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After Yamaguchi had finished gushing over all the thing in Tsukishima's room, they both settled down and started their work. Tsukishima had his headphones on, listening to one if his playlists while Yamaguchi worked in silence.

Yamaguchi was facing away from the blond, so he didn't see the fleeting glances and stares the other was giving him. Tsukishima couldn't help but stare at Yamaguchi. What? He was cute, happy-go-lucky, and insanely smart. How could he not?

Right as Tsukishima had this thought, his face flushed.

"Hey, Tsukki? Are you ok?" Asked Yamaguchi, who was now right in front of Tsukishima's face. How he had gotten there so quickly and quietly, Tsukishima didn't know. But what he did know, however, was that Yamaguchi's brown eyes were staring into his and one of his hand was resting dangerously close to Tsukishima's calf.

Tsukishima coughed awkwardly. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Really? You look really red," Yamaguchi said, worry in his words. He took his hand and placed it on Tsukishima's forehead, checking for a fever. The blond would be lying if he said he didn't like the gentle touch. Tsukishima leaned into Yamaguchi's hand, and Yamaguchi thought that he looked like a small kitten.

"I do?"

It was at that moment, Yamaguchi realized he said that thought out loud.

"Uhm!" Yamaguchi started, heat rushing to his face. "Well, yeah! But, like, not in a bad way! Like cute? Not cute! God!" Yamaguchi exclaimed, stumbling over his words. Tsukishima smiled fondly, amused by the other boy's antics.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi," Tsukishima mumbled, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"Sorry, Tsukki,"

Yamaguchi made to move back to the desk, completely red in his embarrassment. But, Tsukishima grabbed his wrist, stopping him from moving any further away.

"C'mon, you can't just say something like that and leave," Tsukishima chided.

"I can and I will!" Yamaguchi said playfully, tugging lightly at Tsukishima's hold on him. The other smiled, picking up on the game they were now playing.

"No, you can't!" Tsukishima said, tugging hard on Yamaguchi's arm. The boy fell into his lap and Tsukishima wrapped his arms around him, keeping him from moving away.

"See, you can't," Tsukishima whispered, bringing his face closer to Yamaguchi's. From this distance, the blond would be able to count each of Yamaguchi's freckles, even the lightest ones.

"Tsukki, w-what are you doing?" Yamaguchi asked, voice wavering.

"This," Tsukishima leaned in slowly, allowing Yamaguchi to push away if he wanted, and pressed a light kiss to Yamaguchi's freckled cheek.

After a lingering moment he pulled back, slightly shocked by what had come over him. Affections and compassion were never his Forte, but kissing was very out of left field.

"You missed."

"Excuse me?"

"You missed!" Yamaguchi chirped, placing a hand on Tsukishima's shoulder. He used his other hand to press a finger to his lips, showing the blond exactly what he wanted.

Tsukishima rolled his eyes and leaned in again, this time hitting the mark.

They stayed there, time didn't slow, but instead sped up. In what felt like seconds, minutes had passed, and they finally broke away for air.

"Again?" Yamaguchi asked once he had caught his breath. A sly smile formed on Tsukishima's lips.

"Absolutely," He said, leaning back in.

More kisses were shared, and soon it was time for Yamaguchi to go home. They both got up, Yamaguchi borrowing a mirror to fix his hair. It was messy and unruly from where Tsukishima had been running his hand through it. Yamaguchi grabbed his things and Tsukishima walked him to the door. Neither talked, not wanting to break the thing they had made that afternoon.

As Yamaguchi was about to step outside, Tsukishima stopped him.

"Would, would you want to go on a date tomorrow?" He asked, putting his hands behind his back. Yamaguchi giggled.

"Sure! How about the café we went to a few weeks ago?" Yamaguchi suggested, smiling. Tsukishima let out a sigh of relief.

"That sounds wonderful," He murmured, leaning in peck Yamaguchi on the cheek one last time. The smaller boy giggled and waved goodbye, making his way towards his house.

Tsukishima stayed in the door for a few minutes after Yamaguchi had left, thinking back to the afternoon they had shared. Sure, they had gotten none of their project done, but it was worth it if the previous events were real.

Tsukishima smiled and shut the door, not being able to contain his excitement for tomorrow. He let out a cheer and ran to his room. He won't tell anyone this, but he spent the better part of an hour picking out an outfit.


Ok! There are going to be 3 more chapters (maybe) and then this will be done! I have three chapters written to a new story, and I'm really exited for it!

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks!]


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