Chapter 5-Silence [E]

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Meanwhile, outside Patrick's study, Cici and Angelica both had their heads plastered against the study's wide double doors.

"You hear anything?" Cici asked Angelica.

"Shut up Cici, they'll hear us and we'll get caught eavesdropping on the conversation." Glaring at her nosey sister.

"What the hell are the two of you doing?" A voice demanded.

They both yelped in surprise and jumped back from the door. They turn to face their older brother Michael and Sheila, his fiancée, holding hands. Sheila's head was tilted to the side watching them oddly with a amused smile, while Michael stood there, tall dark with slicked black hair and dark eyes, a mischievous smirk betraying his stern tone. They were both preoccupied trying to listen in that they didn't even hear them approach.

"N-Nothing." Stuttered Cici looking red faced and uncomfortable.

"Yeah right." replied Michael. "What's going on in there that's got you two so wound up and obviously curious enough you had to eavesdrop?"

"What are you doing here?" Cici asked him, completely avoiding his question.

Annie shifted from one foot to the other.  Her facial expression didn't betray an emotion. She knew they would get caught, but Cici had to know what's going on and decided to try and listen in. This is so childish, she thought.

"We're here for mom's family dinner, I had to pick up Sheila from her mother's house. And for your information, I live here too smart ass."

Annie sighed and walked away leaving them to bicker in front of their father's study. She went across the way, down the hall to the formal living room. Opening the door slightly and letting herself in, she closed the door and sagged against it. After a moment, she made her way to one of the large sofas and laid down.

Cici, Michael, and Shelia passed the door to the formal living room. They continued down the hall into the family room which also opened up to the kitchen. They kept talking, their voices fading away into the distance.

Finally peace, she thought sighing.

After today's events she was exhausted thanks to the hours of shopping, and most especially the small accident. She couldn't keep her hands steady after they passed the gates of their home. If it wasn't for the guards around the grounds spotting them and helping unpack the car with their valuable bags, she wouldn't have been able to focus on the task herself.

Cici had nudged her in the ribs and pointed to the BMW in the driveway that didn't belong to them but to Anthony. She didn't even notice it when she parked her car, she was too preoccupied with thoughts of him...

Annie eventually dozed off on the sofa, waking up suddenly with a jolt, hearing yelling coming from the foyer. Getting up dazed, she hurriedly opened the door and made her way down the hall towards the voices of her father and Cici.

"You are never marrying him, not in this lifetime!" Their father boomed loudly.

Cici gazed at him with tear filled eyes that were trailing down her face. Her lower lip trembling with unspoken tears.

"Why?" She whispered.

"We are your parents! Don't you think we have the right to know this was happening! You know better than this!" He continued to shout. "You're in love with that boy?" Pointing a finger towards the front door. "Do you even really know him? This long distance relationship doesn't count, it's only a preview of who he is to you and you to him!"

"Dad, calm down, think about your blood pressure!" Michael reasoned.

Sheila had a pained expression and couldn't believe what she's witnessed. She remembered when Patrick and Charlotte came to her parent's house and asked for her hand for Michael. It was a lovely day thinking back.

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