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It's official! Daichi is less of a coward than he was before. Look at him go.

Sitting on the dingy library floor with Suga curled up at his side was the best thing to happen to him since he first laid eyes on thr hazel-eyed beauty. It even beat the feeling he felt when he found out he had aced his math test two months ago, and he was really happy then.

Suga had fallen asleep a few minutes ago. He was softly snoring, and Daichi swore he saw Suga's lips curl into a small smile at least once.

Daichi smiled fondly and slipped Suga's glasses off his face. He placed them on a nearby bookshelf, making sure not to disturb the platinum blond in the process.

From where he was sitting, Daichi could admire Suga's face without raising any suspicion. Daichi loved the way the other boy's eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks and how his hand was slowly closing around the one Daichi had draped over his shoulder.

But the best thing, in Daichi's opinion, was the way Suga moved his face to bury it further into Daichi's shoulder. The brunette's heart melted.

Daichi placed a tentative kiss on the crown of Suga's head.

"How can you be so cute?" Daichi mumbled, a content expression crossing his features.

Right then, the final bell of the day rang, startling Suga out if his sleep. In this moment, Daichi didn't care about the fact that they had missed all of their afternoon classes, he only cared about the dazed expression on Suga's face. He only cared about the way Suga blinked lazily, trying to get used to the bright light if the library after an hour or two of darkness.

"Oh, hey, Daichi," Suga muttered, sleep lacing his words. He rubbed one of his eyes with his hand. "Where are we?"

"In the library. We ditched lunch and kinda ditched the rest of our classes," Daichi chuckled, taking his arm off of Suga's shoulder. His arm felt cold.

Suga nodded and stood up, asking Daichi where his glasses were. Daichi handed them to him and he placed them back on his nose.

Daichi pulled himself off the floor. "Do you want to come to my house? My siblings are all doing sports today so it'll be quiet."

"That sounds good, I'll just need to tell my mother," Suga replied, starting to walk out of the library with Daichi following close behind.

The walk to the Sawamura household was uneventful. The only noteworthy thing that happened was Suga saw a squirrel and talked about how cute it was for a solid six minutes.

Daichi pushed open the door to his house and called out to let his parents know he was home.

"Ah, Daichi! You're back! Oh, who's this?" Daichi's mother asked, coming out from her place in the kitchen.

"Hey, mom. This is Suga," Daichi introduced, stepping to the side to allow his mother to meet Suga.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Suga. My son has said so many good things about you!" Daichi's mother cooed, reaching out to shake Suga's hand.

"Thanks, Mrs. Sawamura," Suga smiled sweetly. Meanwhile, Daichi was flushed red from embarrassment.

"OK, mom. Don't steal my friend away from me. We'll be in my room," Daichi said, pulling Suga towards his room. In his haste to get away, Daichi missed the coy smile his mother shot the two high-schoolers.

Once in his room, Daichi sat on his bed while Suga took a seat at his desk.

"Your room is really nice, Daichi," Suga said, glancing at all the miscellaneous things that decorated the room.

"Thanks. Do you want to watch a movie while you're here?" Daichi suggested, noticing the way Suga's face lit up at the thought.

"Can we watch another Disney movie?" Suga asked, and when Daichi said yes he let out a triumphant shout, racing off to the living room to grab a movie.

When he came back, Suga was holding the disk for 'Tangled'.

Dsichi smiled and slipped the disk into his laptop, pulling up the video player.

Suga climbed onto the bed next to Daichi, settling in the space between him and the wall. Daichi pressed play on the movie.

As the movie went on, Daichi could tell that Suga was slowly inching closer to him. He was now pressed flush against Daichi's side.

When the scene on the boat came on, Suga's face was bathed in the golden glow of the lanterns on the screen.

"Whenever I date someone, I want them to look at me like Flynn looks at Rapunzel," Suga commented, setting his chin on Daichi's shoulder.

I already do that, Daichi thought, a smile tugging at his lips.

The movie continued on with Suga making small comments about how lovely the main couple was and how he would love to be loved like that.

By the time the movie ended, the control Daichi had been holding onto had snapped. He turned to Suga and pressed a small kiss to his nose, just below his glasses.

"By God, Suga. When you say you want to be loved like that you're giving me too many ways to be a good boyfriend," Daichi said, not missing the way Suga's cheeks flushed a bright red.

"And what if that was on purpose?" Suga replied, a mischievous smile gracing his lips.

"Can I kisss you?" Daichi asked suddenly, already looking at Suga's lips. Suga looked surprised for a moment before nodding and the brunette's stomach did a flip.

He slowly leaned in, but wasted no time in pressing his lips to Suga's. They tasted like peppermint and sugar. They were slightly chapped, adding to the knowledge that this was really real. It was really happening.

After a lingering second Daichi pulled away, letting his eyes meet the hazel ones he had fallen in love with.

"Well, Mr. Secret holder, I never thought you would be such a good kisser," Suga commented, slipping his hands around Daichi's neck, locking his fingers together where Daichi's neck connected with his shoulders.

"Neither did I," Daichi whispered, leaning in for another kiss.


Ship ship ship, shippy ship!

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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