Chapter 16- ER [E]

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Annie just finished up stitching up a little boys arm and placed gauze and some tape over it. She looked toward the parents who were clutching each other in a death grip looking at what just happened with their son. The 9 year old was playing catch outside with his dad when all of a sudden he jumped trying to cleverly catch the ball. Instead of catching it, he fell right into the glass door shattering it and cutting his arm with a piece of glass stuck deeply inside his flesh.

She turned completely in their direction. "He will be in pain for the next week, try not to have water penetrate the wound as much as possible. You need to change the gauze every day and place a new one. I suggest giving him children's Ibuprofen for the pain, but make sure he takes it with food." She advised, while they nodded in understanding.

"You will also need to make a follow up appointment in five days with his primary care doctor for a check-up. His doctor should be able to remove the stitches in about two weeks, maybe less." She continued as she jotted notes in his file. "Do you have any questions?"

"No, thank you for taking care of our son." The father spoke up.

Annie smiled at them, "You're welcome, take care kiddo." She winked at the boy and smiled, he waved to her with his good hand. She closed the door behind her and went directly to the nurses station, finishing the chart notes.

Annie ran a hand over her face tiredly. She took a glance at her watch, two more hours to was one of the longest, slowest days she's felt pass by. Although they were busy in the ER, it wasn't intense and chaotic like it usually was which Annie was relieved for.

She's paying the price for over working herself this past week. She was utterly exhausted, and all she wanted to do is sleep.

"Hi there, how you holding up?" Mark, the chief of staff came behind her and whispered in her ear. She looked back at him, his face only mere inches from her own. He smiled handsomely. His dark eyes narrowing as he studied her.

She liked Mark a lot, he was charming, easy going and incredibly handsome, but he wasn't Julien. She didn't feel a strong connection with Mark but friendship now, her crush on him long gone.

Julien pushed her passed her comfort level, he tested her limits and kept her wondering his next move. Mark was Mark. Although a player, he had a good heart and she just knew he didn't play games when it came to her.

She smiled at him and looked down at his lips which were beautifully shaped for his strong features. "Fine." Annie whispered back, looking back down at her paperwork. She squirmed in her seat as Mark stayed hovering, invading her personal space. She started toying with her ID badge that was around her neck.

"You look beat down, been a long time since you've been here." He commented as he grabbed a near by chair and sat next to her. Annie was relieved when he sat down, being able to breath normally again. He took out a pen and snatched the chart she was working on.

"How'd the kid do? Is he doing okay after you gave him the stitches?" He scribbled his signature to finalize the discharge papers on the chart.

"Yes, he did fine. And I explained everything the parents needed to do post treatment." Annie explained. Mark handed her the boys chart and sat back in his chair lazily.

"It's been a rather steady day, you wanna catch something to eat with me, I'm taking a break, and as I said before you look beat down, looks like you can use it."

He had a point she was beat she couldn't wait to go home and relax.

"You know Mark, I have a very demanding job with my father's company, it isn't easy. I've been finalizing contracts and reports all week, it's been exhausting." She told him as she sat back in her chair and stretched her arms up. I've been working even harder to avoid him, she told herself. 

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