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Yamaguchi's POV

I was still thinking about my predicament when the final bell rang, signaling that it was time to go home. I had officially survived my first week of real school! Go me!

"Ok class. Meet with your partners this weekend to discuss your topic. Class dismissed."

Crap! I wasn't paying attention! I don't even know what this project's about! AND I have to talk to Tsukishima about it!

In my silent panic, I hadn't noticed that everyone in the class had left. Well, the teacher was still here but she seemed to be fast asleep at her desk. I sighed and stood up from my desk, putting all of my papers in a neat stack. I placed them in my bag and walked out of the classroom, ready to go home for the weekend. I was halfway down the hall when the inevitable happened.

"Your name's Yamaguchi, right?" I heard a monotone voice say from behind me. I squeaked and turned around, only to be met with the blonde giant, Tsukishima Kei.

"Y-yeah. That's me." I chuckled nervously and looked at the floor, not wanting to meet his piercing gaze. I heard him sigh as he said,

"When do you want to meet?" I don't know why I was so surprised by his words, as it was to be expected. But I did feel my heart rate increase a bit at the question.

"How about birdsong park at noon tomorrow? Do you know where that is?" He said after a few moments of silence.

"Of course I know where that is! Who do you take me for, a grandma?" I retorted, instantly feeling a smile cross my face at the ridiculous words. Tsukishima seemed to find it amusing too because he smiled lightly.

"Well, see you then freckles." Tsukishima seemed to be proud of himself for the nickname, though it was completely unoriginal and lazy.

As he walked out of the front of the school, I couldn't help but wonder why he was so popular. He was rude, tall, and exclusive. I guess he was slightly attractive, but that wasn't enough to warrant him being the most popular person in school, was it?

I sighed heavily and made my way towards the front doors, ready to get this confusing day over with.


Kill me.

Have a nice day/night!


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