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Tsukishima POV

I drove into the school parking lot with my two friends, Daichi and Kageyama. It was the first day of Kageyama and I's second year and Daichi's third. I pulled my sunglasses off and put them in the glove compartment, sighing as I did so.

"Well, boys. The first day is finally here. Let's rock this school."

We all got out of my car and the other two took their positions, with Daichi on my right and Kageyama on my left. As we made our way to the front doors I noticed multiple new students in the chaos. I smiled to myself.

"Look. New meat." I pointed to some of the new students in the crowd. He nodded and dug his notepad out of his pocket, making sure that he had enough pages to fit them.

I thought it was neat how he had that notebook. Inside it held every secret of every student of this school. He had been writing things down in it since his first year and even had a couple of entries on the teachers. Basically, if you had a secret, Daichi knew it.

I looked over to Kageyama who was marveling at the mass of students. I honestly don't remember how he got into our group. Maybe the fact that he was incredibly attractive. But, he's dumber than a rock.

As we stepped through the doors the volume in the hallway dipped. I could feel everyone's eyes on us. This made me hold my head higher as I lead my lackeys through the hall. Soon Daichi had to split off to go to his class, while Kageyama and I continued to walk to our respective homerooms.


The bell finally rang and I packed up my stuff. Math was never my best subject, so I walked out of the class more confused than I already was. Of course, I would never show that. I'm supposed to be a pillar of strength and power in the school. One crack and I'll come tumbling down.

On the way to the cafeteria, I met up with Kageyama and Daichi, who gave me a run-down on the day so far.

"So, I have three of the new students in my classes so far. I have their names and appearances written down already." Daichi said, flipping through his notepad.

"What about you, Kageyama?" I asked.

"Well, we learned about this thing called cinnamon's in English."

I took me a moment to process what he said, but, when I finally realized what he was trying to say I said,

"You mean synonyms?" Kageyama paused for a moment before saying,

"Ohhhh. Yeah, that's it."

Before Kageyama could say anything else we made it to the cafeteria. I stopped us right outside the door and said,

"Ready boys?" They both nodded and I pushed open the doors to the cafeteria quite dramatically.

The volume in the room dipped as everyone stared at us. It looked like the room was filled with lost puppies. I sighed and snapped my fingers, signaling for the others to follow me. As we walked through the room I could hear some of the whispers more clearly.

"Really? They're back?"

"I thought they all transferred or something. I guess we had no such luck."

"I really hate that they're back, but did you see Tsukishima's new glasses?"

I smiled to myself. We were just as popular as ever.

I brought our group over to our table and we sat down, pulling out our lunches. We sat in silence for a few moments before I whispered,

"Hey, Daichi. Could I see the profiles on the new students?" He nodded and pulled it out of his pocket, handing it to me.

I started to flip through the pages, looking for all the new students spread throughout the room. As I was looking I spotted an unfamiliar face sitting at a table in the corner. He looked to be a second-year like me, but the kind of person to care about their grades and do favors for old people.

As I was staring at him he looked up and we made eye contact for a few moments, before he looked down at the table, continuing to eat his lunch.

I pointed to him and quietly asked Daichi if he knew who he was. He replied in the negative, and I decided I had to take matters into my own hands. I stood up and snapped, signaling the others to do the same. As we made our way to his table I could feel all eyes on us. I leaned forward and tapped the stranger on the shoulder. He hesitated for a moment before turning around to face us. A look of fear washed over his face as he said,

"C-can I help you?"

"I haven't seen you around here. Are you new?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level.


I smiled and snapped my fingers. I heard the rustling of paper as Daichi wrote a new entry for this student.

"Name?" Daichi asked, looking up from his pad of paper.

"Yamaguchi Tadashi." This time his voice didn't waver. He seemed to have gained some confidence.

After Daichi had finished writing the entry he stepped back into his place. Lunch was almost over and we needed to discuss all the new students, so I said,

"Well, that's all. We'll be leaving." I turned around and snapped my fingers. I jutted out my chin and walked out of the room with the other two following me. I closed the doors to the cafeteria with a loud 'thump'.

"Ok, we need to go to my car to discuss all this. Kageyama, could you go-" I was cut short by the bell ringing and all of the students rushing out of the cafeteria. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

"How about we all meet at my house after school instead, hm?" They both nodded and split off to go to their classes.

This was going to be a long year.


I kinda hate this chapter but whatever.

Also, happy Veterans day! Make sure to thank someone who was or is in the armed forces!

Have a nice day/night!

~That one author <3

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