was a total mess the only good thing about him is that he was tall.

"Ahjun you're almost late.....again this isn't like you what happened these past few days?" a young girl asked as she looked at him with her brow raised.

Her long straight black hair was tied into a long ponytail and her chin length bangs were swept aside on the right side of her face, her black eyes were clear and filled with enthusiasm. A jacket was hanging on her waist, there were wristbands on her wrists and the smile on her face was filled with delight.

"Naomi I don't wanna talk about it" Ahjun sighed as he laid back on the bench.

These days he started to work overtime in his part time job on a five star restaurant as a waiter so he could pay off his dead parents' huge debt who would expect that his neighbors in his apartment would have such a loud baby. Working overtime in his part time job plus with his school works he could barely rest yet with the baby crying relentlessly all night he couldn't sleep a wink.

Sleeping is the only time he could rest his tired body and mind yet it was also ruthlessly taken from him.

"Well whatever it is it must have something to do with the dark circles in your eyes" Naomi laughed.

Ahjun rolled his eyes as he continued to read his math book, he needs to study hard so he could keep his scholarship.

"Hey little bastard!!!" a guy holding a ball called out as he threw the ball in his hands towards Ahjun with force.

Ahjun was hit on his shoulder it was painful yet there were no traces of pain in his face he was used to hiding it. Everyday he will get picked by these guys trying to make fool out of him yet the only thing that he could do was to ignore them trying to fight back would only make them pick on him more.

The guy who threw the ball towards Ahjun laughed with his friends as if they were laughing at a joke.

"Hey quit it Eustace! Picking up on someone who's weaker than you isn't it pathetic? Or is it you're afraid seeking trouble with those who are on the same level as you" Naomi stood up and faced Eustace with a glare.

"Tsk f*ck off woman" Eustace spoke with distaste.

"What if I don't? Are you going to hit me?" Naomi was provoking him.

"We're still not done little bastard" Eustace walked away with his friends.

One of the guys picked up the ball and intentionally kicked Ahjun's leg before he followed his friends.

"Hahaha" Naomi and Ahjun laughed at the same time.

"So that's what it all takes to drive him away he actually have such small guts" Naomi laughed clutching her stomach.

"Ahjun so there you are" a voice sounded that caught Naomi and Ahjun's attention.

It was their class president.

"What's the matter Pres?" Ahjun asked as he looked at him with confusion.

"The Principal wants to talk to you and you Naomi you should go back to the room school break's almost over don't even think about skipping classes"

"Bummer" Naomi spoked in a low tone.

Ahjun immediately stood up from the bench and walked towards the Principal's office.

"Mr. Principal?" Ahjun peeked at the office and saw that the Principal was busy taking care of paperworks.

"Come in" the Principal paused his actions and stared at Ahjun with a gleeful expression.

"Did I do something wrong?" Ahjun asked.

"Goodness no, I asked you to come here because of something" the principal explain patiently.


"I asked you here to discuss something very important.....I know that you are a very hardworking student you work hard at night and go to school during the day. It reminds me of those days when I was like you so I want to help you" the Principal stood up from his seat and patted Ahjun's shoulder.

"I gave a recommendation letter to the Headmaster of the Royal Academy about you since we were old friends and because of your outstanding grades he agreed on providing your monthly allowance, an apartment close to the Academy, school uniform, books and other school materials that you might need but for one condition"

Of course Ahjun was aware of the condition how could be the Headmaster of the Royal Academy be that generous even though their students were all kids from very influential families.

"You must remain on top of the rankings he also said that he recently had two very bright students so it will be very difficult for you to be on the top. If you can't rank on top then you have to be at least be on par with them" the Principal spoke with a warm tone.

"I'll accept" Ahjun's tone was determined as long as he can finish his studies and find a decent work to repay his parents' debt he can live an ordinary life.

Hearing his determined voice the Principal was satisfied.


"Royal Academy......How on earth am I gonna supposed to survive an environment filled with rich kids?" Ahjun was pondering on his bed unable to sleep.

The Principal's words kept resonating on his head.

"Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" a very loud baby cry filled Ahjun's ear.

"I would rather survive that kind of environment rather than this" Ahjun spoke as he wrapped himself with his blanket even ear plugs are useless against the child's cry.

His neighbor's baby seemed like his kid's mouth was connected to a speaker. The kind of speaker that were used during concerts else how could the baby be so loud?

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