Chapter 46- A Winter Wonderland [E]

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"Are you nervous Angie?" Cici asked excitedly standing behind her in the full length mirror. The deep Fuchsia of her evening gown stood out against Annie's.

The wedding dress hugged her bust showing the soft swell of her breasts and narrowing at her slender waist. The attached silk skirt was wide and elegant as it twinkled in the lighting as she surveyed herself admiring the magical dress. From afar it looked like specks of silver diamonds against pure snow.  It was truly a creation that could be only dreamed about in fairy tales. It was purely exquisite.

Annie's strawberry-blonde hair was swept up in thick curls and tightly wound around the Swarovski crown which perched high and mighty above her head. The rhinestoned veil was tucked securely behind the crown outlining her face and flowed down her toned arms, waist and kept going as the yards and yards of endless material cascaded until it reached down to the full length of the dress.

Some of the best make-up artists were known to come from the Middle East and Bassam Fattouh, a very popular Lebanese beautician, was flown in especially to apply the cosmetics to her face to make her look like a work of art. A couple days before the wedding they both worked on what colors and shades would work best on her without making her look over done. They ended up with a elegant and expertly made finish.

Thick black eye liner was applied to her upper lids and lower, giving her a perfect kitty eye. Dark silver and gold eyeshadow added to the effect. The barley there foundation gave her a perfect matte finish. Light blush was applied on her high cheekbones, while a fuchsia pink lipstick accentuated her pump lips.

"No." She replied truthfully starring at her reflection appreciatively. "This is a dream come true."

"Ready to be presented as Mrs. Julien St. James?" Her mother asked with a tearful smile. Annie nodded silently.

"Wait. We forgot one thing." Kate declared with a large velvet blue box clasped in her hands. She came to stand next to Annie. "This is from Victor and I. We did not know what else to gift you. I hope you like it." She continued as she slowly opened the box.

Annie's jaw dropped.

Inside was a thick, large diamond necklace and matching wide dangling earrings. "This is for me?" Finding her voice finally. She was originally planning to wear the pink diamond set Julien gifted her for her birthday. 

"Yes. It's thirty carats worth of diamonds. I personally picked it out from my favorite jeweler. Nothing else compares. Only the best for the best my darling. Come now, turn around so I can put this on. Charlotte and Cici could you please lift up her veil?" Kate asked, unclamping the big necklace first and laying it around Annie's neck. Once she clasped the lock, she took out the earrings and placed them on her ears, first one than the other.

"Oh my God, Kate. This is too much!" The weight of the necklace was heavy upon her chest but beautifully complimented the richness of her gown. Appraising her appearance in the mirror once more, every which way she moved the diamonds caught the light with subtle flashes and sparkles. She was glowing from head to toe like a shinning star. 

"Nonsense. It's not everyday one of my children marries one of the most beautiful women in the world. I must confess, I had my eye on you from the very beginning..."

Annie blushed and hugged Kate tight. "Thank you so much. Thank you for everything." She said sincerely. She straightened up and fanned her face with her hands trying to elevate the heat from her cheeks.

"You are very welcome. Thank you." Kate said snatching a tissue off the table and dabbing her eyes as tears formed at the corners. Charlotte wrapped her arm around Kate in a side hug and soon joined in on the emotional moment.

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