Chapter 7- Closer Look [E]

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Annie was on top of the steps. She changed into dark wash skinny jeans and a black poncho, her long hair up in a pony tail, the shorter layers that framed her face were pulled to the side of her face in a light wave. She slowly started descending the stairs, one step at a time all the while taking deep breaths. She was nervous about talking to him. She didn't know exactly what state of mind her father was in and if he will even let her utter a word of reason.

As Annie descended the last step she took a deep breath and walked toward her father's study. The double doors were closed. She hesitantly knocked twice waiting for a reply.

She listened intently as her father's voice call, "Come in!"

She opened the doors and closed them behind her. Her father was seated behind his grand desk, his elbows resting on top with his head in his hands. He looked up with exhausted eyes. His hair looked like it had been raked through a few times. She smiled at him and walked towards him standing beside his desk.

"Come walk with me dad. It's a beautiful night, I wanted to take a stroll and I don't want to go out alone." Holding her hand out. She was delighted when he pushed his chair, paused, then stood, taking her offered hand in his and walking her outside silently.

Annie had a hidden agenda other than talking some sense into her father. The walk was an excuse to get a closer look at the St. James' house and hopefully it's inhabitants....two birds with one stone, she thought smiling to herself.
The night was clear without a cloud in sight, the temperature was a little cool with a slight breeze as they started walking down their large private pathway down toward the sidewalk. Like a true gentleman he held out the crook of his arm for her to take as they slowly started to walk silently.

Patrick took in a large deep breath and let it out, letting his frustrations out into the sky. Annie looked to the side watching the house Julien and his family occupied. Lights illuminated trough the windows in random rooms. "Did you hear we have new neighbors move in across the street?" Annie started, nodding toward the house breaking the silence.

"I actually saw the moving truck but haven't officially met the owners. Your mother told me about the accident a few days ago and about meeting the St. James'. She seemed to like them well enough." He replied, Annie grateful he's started to speak. "I hadn't a moment this past week to properly talk to you about it..." He trailed off, his shoulders sagging remembering his dilemma.

"We met Duncan, their driver Kash and Julien St. James. We didn't see or meet the other family members yet." Annie continued as if she didn't hear the hostility in his voice.

"I've heard about Julien and his father Victor through my business acquaintances. They are quite ruthless when it comes to business but have an elemental foundation when it comes to family, just like us. I'm sure we'll meet them soon enough." Her father informed as they passed the St. James' residence.

"Speaking of family....I'm just going to get to the point...I hate what's going on with you and Cici. The anger you're holding in is hurting you more than the person or people who upset you. We all make mistakes, and odds are we all could have messed up just as easily. You can't protect us forever and ward off all the hurt, pain, and injustice the world throws at us. Cici, Sonny and myself included are not completely independent, how could we be if we don't learn from our own mistakes and failures? Dad, what I'm saying is: you have to learn to let go."

Patrick's head was bowed, listening to what his daughter was saying. "It's easier said than done....I know that I have to let go and it will take time." He said slowly. "But my real shock and disappointment was when they swooped in, excited about the news they were about to share with me instead of my own daughter informing me before hand! Had she come to me and shared how she was feeling, such as you are now, I would have reacted differently. Not hear it from Anthony and his parents! She should understand and put herself in my position! I may have been stubborn but it's the principle!" He boomed.

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