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Monday was... interesting to say the least.

Daichi and Suga walked through the front doors of the school hand in hand, sending each other sweet smiles and kind looks. They had spent the rest of the weekend together and talked about whether they would out their new relationship or not. In the end, they decided it would be in both of their best interests if they did.

Of course they heard the whispers about them in the halls. Each was different and more bizarre than the last, and each one made Suga laugh, which made Daichi's heart swell. His boyfriend really was too cute.

As the first bell of the day rang they parted, Daichi pressing a chaste kiss to Suga's cheek. The brunette waved goodbye and walked to his Physics class, leaving a blushing Suga to find his way to English.

Lunch soon rolled around and the new couple sat down next to each other, shoulders and thighs pressed together. Suga kept stealing various items out of Daichi's lunch, stuffing his cheeks like a chipmunk.

Before Daichi could scold him, however, Kageyama and Hinata ran up to the table. They slid into their seats so fast that the table rocked, snapping Daichi and Suga out of their bubble.

"'Afternoon, you two!" Suga chirped, looking between the two. The two boys returned the greeting and started a competition to see who could down their milk the fastest, with Kageyama being the victor.

This couple had also talked over the weekend and decided it would be best if Hinata stayed at the Kageyama household until further notice. When they told Hinata's father he agreed with the plan, saying that he was going to take Natsu and stay at his sister's house until he could file a divorce against Hinata's mother. He also apologized to and thanked Kageyama for taking care of his son.

Hinata and Kageyama had spent the rest of the weekend together, spending their time cuddling and doing random things. They may have almost caught the kitchen on fire trying to make pasta, but we won't talk about that.

In the weeks to come, the two would finish their English remedial work and pass with flying colors. They celebrated that night with cake and old Disney movies (courtesy of Kageyama's mother).

And finally, the queen bee and his right hand man arrived, taking seats across from one another. They picked up the other's conversation, adding their own remarks now and then.

Their date to the café had gone well. The day had been sunny and bright, and Tsukishima had almost been blinded by Yamaguchi's glowing smile. Once inside, Tsukishima had somehow managed to get icing from his cake smeared on his upper lip, which Yamaguchi, in a burst of courage, wiped off with a kiss. Tsukishima's cheeks were a light shade of red for the rest of the afternoon.

Their English project was soon finished and everyone could see the light blush on the pair's face all during their presentation.

Tsukishima reflected on the past few months. In that time, he had learned how to be nicer, how to be a better person, and gotten a boyfriend. The blond didn't think he could be more lucky. Also, he had gotten closer to his friends and made some new ones, finally being able to break out of the box he had put himself in.

The lunch bell rang and Kageyama and Hinata left the cafeteria in a similar fashion as they had entered, starting a race to see who could get to the library first. Yamaguchi and Suga laughed when Hinata ran straight into the door, Daichi and Tsukishima doing the same when Kageyama tripped on nothing.

Yamaguchi pulled Tsukishima down by the collar and whispered something into his ear and a smile formed on the blond's lips. They pulled apart and Tsukishima pressed a quick kiss to Yamaguchi's temple, starting to head towards his next class. Yamaguchi yelled a quick 'Bye, Tsukki!' and ran the other way down the hall, his freckled cheeks squished by his smile.

And finally, Daichi and Suga got up, throwing away their trash on the way out the door. As the couple was about to leave Daichi stopped short, making Suga send him a questioning look.

"Is something wrong?" The platinum-blond asked, placing a hand on Daichi's shoulder. The brunette smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small notebook. It was the same notebook he had kept people's information in for the past year.

"Guess I won't be needing this anymore," He said, tossing the book into the trash. All the information he had gathered over the past year now gone. Now his past of secret keeping was officially behind him. He was marking a new beginning for himself.

Suga smiled fondly and kissed Daichi's cheek, whispering something about how great the brunette was. Daichi practically glowed at the praise.

Two nations may be separated by mountains, but it only takes a shovel and some time to break that barrier down. Eventually the two nations will merge, completely enfatuated by what the other has to offer.

Oh my god.

It's done.

I know I said there would be three more, but it was easier to put it all in here.

I have the first 4 chapters to the next story written, but I want to have more before I publish it. I'll put the pro-mo at the end of this note.

Have a nice day/night!


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