Cadenza: Daughter of the Villainess is Poisonous XXXI

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"Big sister!!" the four girls immediately embraced Cadenza when they instantly saw her.

Nikki, Ivory, Ivy and Huhnny were carefully selected to be Cadenza's personal playmates eventually the five of them grew up together and got closer like sisters unfortunately the four of them have to start their careers in the mafia so Cadenza could only rarely see them in person.

"So the four of you are always in this place?" Cadenza asked them teasingly.


Cadenza stared at them as they avoid her gaze completely felt guilty. Cadenza's eyes swept across the room and her eyes fell on the table there are several bottles of wines, alcohols and a bowl of fruits placed on top of it and Cadenza's eyes looked at handsome young men standing on the corner.

A headache immediately attacked her as her eye twitched.

What exactly happened these past few years?!

Cadenza even remembered how these girls would cry everytime they got reprimanded by Lady Luciana and would got snot all over their faces while crying their eyes out.

But it's also a good thing since their alcohol tolerance is high. One of the most important thing in becoming a member of the Mafia is to be able to hold their alcohol tolerance but what's with all these men!!

There are probably more than ten of them and each is as handsome as an idol. Nikki, Ivy, Ivory and Huhnny could feel Cadenza's sharp gaze directed at their...ahem...'waiters' they could also sense chills running all over their bodies by just staring at them.

"Cadenza why don't we have some fun outside" Huhnny spoke as she grabbed Cadenza's arm intimately.

Ivy and Ivory nodded in agreement while Nikki grabbed a stack of cash and left it on the table she even manage to give a wink before she hastily followed.

There were many people inside the night club while wildly interacting with each other since everyone was wearing masquerade masks to hide their own face and identity even the waiters and guards were no exception as well, the music was so intense that you could barely hear your own voice.

Cadenza was also made to wear a black masquerade mask with intricate patterns and a veil under her mask covering the rest of her face. Her unique style and elegant persona made her stand out from the crowd yet no matter how outstanding Cadenza's figure is the onlookers could only stare at her from afar.

Everyone in the room clearly knows what that gold dragon embroidery is, more over the crest in the backs of Cadenza's bodyguards meant that they have a high position in the Golden Dragon Mafia.

The Yin Yang Circle, the highest faction of the Mafia's men (underlings). Aside from the gold dragon embroidered on their shoulder down to their arm the crest on their backs represents their status in the mafia. The crest on the backs of the members of the Yin Yang Circle has a gold embroidery of two coiled Chinese dragons forming a yin yang pattern and nine sacred geometric circles with different patterns. They can only receive direct commands under the Boss, the consigliere and the capos of first division.

Each capo in a division has an authority over 9 factions, the men that belonged to the first faction only has a single sacred geometric pattern on embroidered on the back of their suits and so on. The higher their faction the higher their status in the mafia is.

Cadenza only sat at the corner of the room to avoid so many unnecessary gazes directed at her, she watched her 'little sisters' blend in with the crowd as they danced and flirt.

There's no way Cadenza would willingly join them just thinking about men approaching her with other intents and expecting her to act like a whore. What she hated most are men that has already laid their hands with countless of women would still try to pry with other ladies and there are those men who has the ability to think that women only exists to fed up with their egos.

It didn't take long for her little sisters to get drunk and act willfully Cadenza ordered her guards to take them back to their place while she decided to stay a bit longer she hasn't had her fun yet.

She was just here to baby sit them Cadenza watched their wobbly figures. Seriously how much did they consume before she came?

Cadenza watched their disappearing figures with her gentle gaze. Each one of them had their own tragic past so she decided to act like their big sister and spoil them.

Nikki used to be used to be a daughter of a rich family which eventually declined, her mom died when during labor and her dad lost his life in a car crash, her step mother took all the money and inheritance that was supposed to be hers and spent it to sustain her rich living not only that she even got herself with an enormous debt with loan sharks and decided to sold Nikki as a compensation. That time Nikki was only 7 years old and there are so many rich pedophiles would willing to pay a fortune for her not to mention Nikki has a beautiful appearance if she didn't tried to escape and didn't stumble towards Lady Luciana who knows what kind of state she currently is right now.

The twins were abandoned by their mother in an orphanage where the head of the orphanage or the 'Matron' would treat them like servants making them do chores every single day and would occasionally 'punish' several kids a day, her 'punishment' were more synonymous with abuse. The kids in the orphanage could even barely eat two meals a day and all of them have ugly scars and bruises all over their skinny bodies from excess abuse. The matron not only would treat them badly but would even sell some orphans to the underground society's human traffickers.

It was also thanks to the fact that Lady Luciana was searching for Cadenza's suitable playmates that the twins got rescued from human trafficking.

While Huhnny had a biased family where they only favors boys in their family, neglected, abused and starved her life was terrible everyone that would treat her like a normal human being would get reprimanded or get driven out of the house. Huhnny wasn't even named when she born and was considered as a bad omen in her family. Her life was no more than a rat in their household, she was always kept in the dark and given left overs as a meal while being watched and laughed at by her male cousins every unfortunate events that would occur she would be the one that would get beaten.

Her mother and father were indifferent and her grandmother was a monster that would treat her like an eyesore. Unable to bear all the abuse her family treats her Huhnny decided to leave her home. What could a weak child's body get her even though she fled from 'home' other than fainting in the middle of a street where she was luckily founded Violette, Lady Luciana's younger sister who was also a member in the mafia, and was brought to the Kuznetsov mansion to be Cadenza's first female playmate.

It was even Cadenza that named her 'Huhnny' after she saw how much Huhnny loved getting her pancakes drenched with honey. At that time Cadenza couldn't even spell properly so instead of 'Honey' she spelled 'Huhnny'.

It was also Huhnny that has the sweetest  personality out of the four of them.

Author's note

I know some of you are impatient to meet the male lead but don't worry he will appear in a few chapters 🍵 anyway stay safe everyone~

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